The Stolen gift will give you the ability to Discover a card that is either of your class or your opponent's, depending on which gift was destroyed. Killing a gift on your opponent's side of the field gives you cards from their class.
Crazed Alchemist is great for triggering the gifts on your side of the battlefield.
As part of the launch celebration, you'll earn a free card pack when you win your first game of the week in the first several brawls!
So before Tavern Brawl launched this was posted in the info for it - - So honestly noone should complain about the lack of a pack for what was always supposed to be a casual mode for people to enjoy. I expected the free pack to stop around the time we started getting repeat brawls, and who knows, maybe the packs will return after the holidays are over. Although no doubt, given people these days there'll be someone complaining that they now aren't getting free card backs.
SMH people complaining that for one week instead of a pack reward they get a card back. It's a special cardback for a season event. Bunch of Scrooge's you are!
Anyway. Played as warrior to complete my warrior quest, won all my games as Control/Fatigue.
Tip: Try to kill your crate as well as you foe's on your turn, you get 2 gifts!
Hmmm. I was kind of hoping they were going to be like a lot of developers and for the holidays give something bonus; not sort of take away :( I'm not complaining, per se, but it just feels like a missed opportunity.
Somehow I think this might be the worst brawl yet; it's so luck based! Whoever pops the first crate has such an advantage and it just snowballs. Playing a mysterious challenger for 1 mana (even as a Warlock) is ridiculous.
Gift Exchange
Great Father is dropping crates on the battlefield! Get a gift each time you smash your opponent's craft... or your own!
Community created decks for this brawl
EU Boys must be really enjoying this.
Give a man a Murloc, and he'll eat for a day.
Give him a Murloc Knight, and people will hate him.
This Brawl is fun.
Secret pally with plenty of buffs is great since you always have a body on the board.
Why no card pack, come on ffs the card back admittedly is awesome but I need them packs! I got double epic last week ! :/ ,
also I played drag priest vs a mage and I velen my crate to eventually a 4/11 and she couldn't get any crates from there on :D
blizzard in a nutshell , are you fucking serious ? no free pack ? im not wasting a single dime anymore in thsi game
No pack of cards is almost as lame as their "spend $50 to get a discount" Christmas gift.
Damn, they really dropped the ball on this X-Mas stuff compared to all the other Blizzard games.
Coffee makes me poop.
Master of Disguise is this brawl's Flamewaker.
Make the Card: The biggest thread on the site!
My mandibles which are capable of pressing down and tearing, my talons which are known to intercept and hold.
Oh look, nothing but Warlocks...
Understandably, it is the "easiest" class to abuse this Brawl, but ugh, it's just sad seeing no originality.
So before Tavern Brawl launched this was posted in the info for it - - So honestly noone should complain about the lack of a pack for what was always supposed to be a casual mode for people to enjoy. I expected the free pack to stop around the time we started getting repeat brawls, and who knows, maybe the packs will return after the holidays are over. Although no doubt, given people these days there'll be someone complaining that they now aren't getting free card backs.
i was thinking we could get gifts like gold, dust ou some random cards... am i the only one?
damn... without the free pack thisbrawl is ridiculous!
SMH people complaining that for one week instead of a pack reward they get a card back. It's a special cardback for a season event. Bunch of Scrooge's you are!
Anyway. Played as warrior to complete my warrior quest, won all my games as Control/Fatigue.
Tip: Try to kill your crate as well as you foe's on your turn, you get 2 gifts!
"insert random saying here"
Tis the season of giving. And Blizzard have just given us the finger...
...was made for...
Hmmm. I was kind of hoping they were going to be like a lot of developers and for the holidays give something bonus; not sort of take away :( I'm not complaining, per se, but it just feels like a missed opportunity.
Balancing busted cards version 1.0.
Somehow I think this might be the worst brawl yet; it's so luck based! Whoever pops the first crate has such an advantage and it just snowballs. Playing a mysterious challenger for 1 mana (even as a Warlock) is ridiculous.
So funny how people whine about no free packs.
IMO its always better to get unique card back than another 40 dust.
Thank u Blizz for that!
"Well Fought, I Concede." ;)