Actually I was not sure to share this deck though my goal with it was to reach Diamond and recently achieved my goal so here it is.
Besided Mages and Paladins, it was working wonders and I got very easy wins till my way to Diamond (was keeping track of my WR and it was around %67). I didn't come across any Rogues playing similar to my thing so I think I might have crafted a new deck type and was wondering how others would experience it if any were to try it.
"my vampire rogue" "I might have crafted a new deck type" lol
I don’t understand. What’s so creative and unique about this deck? Every Thief Rogue player is using these cards. All of them are playing Spectral Cutlass and Health Drink without calling it “Vampire.”
The reason you didn’t come across any Rogues playing similarly to “your” deck is that you haven’t faced any Thief Rogues. I’ve played against many, and they are all the same. Of course, there are very subtle differences in non-key cards like “Backstab,” but the rest is identical.
Also, “Snatch and Grab” is the only big spell in the deck, and you reduce its cost quickly, so “Bumbling Bellhop” is inactive most of the time. You could get a big spell from Eudora to activate “Bumbling Bellhop,” but that seems silly.
To be honest I didn't check any decks from here, I usually just log in and play though sometimes read here and there about different discussions. So I'm sure there are similarities and but none any other rouge I played had the flow as my game goes. The reason I call it vampire because you have Mask Merchant to transform (well vampires do) and you get so big with the weapon most of the time rather than relying one your minions. It's just like become a big bad Vampire lol. I faced coin and thief rouges most of the time and yes they were using these cards. Though I didn't see anyone of them becoming so large with the weapon like me.
I tried different taunts though found Bellhop works the best. You usually will be able to pull off before the limit. I usually use petty theft and Thistle tea as situational cards and usually you know what you need against a class early so won't have to play them right away or play carefully. And the other 2 spells from Warlock are expensive cards. You can also discover for 5+ too.
I get that people make spelling mistakes all the time but for some reason 'rogue' is always mistakenly written 'rouge' by everyone on the net.
As for the rest, your deck makes me think of weapon rogue but with a single weapon. Did you reach diamond with star bonuses? At a glance I feel like this deck would be ruined by a Viper but 67% is a very high winrate. Can you share your HS Replay, I'd like to see?
I don't play with HS now but can add and it would track better I guess. Can share replay as well if I manage to pull of one. Though I was keeping on a word doc and going 36-19 and then stopped editing it. Btw I made many misplays was just playing with my head on clouds lol.
You are right about the viper, it usually does and I hate it. Though you still be able to get again after the transform and playing Tess. Other than that probably you don't want to do that if thats your only option because it surely won't go perfect for the weapon but you still can get decent 6-8 attack one.
Also I don't remember the hero name but the one cost 10 mana and play all the spells you played until then, and then your weapon can get really funny like 20 30 dmg. Playing second Cutlass ruines this and also I don't really feel good when I have 2 in my deck, it just feels unnecessary most of the time. Though I feel like Vipers are played by many in high ranks so switched to Renathal one and there I have 2 of them. I didn't play much games with it but extra health is great and to be able to add +++ cards is not bad either.
Thanks for sharing. Let us know if you update it with cards from the new expansion
This is your favorite class!
Personally I would run a second Cutlass. People are rolling weapon destruction especially in their ETC choices. I know I do haha. Are you only 6-3 with this deck overall?
That is impressive, well done. I never thought it would do that well to be honest. I got most of the cards so I'm tempted to try it out. Could you share your losses as well? It's as important to see how the deck loses. Shaman must've been elemental so OTK, I'm guessing warrior boombossed your wincon before you drew your weapon and deathknight managed to grind your health down before you got your weapon susbsitantly high.
It doesn't seem like people are running viper anymore so it might explain why the deck is doing so well.
''Though I was keeping on a word doc and going 36-19 and then stopped editing it. ''
So it's not only 6-3.
Just tried the deck and I got WRECKED by automaton priest, it wasn't even close.
Second loss against elemental mage.
Third loss in a row against evolve shaman.
Fourth loss in a row against BSM.
I don't think this is a good deck. I have no clue how you managed at 60+% WR. I've never played the deck so I might be ASTOUNDINGLY bad at it but are you sure that winrate was photoshopped lol. Bellhop never sees play, barely any warlock cards to extend the cutlass durability. I don't know how you do it. Back to Warlock for me.
That is impressive, well done. I never thought it would do that well to be honest. I got most of the cards so I'm tempted to try it out. Could you share your losses as well? It's as important to see how the deck loses. Shaman must've been elemental so OTK, I'm guessing warrior boombossed your wincon before you drew your weapon and deathknight managed to grind your health down before you got your weapon susbsitantly high.
It doesn't seem like people are running viper anymore so it might explain why the deck is doing so well.
Btw doesn't matter which deck type they play, DKs and Warriors are my fav match-ups for this deck actually. Especially DKs I think I won most of them. For Warriors it was more unpleasant thinking they will throw a Viper anytime soon but other than that again didn't fear at all. This is opposite for Paladins and Mages though. Especially when I see a Mage matchup, you initially want to concede, lol.
Thanks for sharing. Let us know if you update it with cards from the new expansion
This is your favorite class!
Personally I would run a second Cutlass. People are rolling weapon destruction especially in their ETC choices. I know I do haha. Are you only 6-3 with this deck overall?
Thanks to @Zizka I recently started to use HS Replay and this is my record so far with this deck since
You're good at this deck. Keep it up, it wasn't for me though. Maybe it takes more than 5 matches to learn to pilot to be fair. You should post your defeats too however. Seeing the deck vulnerabilities is as informative as victories, if not more so and it gives a clearer, fairer more grounded picture.
You're good at this deck. Keep it up, it wasn't for me though. Maybe it takes more than 5 matches to learn to pilot to be fair. You should post your defeats too however. Seeing the deck vulnerabilities is as informative as victories, if not more so and it gives a clearer, fairer more grounded picture.
Thanks! You are right about the practice, I was also struggling to make it work until a point but then it felt like I knew every capability and chance this deck can provide and I started to play more confident with it. Then I started to get so many clear wins with it even I was surprised how well it can go. By the way I shared the replays of the matches you mentioned (the ones I lost to Warrior, Shaman and the DK).
I'm sorry if you costed some stars trying this btw and really appreciate your interest!
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Actually I was not sure to share this deck though my goal with it was to reach Diamond and recently achieved my goal so here it is.
Besided Mages and Paladins, it was working wonders and I got very easy wins till my way to Diamond (was keeping track of my WR and it was around %67). I didn't come across any Rogues playing similar to my thing so I think I might have crafted a new deck type and was wondering how others would experience it if any were to try it.
What are your thoughts on this?
"my vampire rogue" "I might have crafted a new deck type" lol
I don’t understand. What’s so creative and unique about this deck? Every Thief Rogue player is using these cards. All of them are playing Spectral Cutlass and Health Drink without calling it “Vampire.”
The reason you didn’t come across any Rogues playing similarly to “your” deck is that you haven’t faced any Thief Rogues. I’ve played against many, and they are all the same. Of course, there are very subtle differences in non-key cards like “Backstab,” but the rest is identical.
Also, “Snatch and Grab” is the only big spell in the deck, and you reduce its cost quickly, so “Bumbling Bellhop” is inactive most of the time. You could get a big spell from Eudora to activate “Bumbling Bellhop,” but that seems silly.
To be honest I didn't check any decks from here, I usually just log in and play though sometimes read here and there about different discussions. So I'm sure there are similarities and but none any other rouge I played had the flow as my game goes. The reason I call it vampire because you have Mask Merchant to transform (well vampires do) and you get so big with the weapon most of the time rather than relying one your minions. It's just like become a big bad Vampire lol. I faced coin and thief rouges most of the time and yes they were using these cards. Though I didn't see anyone of them becoming so large with the weapon like me.
I tried different taunts though found Bellhop works the best. You usually will be able to pull off before the limit. I usually use petty theft and Thistle tea as situational cards and usually you know what you need against a class early so won't have to play them right away or play carefully. And the other 2 spells from Warlock are expensive cards. You can also discover for 5+ too.
Ok so: why do everyone misspell 'rogue' as 'rouge'. I never got that. Maybe you can tell me? Is it a running joke or a reference to something?
Rouge (n.): a red or pink powder put on the cheeks to make the face look more attractive
Rogue (n.): a dishonest or bad man
Rouge (n.) (adj.): In French, the color red.
I get that people make spelling mistakes all the time but for some reason 'rogue' is always mistakenly written 'rouge' by everyone on the net.
As for the rest, your deck makes me think of weapon rogue but with a single weapon. Did you reach diamond with star bonuses? At a glance I feel like this deck would be ruined by a Viper but 67% is a very high winrate. Can you share your HS Replay, I'd like to see?
My bad, never realized I was using it wrong.
I don't play with HS now but can add and it would track better I guess. Can share replay as well if I manage to pull of one. Though I was keeping on a word doc and going 36-19 and then stopped editing it. Btw I made many misplays was just playing with my head on clouds lol.
You are right about the viper, it usually does and I hate it. Though you still be able to get again after the transform and playing Tess. Other than that probably you don't want to do that if thats your only option because it surely won't go perfect for the weapon but you still can get decent 6-8 attack one.
Also I don't remember the hero name but the one cost 10 mana and play all the spells you played until then, and then your weapon can get really funny like 20 30 dmg. Playing second Cutlass ruines this and also I don't really feel good when I have 2 in my deck, it just feels unnecessary most of the time. Though I feel like Vipers are played by many in high ranks so switched to Renathal one and there I have 2 of them. I didn't play much games with it but extra health is great and to be able to add +++ cards is not bad either.
I did play some games last night and as soon as I saw the %67, stopped lol. Only 9 games though.
Thanks for sharing. Let us know if you update it with cards from the new expansion
This is your favorite class!
Personally I would run a second Cutlass. People are rolling weapon destruction especially in their ETC choices. I know I do haha. Are you only 6-3 with this deck overall?
That is impressive, well done. I never thought it would do that well to be honest. I got most of the cards so I'm tempted to try it out. Could you share your losses as well? It's as important to see how the deck loses. Shaman must've been elemental so OTK, I'm guessing warrior boombossed your wincon before you drew your weapon and deathknight managed to grind your health down before you got your weapon susbsitantly high.
It doesn't seem like people are running viper anymore so it might explain why the deck is doing so well.
They said:
''Though I was keeping on a word doc and going 36-19 and then stopped editing it. ''
So it's not only 6-3.
Just tried the deck and I got WRECKED by automaton priest, it wasn't even close.
Second loss against elemental mage.
Third loss in a row against evolve shaman.
Fourth loss in a row against BSM.
I don't think this is a good deck. I have no clue how you managed at 60+% WR. I've never played the deck so I might be ASTOUNDINGLY bad at it but are you sure that winrate was photoshopped lol. Bellhop never sees play, barely any warlock cards to extend the cutlass durability. I don't know how you do it. Back to Warlock for me.
Sure, below are the replays for the matches you mentioned.
Btw doesn't matter which deck type they play, DKs and Warriors are my fav match-ups for this deck actually. Especially DKs I think I won most of them. For Warriors it was more unpleasant thinking they will throw a Viper anytime soon but other than that again didn't fear at all. This is opposite for Paladins and Mages though. Especially when I see a Mage matchup, you initially want to concede, lol.
Thanks to @Zizka I recently started to use HS Replay and this is my record so far with this deck since

You're good at this deck. Keep it up, it wasn't for me though. Maybe it takes more than 5 matches to learn to pilot to be fair. You should post your defeats too however. Seeing the deck vulnerabilities is as informative as victories, if not more so and it gives a clearer, fairer more grounded picture.
Thanks! You are right about the practice, I was also struggling to make it work until a point but then it felt like I knew every capability and chance this deck can provide and I started to play more confident with it. Then I started to get so many clear wins with it even I was surprised how well it can go. By the way I shared the replays of the matches you mentioned (the ones I lost to Warrior, Shaman and the DK).
I'm sorry if you costed some stars trying this btw and really appreciate your interest!