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This brawl provides a random Wild deck of some class spells and the rest Murlocs from all classes and types.
The gimmick is that everyone starts with the Quest Unite the Murlocs active and their deck full of Murlocs to complete the quest for the reward of Megafin.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!
MMMRglrrggllr mgrrrrrrrlmm ggrlrr mmmrl grrlrgrlmlg!
What is the best class for Murlocs in wild?
Didn't we have this brawl a few months ago? Seems like they skipped a few.
My reward was a Great Dark Beyond pack.
When did they change from giving a Standard Pack?
Last time we saw this brawl was October 2023. You can always check the history of the current brawl in the front page article. :)
Three major progression updates are going live in Patch 31.0:
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!