While most of forum user whine about Tavern Brawl, I find it very fun, and give unique experience. The whole Nefarian Vs Ragnaros is super cool thematically, and also quite deep in strategy (once you really observe it carefully). Yeah it is a lot of RNG, but we have the chance to be the badass Adventure Boss with OP card. How cool is that?
So, I want to say Thank you Hearthstone Devs for giving us Tavern Brawl. I truly enjoy it a lot. Thank you for your hardwork.
If any of you have same opinion as me, feel free to post here, and not get pressured by a lot of whiny baby who always whine about anything (Whine to GVG, whine to BRM, whine to Skin, whine to Boom, now whine to Tavern Brawl).
I have been having a blast with the Tavern Brawl this week as well -- and I am extremely excited for future brawls as well. It's also nice to hear someone else is enjoying it too!
Agree. Also cannot wait until we can make deck tweaks. Should take it to a whole different level. Also, having such a short "season" will keep it fresh.
Agree, love it and the fact that it counts toward your gold/day makes it even better. When I don't feel like playing ranked i can go play tavern brawl instead of arena :3
How constructive of you to label anyone who doesnt agree with you as "Whiny babies". People are allowed to dislike things in the game, and just as allowed to voice their ideas. Sure, we dont need 1209012 different posts about the same topic.
I personally found this weeks brawl to be rather boring, and think it as a bad move by blizzard to not put extra effort into the opening brawl. Hopefully the one next week will appeal more to my tastes.
I like it. Cant wsit to go into the constructive phase. Icing on the cake is the fact that it counts toward the daily quests.
Still not certain if you get a free pack for yor first victory every werk. The little chest seems to imply that. They wouldnt have implemented it for a one-off. Or would they??
I like it. Cant wsit to go into the constructive phase. Icing on the cake is the fact that it counts toward the daily quests.
Still not certain if you get a free pack for yor first victory every werk. The little chest seems to imply that. They wouldnt have implemented it for a one-off. Or would they??
It's possible that the rewards might change from week to week, right? Maybe for the launch event it's a pack, and after that it could be something different.
I love everything about it. There is something very satisfying winning as Rags. My best win was over a Nef who pulled PW:Shield, Holy Fire, Avenging Wrath, Flamestrike, Hammer of Wrath, Siphon Soul over the course of the game. That was a hairy one!!!
WTF on the other thread people join the whiners club and here they all agree they like it. I wonder if you really have an opinion or just want someone to agree with you.
I'm not going to go on a hate thread where everyone is crying the same thing and state the opposite. Pretty much a waste of my time since neither theirs or my opinion is going to change in any shape or form by me doing so. Instead, I'd rather join people that have the same opinion as me. So yeah, I want someone to agree with me because I don't want to be a grain of sugar in a sea of salt.
It's possible that the rewards might change from week to week, right? Maybe for the launch event it's a pack, and after that it could be something different.
Well yeah, they literally said that you'd get a pack for every first win of the week during the launch event. Not sure if they'll give something after that though but seeing the little chest in the corner does make it look like it. They didn't say anything about possible rewards though and in my opinion, they don't have to. I'm still choosing to play this game and I like it anyway. :3
How constructive of you to label anyone who doesnt agree with you as "Whiny babies". People are allowed to dislike things in the game, and just as allowed to voice their ideas. Sure, we dont need 1209012 different posts about the same topic.
I personally found this weeks brawl to be rather boring, and think it as a bad move by blizzard to not put extra effort into the opening brawl. Hopefully the one next week will appeal more to my tastes.
Think he didnt label them like that because they dont agree with him, but because the so called "whiny babies" complain a lot about everything, and in my humble opnion, with out reason.
Brawl is new, is free, is different, is fun BUT its also RNGesus based, can become boring at some times ...
I agree with the OP and thank Blizz for the new mode, and wish that this is only the tip of the iceberg, and would love that people couls see its potential, and give constructive feedback, instead of just complaining ..
just my 2 cents, peace
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(sorry for any missssssspels - not a native english speaker + fat fingers)
I kind of like the "underdog" element to being Ragnaros. It's a serious "heck ya take that Nefarian" when you pull off a win with him.
I agree. Ragnaros is about overcoming a more powerful opponent, while Nefarian is more about the excitement of doing hilarious plays. Both are enjoyable in their own ways.
If any of you have same opinion as me, feel free to post here, and not get pressured by a lot of whiny baby who always whine about anything (Whine to GVG, whine to BRM, whine to Skin, whine to Boom, now whine to Tavern Brawl).
Yeah burned and oversalted food is better than no food, so don't you dare to complain!
Instead, I'd rather join people that have the same opinion as me. So yeah, I want someone to agree with me because I don't want to be a grain of sugar in a sea of salt.
Instead you rather join a circle jerk and pretend everything is fine as long as you don't read any diffent opinion?
...and the annoying whiny people clutter up this thread as well. There's no escaping them. :-(
But yep, I liked this mode, and am looking forward to the next one! It's a lot more fun than casual, and quickly finishes quests to play minions of 5 mana or more.
For the person who asked above about the wincount - it's used for the matchmaking. I assume it might figure into prizes after the launch event ends, but that hasn't been said yet.
Instead, I'd rather join people that have the same opinion as me. So yeah, I want someone to agree with me because I don't want to be a grain of sugar in a sea of salt.
Instead you rather join a circle jerk and pretend everything is fine as long as you don't read any diffent opinion?
While most of forum user whine about Tavern Brawl, I find it very fun, and give unique experience. The whole Nefarian Vs Ragnaros is super cool thematically, and also quite deep in strategy (once you really observe it carefully). Yeah it is a lot of RNG, but we have the chance to be the badass Adventure Boss with OP card. How cool is that?
So, I want to say Thank you Hearthstone Devs for giving us Tavern Brawl. I truly enjoy it a lot. Thank you for your hardwork.
If any of you have same opinion as me, feel free to post here, and not get pressured by a lot of whiny baby who always whine about anything (Whine to GVG, whine to BRM, whine to Skin, whine to Boom, now whine to Tavern Brawl).
but a little more balance would be fine, too.
I have been having a blast with the Tavern Brawl this week as well -- and I am extremely excited for future brawls as well. It's also nice to hear someone else is enjoying it too!
Agree. Also cannot wait until we can make deck tweaks. Should take it to a whole different level. Also, having such a short "season" will keep it fresh.
I kind of like the "underdog" element to being Ragnaros. It's a serious "heck ya take that Nefarian" when you pull off a win with him.
Agree, love it and the fact that it counts toward your gold/day makes it even better. When I don't feel like playing ranked i can go play tavern brawl instead of arena :3
PS: Love the core puppies
+1 I can't play anything else than Brawl since yesterday, I just can't stop :D GOOD JOB BLIZZARD.
How constructive of you to label anyone who doesnt agree with you as "Whiny babies". People are allowed to dislike things in the game, and just as allowed to voice their ideas. Sure, we dont need 1209012 different posts about the same topic.
I personally found this weeks brawl to be rather boring, and think it as a bad move by blizzard to not put extra effort into the opening brawl. Hopefully the one next week will appeal more to my tastes.
I like it. Cant wsit to go into the constructive phase. Icing on the cake is the fact that it counts toward the daily quests.
Still not certain if you get a free pack for yor first victory every werk. The little chest seems to imply that. They wouldnt have implemented it for a one-off. Or would they??
It's possible that the rewards might change from week to week, right? Maybe for the launch event it's a pack, and after that it could be something different.
I love everything about it. There is something very satisfying winning as Rags. My best win was over a Nef who pulled PW:Shield, Holy Fire, Avenging Wrath, Flamestrike, Hammer of Wrath, Siphon Soul over the course of the game. That was a hairy one!!!
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I'm not going to go on a hate thread where everyone is crying the same thing and state the opposite. Pretty much a waste of my time since neither theirs or my opinion is going to change in any shape or form by me doing so. Instead, I'd rather join people that have the same opinion as me. So yeah, I want someone to agree with me because I don't want to be a grain of sugar in a sea of salt.
Well yeah, they literally said that you'd get a pack for every first win of the week during the launch event. Not sure if they'll give something after that though but seeing the little chest in the corner does make it look like it. They didn't say anything about possible rewards though and in my opinion, they don't have to. I'm still choosing to play this game and I like it anyway. :3
Think he didnt label them like that because they dont agree with him, but because the so called "whiny babies" complain a lot about everything, and in my humble opnion, with out reason.
Brawl is new, is free, is different, is fun BUT its also RNGesus based, can become boring at some times ...
I agree with the OP and thank Blizz for the new mode, and wish that this is only the tip of the iceberg, and would love that people couls see its potential, and give constructive feedback, instead of just complaining ..
just my 2 cents, peace
(sorry for any missssssspels - not a native english speaker + fat fingers)
I agree. Ragnaros is about overcoming a more powerful opponent, while Nefarian is more about the excitement of doing hilarious plays. Both are enjoyable in their own ways.
Yeah burned and oversalted food is better than no food, so don't you dare to complain!
Instead you rather join a circle jerk and pretend everything is fine as long as you don't read any diffent opinion?
i cant create deck in brawl, brawl is nothing and it doesnt deserve button.
Same dude; Tavern Brawl is so sick. This week's challenge seems a bit boring, but as Blizz gets feedback they will surely improve future Brawls.
...and the annoying whiny people clutter up this thread as well. There's no escaping them. :-(
But yep, I liked this mode, and am looking forward to the next one! It's a lot more fun than casual, and quickly finishes quests to play minions of 5 mana or more.
For the person who asked above about the wincount - it's used for the matchmaking. I assume it might figure into prizes after the launch event ends, but that hasn't been said yet.
Sounds about right.
I think creating a deck is what the "play" buttons is for last time I checked. But, I guess if you want the play button there twice, that's cool too.
... and sometimes you will be able to build a deck in Tavern Brawl.