Title. This expansion has accelerated standard into ungodly power creep with Tourist tags, effectively making Standard into Wild format. Almost every deck is unplayable unless S tier and Concierge should flatout be banned.
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#2Aug 12, 2024(Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
Meta is diverse. We see almost every class in legend. Paladin and Druid can feel oppressive but nerfs will eventually come. You can still win with Decks that aren't S tier. See fatigue Warlock, evolve Shaman, Elemental Mage or pirate demon hunter. There are a lot of decks that aren't refined yet and still perform good in legend like priest for example. I mean I get it games are ending much faster than we used to
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#3Aug 12, 2024(Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
The problem is the game is inherently unbalanced... I like the Meta now that Hydration Station and Boom are dead. If one braindead deck is dead another one will take its place.
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#4Aug 13, 2024(Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
I think the word unplayable is the wrong term to use, I mostly play my own decks of course they will have things in common with popular decks because its quite clear some cards are just that good and you don't want to build a deck without them.
One of the decks I play atm that I really like is my own Highlander Paladin deck, currently sitting at 21-11 after the expansion or 7-2 after the nerf wave. There isnt even a Highlander deck for Paladin in the current meta to be seen. Still its my 2nd best performing deck right now. And funny enough overtime I've seen an improvement in my winrate with the deck which I think is the key to success with any deck experience and learning to play it as good as possible.
Just because a list says a deck has a 48% winrate and Tier 3 doesnt mean its a bad deck or unplayable a deck that is currently sitting at 48% and Tier 3 on HSreplays of course my deck is slightly different is Spell Mage I don't just play spells from 1-5 mana and thats it I add in one from 6-7-8-9 aswell and have the Legendary 10 mana spell that mostly finishes games one way or another. My deck is sitting at 15-10 and 5-3 after the nerfs.
Of course not all my decks manages to keep a good winrate I have those that have terrible stats that was scrapped or in some cases if I liked the deck I tried to adapt to improve them with various results. But trust me a deck isnt unplayable just because its not in tier 1.
Another perfect example was Druid there was a ton of people that claimed Druid was totally unplayable prior to ramp Druid becoming a thing and forced nerfs and bans on the class. People are too obsessed with meta. There are alot of sleeper decks out there, I love to watch Kiblers streams he often plays weird builds that are far from meta but he mostly does it with a positive winrate in Legend.
I'm not gonna claim that meta isnt great decks and most likely the best decks right now but the gap between it and some other decks aint as big as people make them out to be.
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#7Aug 14, 2024(Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
idk what you're talking about. This is the best meta since Festival of Legends. People have finally stopped playing the 'no-fun-allowed' control warrior that runs every hand disruption, board clear and hard removal and unbeatable end game. Those decks were infuriating to play against because not only does your opponent play the game for you, but matches took forever and were never memorable because both players drew most of their decks. (I literally faced that control warrior in a third of my matches in the past 4 months until the most recent patch.) Would you rather play against that for another year and a half? I'm just happy that it seems like the meta has finally shifted and you can actually make aggro and midranged decks again. Now you can make original decks without having to run a mandatory 28 cards because of how oppressive late-game greed decks were for the past 2 years. Aggro is GOOD for the game. It forces control decks to run early game minions instead of passing the first 6 turns of the game and spamming the same boring, uninteractive legendary spam they've been doing. When aggro is powerful, it becomes easier to build original decks, causing way more deck diversity.
And i've been doing a ton of experimenting and although there are a couple of strong tourist decks, most of my decks don't use them, despite me hitting the jackpot and opening all but 2 of them in my 100 something packs. (I didn't even buy any packs, just the tavern pass.) I can understand your frustration with that though. It's BS that all the tourists are legendary and probably done on purpose to encourage people to spend more money. They used to do stuff like give players a free legendary on expansion releases and in Descent of Dragons, they gave players every galakrond card for free. I'm not complaining though because it seems like they increased the drop % of legendaries and epics and there's duplicate protection for every card now. (that could just by my experience though.)
idk what you're talking about. This is the best meta since Festival of Legends. People have finally stopped playing the 'no-fun-allowed' control warrior that runs every hand disruption, board clear and hard removal and unbeatable end game. Those decks were infuriating to play against because not only does your opponent play the game for you, but matches took forever and were never memorable because both players drew most of their decks. (I literally faced that control warrior in a third of my matches in the past 4 months until the most recent patch.) Would you rather play against that for another year and a half? I'm just happy that it seems like the meta has finally shifted and you can actually make aggro and midranged decks again. Now you can make original decks without having to run a mandatory 28 cards because of how oppressive late-game greed decks were for the past 2 years. Aggro is GOOD for the game. It forces control decks to run early game minions instead of passing the first 6 turns of the game and spamming the same boring, uninteractive legendary spam they've been doing. When aggro is powerful, it becomes easier to build original decks, causing way more deck diversity.
And i've been doing a ton of experimenting and although there are a couple of strong tourist decks, most of my decks don't use them, despite me hitting the jackpot and opening all but 2 of them in my 100 something packs. (I didn't even buy any packs, just the tavern pass.) I can understand your frustration with that though. It's BS that all the tourists are legendary and probably done on purpose to encourage people to spend more money. They used to do stuff like give players a free legendary on expansion releases and in Descent of Dragons, they gave players every galakrond card for free. I'm not complaining though because it seems like they increased the drop % of legendaries and epics and there's duplicate protection for every card now. (that could just by my experience though.)
What are you even talking about? Where is aggro? Meta is otk, not aggro, Druid and Rogue, that's all there is.
idk what you're talking about. This is the best meta since Festival of Legends. People have finally stopped playing the 'no-fun-allowed' control warrior that runs every hand disruption, board clear and hard removal and unbeatable end game. Those decks were infuriating to play against because not only does your opponent play the game for you, but matches took forever and were never memorable because both players drew most of their decks. (I literally faced that control warrior in a third of my matches in the past 4 months until the most recent patch.) Would you rather play against that for another year and a half? I'm just happy that it seems like the meta has finally shifted and you can actually make aggro and midranged decks again. Now you can make original decks without having to run a mandatory 28 cards because of how oppressive late-game greed decks were for the past 2 years. Aggro is GOOD for the game. It forces control decks to run early game minions instead of passing the first 6 turns of the game and spamming the same boring, uninteractive legendary spam they've been doing. When aggro is powerful, it becomes easier to build original decks, causing way more deck diversity.
And i've been doing a ton of experimenting and although there are a couple of strong tourist decks, most of my decks don't use them, despite me hitting the jackpot and opening all but 2 of them in my 100 something packs. (I didn't even buy any packs, just the tavern pass.) I can understand your frustration with that though. It's BS that all the tourists are legendary and probably done on purpose to encourage people to spend more money. They used to do stuff like give players a free legendary on expansion releases and in Descent of Dragons, they gave players every galakrond card for free. I'm not complaining though because it seems like they increased the drop % of legendaries and epics and there's duplicate protection for every card now. (that could just by my experience though.)
What are you even talking about? Where is aggro? Meta is otk, not aggro, Druid and Rogue, that's all there is.
exactly. And all the OTK decks get annihilated by early game minions and decks that excell at playing them. I've been playing triple frost DK and I do very well vs those. When the meta adjusts, you'll see less of those decks hopefully
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#11Aug 14, 2024(Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
I've just come back to the game after leaving in 2018 or something and honestly the meta seems fine.
Been playing for about a month now and so far was able to effectively climb & have fun with Elemental Mage, Elemental Shaman, Flood Pala, Handbuff Pala, Freeze DK, Freebooter DK and some homebrew stuff. So at least 6 beginner friendly decks spread over 4 classes, and they seem to be plenty more with Priest, DH and Warlock. Druid & Warrior were at the beginning frustrating to play against - not necessarily too strong, but just unfun and limiting for fresh ideas - but the Nerfs did work on Warrior IMO and more decks with good matchups against Druid got viable.
I really can't see what seems to be the major issue now. Sure the power level of cards is crazy high now, but it's mostly evenly spread and balanced. Do you guys remember the 'good ol days' of Pirate Warrior, Quest Rogue or Secret Hunter? Those were bullshit decks.
PS: Also, what happened to this place? Where is everyone? Can't be the playerbase shrinked that much, the game seems to be doing fine on Youtube and Twitch.
PS: Also, what happened to this place? Where is everyone? Can't be the playerbase shrinked that much, the game seems to be doing fine on Youtube and Twitch.
At one point in time there was a falloff between the ownership of the site and the people who were updating it at the time. I guess a lot of users moved to other sites before that situation was resolved.
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#15Aug 16, 2024(Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
You guys just get salty too easy, meta is great right now. Shaman has the best deck in the game. Druid is crazy with dragons, concierge is just ok. Handbuff pally is really strong. Pirate DH is really strong. Overheal priest is finally a real deck. Insanity warlock lives up to its name. DK has multiple directions with frost aggro, rainbow tourist and triple blood control. Rogue has a 4D chess deck that top legend players love and probably sucks for everyone that isn’t in masters. Mage and warrior are playable but not great. Poor hunter… Either way, 8 classes have competitive decks with distinct play styles and decision making. If you don’t like standard right now, hearthstone might not be your game.
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#16Aug 19, 2024(Paradise Post Launch Balance Changes)
I've been an extreme hater of the game, you can check my comments history, but the current state of standard is one of the best. A lot of fun decks to play.
Other than Druid being moderately annoying, I am liking the meta. I do kind of hate Swipe being back. Having that and Yogg really shores up one of Druid’s main weaknesses and they can often feel like they’re having incredible turns time and time and time again.
After abit more time in the meta I do think I face a wide variety of decks. Some are frustrating to fight some are easier but its a wide variation so for that I think the meta on ladder is alright.
However the meta in high end tournaments is extremly dull, its basiclly bring OTK or gtfo.
Whats good with the OTK decks is that most players can't play them to the level that is required for it to be a top tier deck. For most even mid Legend players their winrates would be way better with more tempo based decks or heavier control decks than with for example Rogue. Problem is that even if they require abit more skilled in the right hand they are to powerful.
Just because a majority of players cant play it at the extreme level it shouldnt be allowed to be overtuned, both Druid and Rogue can execute their OTK's way to early in games. I do think that OTK turn 10+ is totally fine but when you can litterly be dead from hand turn 6 its just to soon there is no real counter play towards it, if they draw the nuts your dead and thats it.
Yesterday I had a game I had 30 health and I knew what was coming and managed to get out a grand total of 27 health on board. The Druid killed me off and all the minions turn 6. 57 turn 6 from hand is just silly in any scenario.
Yesterday I had a game I had 30 health and I knew what was coming and managed to get out a grand total of 27 health on board. The Druid killed me off and all the minions turn 6. 57 turn 6 from hand is just silly in any scenario.
The play for this would have been both locations on the board, the Druid would activate both locations, play concierge, both go with the flows, a seabreeze chalice, both tide pool pupils and then finish out all the chalices. 60 damage is a lot from hand, but that player needed a ton of luck to pull that off. That’s 9 cards they have to draw by turn 6. That doesn’t happen often, still sucks to lose to it.
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Title. This expansion has accelerated standard into ungodly power creep with Tourist tags, effectively making Standard into Wild format. Almost every deck is unplayable unless S tier and Concierge should flatout be banned.
Meta is diverse. We see almost every class in legend. Paladin and Druid can feel oppressive but nerfs will eventually come. You can still win with Decks that aren't S tier. See fatigue Warlock, evolve Shaman, Elemental Mage or pirate demon hunter. There are a lot of decks that aren't refined yet and still perform good in legend like priest for example. I mean I get it games are ending much faster than we used to
The problem is the game is inherently unbalanced... I like the Meta now that Hydration Station and Boom are dead. If one braindead deck is dead another one will take its place.
I can agree its not fun thats for sure. They still need to slow down aggro.
This meta at least is more fun since all control decks are dead.
Control archetype must be finally purged from the game so people would have fun at their 4 minute games.
I think the word unplayable is the wrong term to use, I mostly play my own decks of course they will have things in common with popular decks because its quite clear some cards are just that good and you don't want to build a deck without them.
One of the decks I play atm that I really like is my own Highlander Paladin deck, currently sitting at 21-11 after the expansion or 7-2 after the nerf wave. There isnt even a Highlander deck for Paladin in the current meta to be seen. Still its my 2nd best performing deck right now. And funny enough overtime I've seen an improvement in my winrate with the deck which I think is the key to success with any deck experience and learning to play it as good as possible.
Just because a list says a deck has a 48% winrate and Tier 3 doesnt mean its a bad deck or unplayable a deck that is currently sitting at 48% and Tier 3 on HSreplays of course my deck is slightly different is Spell Mage I don't just play spells from 1-5 mana and thats it I add in one from 6-7-8-9 aswell and have the Legendary 10 mana spell that mostly finishes games one way or another. My deck is sitting at 15-10 and 5-3 after the nerfs.
Of course not all my decks manages to keep a good winrate I have those that have terrible stats that was scrapped or in some cases if I liked the deck I tried to adapt to improve them with various results. But trust me a deck isnt unplayable just because its not in tier 1.
Another perfect example was Druid there was a ton of people that claimed Druid was totally unplayable prior to ramp Druid becoming a thing and forced nerfs and bans on the class. People are too obsessed with meta. There are alot of sleeper decks out there, I love to watch Kiblers streams he often plays weird builds that are far from meta but he mostly does it with a positive winrate in Legend.
I'm not gonna claim that meta isnt great decks and most likely the best decks right now but the gap between it and some other decks aint as big as people make them out to be.
idk what you're talking about. This is the best meta since Festival of Legends. People have finally stopped playing the 'no-fun-allowed' control warrior that runs every hand disruption, board clear and hard removal and unbeatable end game. Those decks were infuriating to play against because not only does your opponent play the game for you, but matches took forever and were never memorable because both players drew most of their decks. (I literally faced that control warrior in a third of my matches in the past 4 months until the most recent patch.) Would you rather play against that for another year and a half? I'm just happy that it seems like the meta has finally shifted and you can actually make aggro and midranged decks again. Now you can make original decks without having to run a mandatory 28 cards because of how oppressive late-game greed decks were for the past 2 years. Aggro is GOOD for the game. It forces control decks to run early game minions instead of passing the first 6 turns of the game and spamming the same boring, uninteractive legendary spam they've been doing. When aggro is powerful, it becomes easier to build original decks, causing way more deck diversity.
And i've been doing a ton of experimenting and although there are a couple of strong tourist decks, most of my decks don't use them, despite me hitting the jackpot and opening all but 2 of them in my 100 something packs. (I didn't even buy any packs, just the tavern pass.) I can understand your frustration with that though. It's BS that all the tourists are legendary and probably done on purpose to encourage people to spend more money. They used to do stuff like give players a free legendary on expansion releases and in Descent of Dragons, they gave players every galakrond card for free. I'm not complaining though because it seems like they increased the drop % of legendaries and epics and there's duplicate protection for every card now. (that could just by my experience though.)
What are you even talking about? Where is aggro? Meta is otk, not aggro, Druid and Rogue, that's all there is.
As long there are people who are willing to pay MONEY to get ripped off, there will be games like this.
We just have to accept this fact.
exactly. And all the OTK decks get annihilated by early game minions and decks that excell at playing them. I've been playing triple frost DK and I do very well vs those. When the meta adjusts, you'll see less of those decks hopefully
its gotten better, but its still just Druid, Death Knight, Mage, Shaman
Really can't agree here.
I've just come back to the game after leaving in 2018 or something and honestly the meta seems fine.
Been playing for about a month now and so far was able to effectively climb & have fun with Elemental Mage, Elemental Shaman, Flood Pala, Handbuff Pala, Freeze DK, Freebooter DK and some homebrew stuff. So at least 6 beginner friendly decks spread over 4 classes, and they seem to be plenty more with Priest, DH and Warlock. Druid & Warrior were at the beginning frustrating to play against - not necessarily too strong, but just unfun and limiting for fresh ideas - but the Nerfs did work on Warrior IMO and more decks with good matchups against Druid got viable.
I really can't see what seems to be the major issue now. Sure the power level of cards is crazy high now, but it's mostly evenly spread and balanced. Do you guys remember the 'good ol days' of Pirate Warrior, Quest Rogue or Secret Hunter? Those were bullshit decks.
PS: Also, what happened to this place? Where is everyone? Can't be the playerbase shrinked that much, the game seems to be doing fine on Youtube and Twitch.
You people just LOOOOOVE whiming, don't you
At one point in time there was a falloff between the ownership of the site and the people who were updating it at the time. I guess a lot of users moved to other sites before that situation was resolved.
You guys just get salty too easy, meta is great right now. Shaman has the best deck in the game. Druid is crazy with dragons, concierge is just ok. Handbuff pally is really strong. Pirate DH is really strong. Overheal priest is finally a real deck. Insanity warlock lives up to its name. DK has multiple directions with frost aggro, rainbow tourist and triple blood control. Rogue has a 4D chess deck that top legend players love and probably sucks for everyone that isn’t in masters. Mage and warrior are playable but not great. Poor hunter… Either way, 8 classes have competitive decks with distinct play styles and decision making. If you don’t like standard right now, hearthstone might not be your game.
True and real
I've been an extreme hater of the game, you can check my comments history, but the current state of standard is one of the best. A lot of fun decks to play.
Other than Druid being moderately annoying, I am liking the meta. I do kind of hate Swipe being back. Having that and Yogg really shores up one of Druid’s main weaknesses and they can often feel like they’re having incredible turns time and time and time again.
After abit more time in the meta I do think I face a wide variety of decks. Some are frustrating to fight some are easier but its a wide variation so for that I think the meta on ladder is alright.
However the meta in high end tournaments is extremly dull, its basiclly bring OTK or gtfo.
Whats good with the OTK decks is that most players can't play them to the level that is required for it to be a top tier deck. For most even mid Legend players their winrates would be way better with more tempo based decks or heavier control decks than with for example Rogue. Problem is that even if they require abit more skilled in the right hand they are to powerful.
Just because a majority of players cant play it at the extreme level it shouldnt be allowed to be overtuned, both Druid and Rogue can execute their OTK's way to early in games. I do think that OTK turn 10+ is totally fine but when you can litterly be dead from hand turn 6 its just to soon there is no real counter play towards it, if they draw the nuts your dead and thats it.
Yesterday I had a game I had 30 health and I knew what was coming and managed to get out a grand total of 27 health on board. The Druid killed me off and all the minions turn 6. 57 turn 6 from hand is just silly in any scenario.
The play for this would have been both locations on the board, the Druid would activate both locations, play concierge, both go with the flows, a seabreeze chalice, both tide pool pupils and then finish out all the chalices. 60 damage is a lot from hand, but that player needed a ton of luck to pull that off. That’s 9 cards they have to draw by turn 6. That doesn’t happen often, still sucks to lose to it.