In HL warrior brann combo with tendrils and shaman version was pretty oppressive... and very Boring for the other player because in decks that can boardclear every turn, let you in most of the games going for late game and you know eventually you gonna Win and your opponnent gonna lose... they lower the power level of otks decks and other decks May have Space to Shine like for example "no minions mage" that for what i try early set was pretty fun but after the meta was found, pretty unplayable btw have a huge buff, feels like hero power druid, dragon druid, and highlander druid, May Shine again, like the minionbuff paladin or HL paladin, or HL shaman or control shaman, all this decks that i said saw almost zero play in the meta because of the oppressive otk combo decks... and btw warrior was punish again on the boardclears,i mean one turn later its pretty hard when you are playing against minion base decks that win games by turn 4, 5 or 6.
We allways say bad things about dev team, but they are show us they are looking and trying to develop a healthy and funny game for the players, and if they feel this nerfs aren't enough they will make more adjustments..
They nerfed every otk because they want to go back to a board-centric game.
Except the "board centric" decks are aggro decks like hunter and flood paladin. I'm not against the idea in general but the meta is too much about tempo and face damage instead of controlling the board, and that's because they didn't nerf hunter enough. They only replaced jungle gym with something else. The unbalanced core of the deck is still the same.
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With volley now costing 9, tendrils are unplayable in standard. What the actual f***?!
Fun > Meta
1 mana 1/1 that deals 3 damage to all enemy minions is playable.
They nerfed every otk because they want to go back to a board-centric game.
1 mana, 1/1, deal 10 damage to all enemies, yup pretty much balanced.
if you play it on turn 1 then you're right - it's not balanced but most of the time rogue is dead before they can cast 10 tendrils.
In HL warrior brann combo with tendrils and shaman version was pretty oppressive... and very Boring for the other player because in decks that can boardclear every turn, let you in most of the games going for late game and you know eventually you gonna Win and your opponnent gonna lose... they lower the power level of otks decks and other decks May have Space to Shine like for example "no minions mage" that for what i try early set was pretty fun but after the meta was found, pretty unplayable btw have a huge buff, feels like hero power druid, dragon druid, and highlander druid, May Shine again, like the minionbuff paladin or HL paladin, or HL shaman or control shaman, all this decks that i said saw almost zero play in the meta because of the oppressive otk combo decks... and btw warrior was punish again on the boardclears,i mean one turn later its pretty hard when you are playing against minion base decks that win games by turn 4, 5 or 6.
We allways say bad things about dev team, but they are show us they are looking and trying to develop a healthy and funny game for the players, and if they feel this nerfs aren't enough they will make more adjustments..
Btw wheelwarlock it was completely destroyed!!!
meanwhile you can die by turn 7 before you even pull off this "OTK"
They nerfed those decks too.
That's rogue. Shaman is another story.
Except the "board centric" decks are aggro decks like hunter and flood paladin. I'm not against the idea in general but the meta is too much about tempo and face damage instead of controlling the board, and that's because they didn't nerf hunter enough. They only replaced jungle gym with something else. The unbalanced core of the deck is still the same.