If you like playing against Questline Demon Hunter and Questline Druid, you'll love Twist.
Do you like your opponent getting tons of draw and discounts for free, while Mana Burning you and Gliding away your hand and then playing lots of 0 mana minions ... you'll love twist!
Did you ever wish wild had only 2 viable decks and no counter play? Twist has got you covered!
If you don't queue into Demon Hunter, watch the Druid increase his hero power attack every turn and start whacking you for 8 damage every turn while playing 0 mana taunt minions! Twist has you covered!
I like that the card pool will change monthly (and it seems sometimes, the rules).
Like you, the initial format has no appeal to me. The power level is closer to Wild than Standard. The card pool is too large for someone who hasn't played for a few years to want to catch up (and I'd imagine, many of those who have played were just relieved to see some of these cards finally rotate). It also doesn't include the fun nostalgic cards I want to play with, but does include the newer cards that blow them away if I try to play them in Wild.
Rather than entice me into trying, the preview streams have only reinforced that I'll be sitting out this version. But perhaps that's the beauty of the format - if the August format is interesting, I'd be eager to jump in.
every month a certain deck will be overpowered... with these rules it probably DH and druid, but next month maybe Hunter will be best...
The thing with twist will be, either you pick the OP deck, or you run a direct counter to it...
But we have to wait and see when it actually launches to be sure what it is like.
and yes, i do agree this will be a money grab from blizzard from the ones that either started this game late, or the ones that didnt care about wild and dusted all their cards... (but they have to find a way to finance the team that works for hearthstone, or else this game will be discontinued.(and no im not a blizzard fanboy))
Many Questlines were powerful enough that they had good synergy cards delayed until after they rotated. You mentioned only two of them.
I do think it will be a Questline-dominated meta.
All the other Questlines were nerfed.
For some mysterious reason the Demon Hunter Questline was unnerfed when it rotated, while none of the others were. Fortunately the Demon Seed was nerfed again at rotation.
This current incarnation of Twist shows the "have-not" classes: Hunter, Shaman, Warrior
Reasons that Deathknight does not show up in games is unclear.
If you like playing against Questline Demon Hunter and Questline Druid, you'll love Twist.
Do you like your opponent getting tons of draw and discounts for free, while Mana Burning you and Gliding away your hand and then playing lots of 0 mana minions ... you'll love twist!
Did you ever wish wild had only 2 viable decks and no counter play? Twist has got you covered!
If you don't queue into Demon Hunter, watch the Druid increase his hero power attack every turn and start whacking you for 8 damage every turn while playing 0 mana taunt minions! Twist has you covered!
It's perhaps a little early to start lambasting a new mode before it has even been properly released yet. As with most new modes and expansions etc, there are always plenty of knee-jerk predictions about how things will happen (see the Doom threads that originally appeared about Patchwerk or Mograinne for example. You might be right, or you might not - but as always with Hearthstone, a meta will begin to settle and then Blizzard will act upon this accordingly with appropriate changes.
I do think they could have chosen a better set of rules/sets to introduce Twist for the first time. Making it like Standard but over 2-3 years of card sets seems a bit disappointing. This doesn't really show-off what the Twist mode can do. Nor does it really get people invested while having many streamers showcase it.
Maybe they didn't want to do too much for only a week of playing before the season change. Hopefully the next season really Twists things up a bit.
I said this was gonna happen right away that any limited format including Stormwind or AV will be dominated by quests and hero cards. Quest druid recently took over in wild cause that FoL hero power buff cards finally made (and broke) the quest playable. Quest DH is played in wild occasionally cause it can vomit out cheap overstated minions easily. Also knew we'd be seeing ping mage, and of course mizoki mage is back. Pure paladin surprised me that it isn't doing better, but then again, DH and druid doing the mass amount of face damage that they do, and druid buffing mass armor, really stops paladin in their shoes.
So - I've watched a few streams and it does seem like the power level is much higher than standard which is disappointing. The "discover style" mechanics seems particularly frustrating (see "broken") often guaranteeing only one outcome (with this current Twist ruleset).
I get that this is only the current season of Twist, but I have a terrible suspision that this might actually be representative of what Twist ends up being like. The only comparison we have are Tavern Brawls, which usually ended up broken after about an hour of being released (or were a boring random-fest), and in all honesty they seemed to run out of new ideas pretty quickly.
I hope I'm wrong as a new format where I get to use my old cards seems appealing. Time will tell.
Twist - What a shame ...
If you like playing against Questline Demon Hunter and Questline Druid, you'll love Twist.
Do you like your opponent getting tons of draw and discounts for free, while Mana Burning you and Gliding away your hand and then playing lots of 0 mana minions ... you'll love twist!
Did you ever wish wild had only 2 viable decks and no counter play? Twist has got you covered!
If you don't queue into Demon Hunter, watch the Druid increase his hero power attack every turn and start whacking you for 8 damage every turn while playing 0 mana taunt minions! Twist has you covered!
You know that the rules are changing? The cards are changing? Its twist!
I like that the card pool will change monthly (and it seems sometimes, the rules).
Like you, the initial format has no appeal to me. The power level is closer to Wild than Standard. The card pool is too large for someone who hasn't played for a few years to want to catch up (and I'd imagine, many of those who have played were just relieved to see some of these cards finally rotate). It also doesn't include the fun nostalgic cards I want to play with, but does include the newer cards that blow them away if I try to play them in Wild.
Rather than entice me into trying, the preview streams have only reinforced that I'll be sitting out this version. But perhaps that's the beauty of the format - if the August format is interesting, I'd be eager to jump in.
CCGing since '98.
You're the kind of player who cannot be satisfied enough with any effort team made. Just quit and go play anything. Stop crying.
I think Battlegrounds is perfect right now and Wild was near perfect in late 2021.
And standard looks fairly decent right now which is atypical.
I post my honest feedback.
En-Jinn the streamer said on-stream "The worst of Standard and Wild combined into one format".
You are free to not read my posts if you don't like someone posting their thoughts.
Many Questlines were powerful enough that they had good synergy cards delayed until after they rotated. You mentioned only two of them.
I do think it will be a Questline-dominated meta.
every month a certain deck will be overpowered... with these rules it probably DH and druid, but next month maybe Hunter will be best...
The thing with twist will be, either you pick the OP deck, or you run a direct counter to it...
But we have to wait and see when it actually launches to be sure what it is like.
and yes, i do agree this will be a money grab from blizzard from the ones that either started this game late, or the ones that didnt care about wild and dusted all their cards... (but they have to find a way to finance the team that works for hearthstone, or else this game will be discontinued.(and no im not a blizzard fanboy))
To live is to suffer, to survive is to find meaning in the suffer!
All the other Questlines were nerfed.
For some mysterious reason the Demon Hunter Questline was unnerfed when it rotated, while none of the others were. Fortunately the Demon Seed was nerfed again at rotation.
This current incarnation of Twist shows the "have-not" classes: Hunter, Shaman, Warrior
Reasons that Deathknight does not show up in games is unclear.
while this current poolset is not interesting to me thanks to last block's hero and quest cards, I think there's potential for this
Will see pure pally or Libram pally will likely be crazy too
It's perhaps a little early to start lambasting a new mode before it has even been properly released yet.
As with most new modes and expansions etc, there are always plenty of knee-jerk predictions about how things will happen (see the Doom threads that originally appeared about Patchwerk or Mograinne for example.
You might be right, or you might not - but as always with Hearthstone, a meta will begin to settle and then Blizzard will act upon this accordingly with appropriate changes.
I think i got you wrong then, and i feel bad now. I did watch some streams today and yeah, you are kinda right. Sorry once again.
I do think they could have chosen a better set of rules/sets to introduce Twist for the first time. Making it like Standard but over 2-3 years of card sets seems a bit disappointing. This doesn't really show-off what the Twist mode can do. Nor does it really get people invested while having many streamers showcase it.
Maybe they didn't want to do too much for only a week of playing before the season change. Hopefully the next season really Twists things up a bit.
Yogg take the wheel!
I said this was gonna happen right away that any limited format including Stormwind or AV will be dominated by quests and hero cards. Quest druid recently took over in wild cause that FoL hero power buff cards finally made (and broke) the quest playable. Quest DH is played in wild occasionally cause it can vomit out cheap overstated minions easily. Also knew we'd be seeing ping mage, and of course mizoki mage is back. Pure paladin surprised me that it isn't doing better, but then again, DH and druid doing the mass amount of face damage that they do, and druid buffing mass armor, really stops paladin in their shoes.
No harm, No foul.
I am going with Scorpyonand going to hope for the best here.
I am praying to God they nuke the toxic crap from orbit and pray the will act on feedback to make this a success.
They said that Twist mode will also receive balance changes, less often than Standard, but more often than Wild.
If any deck like Questline Druid will dominate more than 2 formats (Wild and Twist) at the same time, it will bring the attention for the Quest nerf.
does twist remove classic completely? do we know that
Yes, Twist is replacing Classic mode. However, a Classic ruleset has a chance to reappear in a Twist season in the future.
Yogg take the wheel!
So - I've watched a few streams and it does seem like the power level is much higher than standard which is disappointing. The "discover style" mechanics seems particularly frustrating (see "broken") often guaranteeing only one outcome (with this current Twist ruleset).
I get that this is only the current season of Twist, but I have a terrible suspision that this might actually be representative of what Twist ends up being like. The only comparison we have are Tavern Brawls, which usually ended up broken after about an hour of being released (or were a boring random-fest), and in all honesty they seemed to run out of new ideas pretty quickly.
I hope I'm wrong as a new format where I get to use my old cards seems appealing. Time will tell.
As someone who always disenchants my cards when they leave standard to stay ftp, I have no chance to catch up to play Twist. So I guess I'll skip this