1st game on 0-0 a mage that discovers endlessly with the legendary mage spell. Ends up hitting my face with generated fireballs and pyroblasts, nothing you can do.
There were a lot of people against discover in the past, but somehow people forget how bad this mechanic is for the game, also for other modes. And Blizzard massively brought back discover again. In the past top players averaged on over 8 wins, right now its barely 6 wins, that tells you everything.
Arena is an absolute garbage mode right now, i was never really a fan of it, but right now its worse than ever. And i feel mandatory to do it because i dont want to waste my free tickets you get in the reward track.
Discover is only a problem when 1-2 classes can abuse it, and the rest can't.
Priest and Mage have very good discover mechanics right now - the game would be more interesting if other classes could adapt mid-game with more discover tools as well.
Discover is only a problem when 1-2 classes can abuse it, and the rest can't.
Priest and Mage have very good discover mechanics right now - the game would be more interesting if other classes could adapt mid-game with more discover tools as well.
Death knight?
The frustrating thing about discover is that it removes the ability to card-count and use skill to play around the opponent. You can play the game with the knowledge blood DK has 2 corpse explosions in their deck, but you can't play around the 3rd explosion or the 4th blood boil. Once both explosions are used you should be able to recognize that and develop the board more aggressively, but now you just clench your cheeks every time and hope you don't get blown out of the game. Blizzard knows this issue just from the fact 3-rune cards were too obnoxious, but there are plenty of stupid 2-rune cards like explosion, blood boil, sindragosa, patchwerk, the scourge etc.
It is gross, played a mage that Rewound and played Counterspell and Objection 6-7 times each. Broken as hell.
The restriction of 2 of each card per deck used to mean something. You could strategize by keeping track of what your opponent had played so far. Now they just discover 10-15 cards (or more) per game and there’s no way to know. It ruins the strategy aspect of the game.
Yes, control decks like Blood DK and Mage can abuse of this feature so much that make games pure RNG, this is very clear when, for example, I'm facing a mage as thaddius warlock and in his first discover option, they get a transform or remove, like, if he succeeds in this, he wins the game and if he doesn't, he loses, this is it? Pathetic, you who play with this shit, how about creating a deck and winning with your own cards and your skill? Oh, you can't, can you?
The Discover mechanic also destroyed the purpose of situational cards. Why would you put a situational card in your deck and get punished for it in the bad situations, when you can put a discover card in it instead, and fish for what you need?
I think the best example is -The Scourge- I don't see a lot of people hard run this card in their deck, but you do lose games to it, when they discover it through Nerubian Vizier (which is played in 80% of the decks).
People don't pay the price (drawing it early, clogging up their hand) of running a situational 9 cost card in their decks, they just play random discovers and sometimes reaping what should be the reward for running the 9 mana spell in their deck.
I'd love to see discover phased out, but if it's going to stay, they should at least do some of the following:
1. Always make it "discover a card that didn't start in your deck" or "discover a card from a different class"
2. Remove legendaries from the discover pool. Then the 1-only aspect that makes legendaries unique can remain intact.
3. Actually put a reasonable stat cost on discover minions. A 2-drop with discover should be a 1/1 not a 2/3. A 3-drop with discover and mana discount should be a 1/3 or 2/2, not a 2/4. A 5-drop that discovers two spells probably shouldn't be a 4/4.
So people who play arena complain about randomness while they literally play a game mode where they draft random decks ?
Discover is good for the game, there's a reason it's been an evergreen keyword for almost a decade, get over it. Only a vocal minority of dedicated bad players complain about it. It is great for both casual who want diversity when playing the game, and actual good high rank players who know how to play with and around it.
When you read hearthpwn you'd think discover is the single worst thing that's ever happened to Hearthstone. Then you remember 90% of hearthpwn population is playing hours a day but stuck in limbo silver/gold ranks. (Which is fine, you just aren't the target audience).
That’s not even real discover, since the player controls the pool. So completely different from what was discussed in other posts here. Rewind is a fine card, you have decision points wether to play a 4th spell or not and risking to dilute the pool, and your opponent knows which cards you could get. So no rng blowout here
Discover is only a problem when the card pool is very limited for a specific class. At that point you just have an extra copy of your strongest stuff.
But the mechanic itself is not a problem.
Yeah, the solution might be to make discover pull from all cards including wild.
Discover is never good in wild since the variance is so big. That wouldnt help with a new class and it’s class specific discovers like spells but it would fix the problem of discover being so consistent after rotation
Priest and Mage have very good discover mechanics right now
And Priest doesn't even NEED any Discover mechanics when they've got decks out there that are copying half of your own deck into their own in the first half dozen turns :|
Every time I play Priest lately, all I hear is my older brother saying over and over again, "Stop punching yourself in the face" while smacking me with my own arm...
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Random Random Random Random
This game mode is utter garbage, unreal.
The 1st step towards a better game is firing Mike Donais! We had enough of his "skillful" balances!
1st game on 0-0 a mage that discovers endlessly with the legendary mage spell. Ends up hitting my face with generated fireballs and pyroblasts, nothing you can do.
There were a lot of people against discover in the past, but somehow people forget how bad this mechanic is for the game, also for other modes. And Blizzard massively brought back discover again. In the past top players averaged on over 8 wins, right now its barely 6 wins, that tells you everything.
Arena is an absolute garbage mode right now, i was never really a fan of it, but right now its worse than ever. And i feel mandatory to do it because i dont want to waste my free tickets you get in the reward track.
Discover is only a problem when 1-2 classes can abuse it, and the rest can't.
Priest and Mage have very good discover mechanics right now - the game would be more interesting if other classes could adapt mid-game with more discover tools as well.
It makes both arena and constructed worse.
It’s one of the reasons to play hs
It is gross, played a mage that Rewound and played Counterspell and Objection 6-7 times each. Broken as hell.
Death knight?
The frustrating thing about discover is that it removes the ability to card-count and use skill to play around the opponent. You can play the game with the knowledge blood DK has 2 corpse explosions in their deck, but you can't play around the 3rd explosion or the 4th blood boil. Once both explosions are used you should be able to recognize that and develop the board more aggressively, but now you just clench your cheeks every time and hope you don't get blown out of the game. Blizzard knows this issue just from the fact 3-rune cards were too obnoxious, but there are plenty of stupid 2-rune cards like explosion, blood boil, sindragosa, patchwerk, the scourge etc.
That's how control decks work now? Cringe.
The restriction of 2 of each card per deck used to mean something. You could strategize by keeping track of what your opponent had played so far. Now they just discover 10-15 cards (or more) per game and there’s no way to know. It ruins the strategy aspect of the game.
Yes, control decks like Blood DK and Mage can abuse of this feature so much that make games pure RNG, this is very clear when, for example, I'm facing a mage as thaddius warlock and in his first discover option, they get a transform or remove, like, if he succeeds in this, he wins the game and if he doesn't, he loses, this is it? Pathetic, you who play with this shit, how about creating a deck and winning with your own cards and your skill? Oh, you can't, can you?
The Discover mechanic also destroyed the purpose of situational cards.
Why would you put a situational card in your deck and get punished for it in the bad situations, when you can put a discover card in it instead, and fish for what you need?
rewind for mage is not really random and not really discover either
you mean situational cards like… blightfang? A card that will be nerfed tomorrow for being played…
I think the best example is -The Scourge-
I don't see a lot of people hard run this card in their deck, but you do lose games to it, when they discover it through Nerubian Vizier (which is played in 80% of the decks).
People don't pay the price (drawing it early, clogging up their hand) of running a situational 9 cost card in their decks, they just play random discovers and sometimes reaping what should be the reward for running the 9 mana spell in their deck.
I'd love to see discover phased out, but if it's going to stay, they should at least do some of the following:
1. Always make it "discover a card that didn't start in your deck" or "discover a card from a different class"
2. Remove legendaries from the discover pool. Then the 1-only aspect that makes legendaries unique can remain intact.
3. Actually put a reasonable stat cost on discover minions. A 2-drop with discover should be a 1/1 not a 2/3. A 3-drop with discover and mana discount should be a 1/3 or 2/2, not a 2/4. A 5-drop that discovers two spells probably shouldn't be a 4/4.
So people who play arena complain about randomness while they literally play a game mode where they draft random decks ?
Discover is good for the game, there's a reason it's been an evergreen keyword for almost a decade, get over it. Only a vocal minority of dedicated bad players complain about it. It is great for both casual who want diversity when playing the game, and actual good high rank players who know how to play with and around it.
When you read hearthpwn you'd think discover is the single worst thing that's ever happened to Hearthstone. Then you remember 90% of hearthpwn population is playing hours a day but stuck in limbo silver/gold ranks. (Which is fine, you just aren't the target audience).
Discover is only a problem when the card pool is very limited for a specific class. At that point you just have an extra copy of your strongest stuff.
But the mechanic itself is not a problem.
That’s not even real discover, since the player controls the pool. So completely different from what was discussed in other posts here. Rewind is a fine card, you have decision points wether to play a 4th spell or not and risking to dilute the pool, and your opponent knows which cards you could get. So no rng blowout here
Yeah, the solution might be to make discover pull from all cards including wild.
Discover is never good in wild since the variance is so big. That wouldnt help with a new class and it’s class specific discovers like spells but it would fix the problem of discover being so consistent after rotation
Discover is way to weak to give it a stat penalty. Vanilla stats are a penalty by themselves
And Priest doesn't even NEED any Discover mechanics when they've got decks out there that are copying half of your own deck into their own in the first half dozen turns :|
Every time I play Priest lately, all I hear is my older brother saying over and over again, "Stop punching yourself in the face" while smacking me with my own arm...