The Meta at Rank 5-Legend is basicly just Pirate Warrior and Secret Mage. Any attempt in trying to play with the new Dragons or Galakrond just results in you getting raped 24/7 by those two Facedecks. The Format is basicly unplayable if youre interested in Matchups that require any sort of thinking.
Your first mistake was attempting to play dragon decks in Wild. It should be obvious they would not work there: Even C'thun decks were not viable in the format because of secret paladin etc.
That secret mage is OP is also old news, but that was because of the previous expansion. Those amazing new AOE cards made them destroy old counters like odd paladin and everyone is forced to play Eater of Secrets.
There are amazing anti aggro tools in the format, so there is no need to give up. Just don't expect decks built for standard to work.
So you think it's an alright and healthy meta if it basicly consists out of 2 pure face decks?
Seems fine to me. But totally irrelevant to my point.
Wild players did nothing but CRY about Naga-Giants, Kingsbane, Star Aligner Druid, Big Priest, Sn1p-Sn8p Warlock, etc. All nerfed. But the crying goes on, and on, and on, and on.
Don't play the format if you don't want to player against OP decks. Because that is all there is in Wild.
The Meta at Rank 5-Legend is basicly just Pirate Warrior and Secret Mage. Any attempt in trying to play with the new Dragons or Galakrond just results in you getting raped 24/7 by those two Facedecks. The Format is basicly unplayable if youre interested in Matchups that require any sort of thinking.
Thanks Blizzard.
Yes, it's a wonderful meta: 2 free wins for my even shaman. Always phantastic.
The Meta at Rank 5-Legend is basicly just Pirate Warrior and Secret Mage. Any attempt in trying to play with the new Dragons or Galakrond just results in you getting raped 24/7 by those two Facedecks. The Format is basicly unplayable if youre interested in Matchups that require any sort of thinking.
Thanks Blizzard.
Yes, it's a wonderful meta: 2 free wins for my even shaman. Always phantastic.
Which is another cancerous aggro deck. Im not complaining that aggro exists, i complain about it being the only thing being played. That and Big Priest. How are you supposed to have fun like that? Anyone that played the game during the first 1-2 Years knows it absolutley doesn't have to be like that and it just sucks ass compared to it's former self.
Renolock & Renodruid still works pretty good against pirate warrior. Renodruid also vs secret mage, can't say how Renolock does against it as I haven't got that matchup in a while.
It's tilting I know but there are a few decks that perform well against them, someone mentioned odd warrior above and I suppose that would work wonders as well. You can't however expect that all your favorite decks work every time.
And wild is especially hard to balance nowadays. I hate to say it but they can't restrict themselves in terms of card design by thinking about wild every step of the way. Standard will always be Blizz's main focus, wether you like it or not. I'm glad they do some balance changes occasionally like with patches or naga sea witch to name a few.
Renolock & Renodruid still works pretty good against pirate warrior. Renodruid also vs secret mage, can't say how Renolock does against it as I haven't got that matchup in a while.
It's tilting I know but there are a few decks that perform well against them, someone mentioned odd warrior above and I suppose that would work wonders as well. You can't however expect that all your favorite decks work every time.
And wild is especially hard to balance nowadays. I hate to say it but they can't restrict themselves in terms of card design by thinking about wild every step of the way. Standard will always be Blizz's main focus, wether you like it or not. I'm glad they do some balance changes occasionally like with patches or naga sea witch to name a few.
It's funny, but as we see it on hsreplay (sadly not really much data yet); but wild is actually quite balanced right now. And as we saw it: they do balance wild quite good. Look at Sn1p-Sn4p-Warlock: It was crazy before they changed the echo-effect, since then there is absolutely no Tier-S-Deck in Wild. Will there be one in the future: you can be very sure there will, but right now i don't see any deck that is simply dominating the meta: Galakrond-Shaman was strong in wild too, but by far NOT OP, because it had counters. Pirate Warrior is very very strong, but not dominating like Shaman in standard. Right now it's on the top of the food-chain, but Secret Mage does counter it well as many other decks that can deal with the early board like Even Shaman and other decks like Odd Warrior. If the meta shifts too much to Pirate Warrior, we also have some tech against it like the crab and so on. Wild right now has still so much potential and i believe that there are still wild decks out there that haven't been found yet.
That's the good thing about wild: it gets bigger and bigger.
And the good thing about balancing in wild is that if you balance a wild card, you don't affect standard with it at all, so if a card combo that makes issues like Aviana-Kun, they can nerf the card that has the issue in wild (Aviana) and make it weaker without affecting anything in standard.
I really hope they still balance wild and make it fun for everyone. Especially now when there is also a wild card store.
I'm not sure what OP is talking about. Wild is a great format and not "ruined".
I just got to Rank 5 on EU server playing Priest. I fooled around with some Awaken the Makers/N'Zoth Priest builds from 10 to 8, then played Murozond/Togwaggle Combo Priest from ranks 8 to 7 (after the expansion hit), then switched to a Dragon/Mind Blast Priest build with no cards from DoD to get to rank 5.
Yeah, I saw Pirate Warriors and Secret Mages, but I did not find them oppressive to play against - winning some, losing some. Playing against them was actually pretty interesting game play, as you had to be very careful about mulligans and play choice. I saw A LOT of Mech Paladins. Very annoying, and made me tech two Mass Dispels.
The Wild meta is very healthy. Although there are obviously popular decks, you never know what you'll see. It is also possible to be successful with any class.
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The Meta at Rank 5-Legend is basicly just Pirate Warrior and Secret Mage. Any attempt in trying to play with the new Dragons or Galakrond just results in you getting raped 24/7 by those two Facedecks. The Format is basicly unplayable if youre interested in Matchups that require any sort of thinking.
Thanks Blizzard.
Wild players never stop crying about some deck.
Fixed that
So you think it's an alright and healthy meta if it basicly consists out of 2 pure face decks?
Standard players are so different /s
You're complaining about people playing the best decks on the 5-legend grind instead of experimenting with suboptimized crap. Really?
Just play odd warrior?
Token druid using crawlers is doing well
Your first mistake was attempting to play dragon decks in Wild. It should be obvious they would not work there: Even C'thun decks were not viable in the format because of secret paladin etc.
That secret mage is OP is also old news, but that was because of the previous expansion. Those amazing new AOE cards made them destroy old counters like odd paladin and everyone is forced to play Eater of Secrets.
There are amazing anti aggro tools in the format, so there is no need to give up. Just don't expect decks built for standard to work.
Editor of the Heartpwn Legendary Crafting Guide:
Generally speaking, if your day is constantly being ruined by aggro, it means you need to be playing a control deck, not midrange.
I haven't seen your list, but most Dragon decks are midrange, so I'm guessing that's your problem.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Seems fine to me. But totally irrelevant to my point.
Wild players did nothing but CRY about Naga-Giants, Kingsbane, Star Aligner Druid, Big Priest, Sn1p-Sn8p Warlock, etc. All nerfed. But the crying goes on, and on, and on, and on.
Don't play the format if you don't want to player against OP decks. Because that is all there is in Wild.
Expansion hasn’t even been out for 48 hours and people are already crying about it. If you don’t like it go play Gwent.
Yes, it's a wonderful meta: 2 free wins for my even shaman. Always phantastic.
Which is another cancerous aggro deck. Im not complaining that aggro exists, i complain about it being the only thing being played. That and Big Priest. How are you supposed to have fun like that? Anyone that played the game during the first 1-2 Years knows it absolutley doesn't have to be like that and it just sucks ass compared to it's former self.
Renolock & Renodruid still works pretty good against pirate warrior. Renodruid also vs secret mage, can't say how Renolock does against it as I haven't got that matchup in a while.
It's tilting I know but there are a few decks that perform well against them, someone mentioned odd warrior above and I suppose that would work wonders as well. You can't however expect that all your favorite decks work every time.
And wild is especially hard to balance nowadays. I hate to say it but they can't restrict themselves in terms of card design by thinking about wild every step of the way. Standard will always be Blizz's main focus, wether you like it or not. I'm glad they do some balance changes occasionally like with patches or naga sea witch to name a few.
So so true.
I play wild between those ranks. And I disagree quite a bit
I have the time of my life with togwaggle priest :)
Occasionally gives helpful advice.
It's funny, but as we see it on hsreplay (sadly not really much data yet); but wild is actually quite balanced right now. And as we saw it: they do balance wild quite good. Look at Sn1p-Sn4p-Warlock: It was crazy before they changed the echo-effect, since then there is absolutely no Tier-S-Deck in Wild. Will there be one in the future: you can be very sure there will, but right now i don't see any deck that is simply dominating the meta: Galakrond-Shaman was strong in wild too, but by far NOT OP, because it had counters. Pirate Warrior is very very strong, but not dominating like Shaman in standard. Right now it's on the top of the food-chain, but Secret Mage does counter it well as many other decks that can deal with the early board like Even Shaman and other decks like Odd Warrior. If the meta shifts too much to Pirate Warrior, we also have some tech against it like the crab and so on. Wild right now has still so much potential and i believe that there are still wild decks out there that haven't been found yet.
That's the good thing about wild: it gets bigger and bigger.
And the good thing about balancing in wild is that if you balance a wild card, you don't affect standard with it at all, so if a card combo that makes issues like Aviana-Kun, they can nerf the card that has the issue in wild (Aviana) and make it weaker without affecting anything in standard.
I really hope they still balance wild and make it fun for everyone. Especially now when there is also a wild card store.
I'm not sure what OP is talking about. Wild is a great format and not "ruined".
I just got to Rank 5 on EU server playing Priest. I fooled around with some Awaken the Makers/N'Zoth Priest builds from 10 to 8, then played Murozond/Togwaggle Combo Priest from ranks 8 to 7 (after the expansion hit), then switched to a Dragon/Mind Blast Priest build with no cards from DoD to get to rank 5.
Yeah, I saw Pirate Warriors and Secret Mages, but I did not find them oppressive to play against - winning some, losing some. Playing against them was actually pretty interesting game play, as you had to be very careful about mulligans and play choice. I saw A LOT of Mech Paladins. Very annoying, and made me tech two Mass Dispels.
The Wild meta is very healthy. Although there are obviously popular decks, you never know what you'll see. It is also possible to be successful with any class.