NO sir. you're too dramatic. Tourist did not change std to wild as you can use only paradise cards from another class. ven in wild we are limited to that restriction.
Ye, i wish we could use ANY card from another class - what fun it could be... but there's legitimate border they put and it makes sense.
Druid has to go. Insta concede vs every druid I face. It's just not fun. Bring him down to 5 health, here comes 20 mana with full heal and a full board. Nah fck that shit. Game is worse than wild, it's not long before it goes into maintanance mode, give it 1-2 years. Even logging in for quests feels like a chore.
Its a tough meta. Everything is so inevitable and broken feeling. Turns are just massive power and game swings that undo everything that came before them. Spend several turns beating your opponent down to less than 10 health? Sorry bro, Full heal with some BS minion or whatever. Build a nice board that should have to be answered? No biggy - cheesy board clear discovered. I dunno. Just feels so out your control which it really is.
I also find myself conceding early and often. Its so obvious when you draw poorly and your opponent doesnt. I also instantly concede when my opponent pulls some miracle BS "save" or has some miraculous comeback. I cant stand massive healing or ass-pull cards that reset the game. I miss Chillwind Yeti on T4. I really do.
That’s a really daft thing to say because often that came down to ‘did you WG before’ or ‘did you get win axe to fight off early game then play Yeti’. If you’re really so down in the dumps because your opponent drew better cards than you constantly you either need to play better decks or just improve. It’s not just down to luck. There will be a lot of RNG elements it’s a card game. Things are fun. All I’m getting from this is ‘I want to hit my opponent in the face so that they lose the game quickly’. Like just get better sorry you can’t just blame devs or blame rng or blame power spikes if you lose loads.
That’s a really daft thing to say because often that came down to ‘did you WG before’ or ‘did you get win axe to fight off early game then play Yeti’. If you’re really so down in the dumps because your opponent drew better cards than you constantly you either need to play better decks or just improve. It’s not just down to luck. There will be a lot of RNG elements it’s a card game. Things are fun. All I’m getting from this is ‘I want to hit my opponent in the face so that they lose the game quickly’. Like just get better sorry you can’t just blame devs or blame rng or blame power spikes if you lose loads.
Yeah, no. Down in the dumps? Its a video game, LOL. Just pointing out the obvious that the game has more slot machine components than ever before. Massive power turns, Every class can do everything, card draw is no longer a big deal, aggro decks have access to healing, OTK decks happen faster than ever and require NO skill whatsoever to pilot, and on and on. Just facts is all.
This meta at least is more fun since all control decks are dead.
Control archetype must be finally purged from the game so people would have fun at their 4 minute games.
People were saying exactly this three years ago when questlines were introduced. Quest mage would kill you at turn 8 unless you go aggro. Three times nerfed, it became so useless nobody even remembered this quest was there for the next two years.
Gotta say - playing against Warrior hasnt changed a bit: Either Dirty Rat Brann and Odyn or you can safely concede, LOL. Mahd Skillz, bro. :)
Really though, I guess they arent kidding when they say the meta has two options: Fast OTK or fast aggro. Anything mid-range-ish or late game is hopeless. Oh well.
Yeah mine didn't count today either come to think about it I think its been happening. I swear I've played the three games I needed of DK but it only said 1 a few days ago and today its doing it too.
THe game is boring as shiiii the combos are so stupid and 0 way to counter them. Played since beta but im sooo close to stopping feels like a job to play 0 fun left...
NO sir. you're too dramatic. Tourist did not change std to wild as you can use only paradise cards from another class. ven in wild we are limited to that restriction.
Ye, i wish we could use ANY card from another class - what fun it could be... but there's legitimate border they put and it makes sense.
Druid has to go. Insta concede vs every druid I face. It's just not fun. Bring him down to 5 health, here comes 20 mana with full heal and a full board. Nah fck that shit. Game is worse than wild, it's not long before it goes into maintanance mode, give it 1-2 years. Even logging in for quests feels like a chore.
Btw today my games did not count for any quests.
Is it for me only or it is a common bug nowadays?
Same problen in EU and US servers (August 21st)
Solve the problem as suggested by Beciuzz in a thread i opened for this issue: exit and restart the game. it works!
Its a tough meta. Everything is so inevitable and broken feeling. Turns are just massive power and game swings that undo everything that came before them. Spend several turns beating your opponent down to less than 10 health? Sorry bro, Full heal with some BS minion or whatever. Build a nice board that should have to be answered? No biggy - cheesy board clear discovered. I dunno. Just feels so out your control which it really is.
I also find myself conceding early and often. Its so obvious when you draw poorly and your opponent doesnt. I also instantly concede when my opponent pulls some miracle BS "save" or has some miraculous comeback. I cant stand massive healing or ass-pull cards that reset the game. I miss Chillwind Yeti on T4. I really do.
That’s a really daft thing to say because often that came down to ‘did you WG before’ or ‘did you get win axe to fight off early game then play Yeti’. If you’re really so down in the dumps because your opponent drew better cards than you constantly you either need to play better decks or just improve. It’s not just down to luck. There will be a lot of RNG elements it’s a card game. Things are fun. All I’m getting from this is ‘I want to hit my opponent in the face so that they lose the game quickly’. Like just get better sorry you can’t just blame devs or blame rng or blame power spikes if you lose loads.
Yeah, no. Down in the dumps? Its a video game, LOL. Just pointing out the obvious that the game has more slot machine components than ever before. Massive power turns, Every class can do everything, card draw is no longer a big deal, aggro decks have access to healing, OTK decks happen faster than ever and require NO skill whatsoever to pilot, and on and on. Just facts is all.
People were saying exactly this three years ago when questlines were introduced. Quest mage would kill you at turn 8 unless you go aggro. Three times nerfed, it became so useless nobody even remembered this quest was there for the next two years.
you gotta restart the client. I had the same issue and it fixed
Gotta say - playing against Warrior hasnt changed a bit: Either Dirty Rat Brann and Odyn or you can safely concede, LOL. Mahd Skillz, bro. :)
Really though, I guess they arent kidding when they say the meta has two options: Fast OTK or fast aggro. Anything mid-range-ish or late game is hopeless. Oh well.
Yeah mine didn't count today either come to think about it I think its been happening. I swear I've played the three games I needed of DK but it only said 1 a few days ago and today its doing it too.
THe game is boring as shiiii the combos are so stupid and 0 way to counter them. Played since beta but im sooo close to stopping feels like a job to play 0 fun left...
Im having fun. Dungar Druid and weapon rogue.
Control is dead. So for every control loving player, sucks to be you.
Thats the type of player I am and it does suck to be me haha. I have only Death Knight left to get golden and boy is it hard.