You can't be too late to the party - you have to play aggresive against it - I have won a couple with Terran Paladin launching giant battle cruises that they can't deal with late game.
Honestly they arent THAT bad. Most of it comes down to luck.I have had terrible games because all my buffs were at the bottom of the deck.
I played against a Shaman who went full Anti Zerg. He legit turned all 6 spots of my board into Hex Frogs and then put my 7th spot minion into dormant with the Badlands Jail I could do nothing. He eventually dropped that mega windfury elemental and eventually clear my board to hammer me down.
Silence doesn't really work if they know remotely how to play the deck. The free rush for all their minions (either via location or through the minion that summons from hand) ensures the deathrattles go off, or they just spread them to multiple minions and your 1 silence is ineffective anyway.
If you lose to zerg DK you play too passively. Sure, they can draw the nuts and straight win many games, but they struggle against a lot of top performing decks, like shaman or druid
It’s a great deck and with all aggro decks when you lose it has ways of making you look a bit silly. It’s not oppressive and doesn’t have an obvious cracked card. For me I’d just remove the health buff you get for your zergs meaning their boards will be a little easier to remove. Will still be good and very playable which is how it should be.
It’s a great deck and with all aggro decks when you lose it has ways of making you look a bit silly. It’s not oppressive and doesn’t have an obvious cracked card. For me I’d just remove the health buff you get for your zergs meaning their boards will be a little easier to remove. Will still be good and very playable which is how it should be.
If you remove the health you kill the deck. The deck is a solid t2 highroll deck (no buff no win), but not as oppressive as people thought on day 1
I suggest playing Hero Power Druid or Terran Warrior.
Having played Zerg DK to legend I found those matchups easy once I figured how to play them. I found aggresive Hunters and Paladins to be the most challenging. Terran Shaman in the hands of a good player is a toss-up. If they get off to a good start you may never recover.
I believe Zerg DKs biggest weakness is it's lack of lifegain. Most aggro-decks should be able to beat it, but most people on ladder play slower decks and those are way easier to beat. Zerg DKs late game is phenomenal and in match-ups you need to finish quickly you can go all-out tempo and still get there.
I play a somewhat unusual tripple-unholy deck. Dunno if that changes the match-ups much.
Unless the deck gets support in the next expansion it will actually be significantly worse, not to say unplayable, in 2 months when rotation happens. Most of the cards that make it seem broken are in the FoL set. For that fact alone I kinda doubt Blizzard will nerf it in the next patch. We'll see.
You highroll big time with a good deck or you lose hard.
The deck requires like zero skill to play to legend of course there is one problem, every 2nd game you're up against the mirror so you have to play it better than your opponent. But free win against everything else.
"Very 2nd game you're up against the mirror so you have to play it better than your opponent".
I don't see it that way. The "better play" is unnecessary,
The first person to make the Zerg stronger - even with rebirth - wins. Thats all. This is the summary in mirror matches. Not more.
<pre class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" data-placeholder="Übersetzung" data-ved="2ahUKEwilyaSttZqLAxVKVvEDHbgeFGYQ3ewLegQIBxAV" aria-label="Übersetzter Text: I don't see it that way"></pre>
How to win against Zerg DK and endless +1/+1 deathrattles? I must play silence?
You can't be too late to the party - you have to play aggresive against it - I have won a couple with Terran Paladin launching giant battle cruises that they can't deal with late game.
Zerg DK is freaking strong atm. The Mini set gave them way to much OP tools.. Don't hope for any help from the shitty devs :P
I think word got around that its easy to play. Just faced 7 zerg dks in a row.
I guess there will be few after the quests are done.
I play double silence 4 drop, it's good vs both Zerg DK and starship decks.
Honestly they arent THAT bad. Most of it comes down to luck.I have had terrible games because all my buffs were at the bottom of the deck.
I played against a Shaman who went full Anti Zerg. He legit turned all 6 spots of my board into Hex Frogs and then put my 7th spot minion into dormant with the Badlands Jail I could do nothing. He eventually dropped that mega windfury elemental and eventually clear my board to hammer me down.
Why would anyone care about Zerg when Protoss rules?
For the reasons described above - they are OP
Do they? I have picked the quest with Protoss and I'm loosing 24/7.
However, i just made my own deck for fun. Didn't bother copy paste some stuff.
Usually I'm dead by turn 6-7 while trying to build some protoss combo.
Silence doesn't really work if they know remotely how to play the deck. The free rush for all their minions (either via location or through the minion that summons from hand) ensures the deathrattles go off, or they just spread them to multiple minions and your 1 silence is ineffective anyway.
I tried playing Zerg DK, and yeah, the luck of draw is so high, but if you have bucaneer and +1/+1 it is over...
I played both Priest Protoss and DK Zerg and DK Zerg is easily more powerful.
If you lose to zerg DK you play too passively. Sure, they can draw the nuts and straight win many games, but they struggle against a lot of top performing decks, like shaman or druid
It’s a great deck and with all aggro decks when you lose it has ways of making you look a bit silly. It’s not oppressive and doesn’t have an obvious cracked card. For me I’d just remove the health buff you get for your zergs meaning their boards will be a little easier to remove. Will still be good and very playable which is how it should be.
I suggest playing Hero Power Druid or Terran Warrior.
If you remove the health you kill the deck. The deck is a solid t2 highroll deck (no buff no win), but not as oppressive as people thought on day 1
Having played Zerg DK to legend I found those matchups easy once I figured how to play them. I found aggresive Hunters and Paladins to be the most challenging. Terran Shaman in the hands of a good player is a toss-up. If they get off to a good start you may never recover.
I believe Zerg DKs biggest weakness is it's lack of lifegain. Most aggro-decks should be able to beat it, but most people on ladder play slower decks and those are way easier to beat. Zerg DKs late game is phenomenal and in match-ups you need to finish quickly you can go all-out tempo and still get there.
I play a somewhat unusual tripple-unholy deck. Dunno if that changes the match-ups much.
Unless the deck gets support in the next expansion it will actually be significantly worse, not to say unplayable, in 2 months when rotation happens. Most of the cards that make it seem broken are in the FoL set. For that fact alone I kinda doubt Blizzard will nerf it in the next patch. We'll see.
You highroll big time with a good deck or you lose hard.
The deck requires like zero skill to play to legend of course there is one problem, every 2nd game you're up against the mirror so you have to play it better than your opponent. But free win against everything else.
"Very 2nd game you're up against the mirror so you have to play it better than your opponent".
I don't see it that way. The "better play" is unnecessary,
The first person to make the Zerg stronger - even with rebirth - wins. Thats all. This is the summary in mirror matches. Not more.