I've been close to legend 3 times now and 2 of those times I was denied by this super tempo hunter deck that can win on turn 5/6. I'm playing Minging Paladin or Plague DK and can win vs most decks but I'm having serious problems dealing with hunters. I probably have a chance with a lot of luck but doesn't seem likely. So what would work?
Been a good while since I've seen this thread. Used to come up quite often. Most decks have the tools available to beat aggro. Just most don't fill their deck with them because they aren't that great of tools for all matchups.
If you really want to tweak your deck to defeat Hunter you probably can. But, are you willing to pay the price?
This, tech removal/aoe in your deck. I was a playing a variant of plague and basically was trying to mulligan for my aoe, when I had it, my chances of winning increased. Also good timing to play, makes difference.
So we can all agree that cheap minions are too good in this game? Became even more obvious after they boosted a lot of minions. And one card that hunter has now is ridiculous "Get all animal companions, they cost 1". Wtf?
If I played that deck I'd be legend by now. All hunters should be at the end of the month if they play enough, the problem is some of them seems to hand around at diamond, making the meta toxic... :(
This, tech removal/aoe in your deck. I was a playing a variant of plague and basically was trying to mulligan for my aoe, when I had it, my chances of winning increased. Also good timing to play, makes difference.
Well, I have an Uther's Gift in my deck. I guess I could add in two consecrations instead because it seems they are needed.
I've been close to legend 3 times now and 2 of those times I was denied by this super tempo hunter deck that can win on turn 5/6. I'm playing Minging Paladin or Plague DK and can win vs most decks but I'm having serious problems dealing with hunters. I probably have a chance with a lot of luck but doesn't seem likely. So what would work?
Been a good while since I've seen this thread. Used to come up quite often. Most decks have the tools available to beat aggro. Just most don't fill their deck with them because they aren't that great of tools for all matchups.
If you really want to tweak your deck to defeat Hunter you probably can. But, are you willing to pay the price?
You don't. You get on board, or get run over. Aggro hunter deck is so much fun!
"How do you beat Aggro X?"
Play control, draw your removals, face roll ftw.
This, tech removal/aoe in your deck. I was a playing a variant of plague and basically was trying to mulligan for my aoe, when I had it, my chances of winning increased. Also good timing to play, makes difference.
Imagine you're facing token druid, and go from there.
Big clears, big taunts, and healing is enough.
So we can all agree that cheap minions are too good in this game? Became even more obvious after they boosted a lot of minions. And one card that hunter has now is ridiculous "Get all animal companions, they cost 1". Wtf?
If I played that deck I'd be legend by now. All hunters should be at the end of the month if they play enough, the problem is some of them seems to hand around at diamond, making the meta toxic... :(
Well, I have an Uther's Gift in my deck. I guess I could add in two consecrations instead because it seems they are needed.
Have you tried getting his health down to 0?
You are playing it wrong. Healin bubble wrap ninja pally can suck on deez nuts.
Current state of the game:
Create an own and interesting deck -> lose 20 games in a row against bots and netdecks.
Randomly click a deck with random random generating random cards to finish daily quests -> win thanks to random crap.
Play any Deck that has 20321314324324324 boardclear cards.
I play Demonhunter and hit him in his face until he explodes.
This is exactly what's wrong with this game. You can go face and get cheap wins without actually trying.