Seriously, this last game I played, the guy was totally playing a Handlock! He lifetapped until he played a Mountain Giant, I only got away from that because I played Mindgames and got a Boulderfist Ogre. (which I was thinking, oh great gonna face one of those too)...then he played Twilight Drake with 10 health...later on, another Mountain Giant!! I play Mind Vision and I get an Antique Healbot, and by this time I'm thinking...did I misclick and start playing Ranked?? Did a ranked deck get accidentally matched against my arena deck?? lol
I won by fatigue with my Priest, but it was very touch and go...I'm wondering if I got matched up against an 11 win guy or something, haha
Anyone else have that feeling they are playing a constructed deck? Or did you get lucky and were able to create a pseudo-constructed deck yourself and if so, how'd it go?
Sounds like he just got lucky to get a Handlock core, lol.
I'll draft 2x Fireball, 2x Frostbolt. and 2x Flamestrike with some Water Elementals and only go like, 7-3, haha. I've had more success with really busted up decks from other classes.
I generally don't try to draft constructed-like decks in Arena, 'cause if the draft goes wrong in that sense, the quality of the deck just goes waaay down.
Seriously, this last game I played, the guy was totally playing a Handlock! He lifetapped until he played a Mountain Giant, I only got away from that because I played Mindgames and got a Boulderfist Ogre. (which I was thinking, oh great gonna face one of those too)...then he played Twilight Drake with 10 health...later on, another Mountain Giant!! I play Mind Vision and I get an Antique Healbot, and by this time I'm thinking...did I misclick and start playing Ranked?? Did a ranked deck get accidentally matched against my arena deck?? lol
I won by fatigue with my Priest, but it was very touch and go...I'm wondering if I got matched up against an 11 win guy or something, haha
Anyone else have that feeling they are playing a constructed deck? Or did you get lucky and were able to create a pseudo-constructed deck yourself and if so, how'd it go?
Sounds like he just got lucky to get a Handlock core, lol.
I'll draft 2x Fireball, 2x Frostbolt. and 2x Flamestrike with some Water Elementals and only go like, 7-3, haha. I've had more success with really busted up decks from other classes.
I generally don't try to draft constructed-like decks in Arena, 'cause if the draft goes wrong in that sense, the quality of the deck just goes waaay down.
Constructed decks in Arena can happen if a player is very lucky and gets all core cards for the deck.
I once (pre GvG) managed to make almost complete Miracle Rogue in Arena with 2x Auctioneer, 2x Eviscerate, Backstab, Conceal, Cold Blood, SI Agent...