If Blizzard were caught cheating -- and of the many, many thousands of people playing and logging their games, there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of such -- the authorities would burn their headquarters to the ground. I cannot even begin to stress to you what a HUGE, MASSIVE, VERY BAD THING that would be for Blizzard (and now Microsoft).
They have zero incentive to make you lose games, and a whole lot of incentive to play by the rules.
I'm sure you'll come back with more of your anecdotal bullshit, but until I see actual logs of actual games and the statistical analysis backing up these claims of cheating, I'm going to continue to assume you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
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"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
This isn’t true. It may seem true but it isn’t. I’m willing to bet it’s not true, money I mean. I bet you 100$ that if we were to compile the first 10 hands played by ten different bots they would differ. We can use PayPal for payment. Let’s determine what statically speaking would prove the bots are cheating and compile some stats and make this happen.
Both of you can blabber on the party line from Blizzard all you want... I've seen it. I've seen it DOZENS of games. I posted my game by game log of my Shockspitter deck last month - EVERY SINGLE DK BOT ON THAT RUN STARTED THE GAME WITH THE EXACT SAME PLAY AND HAND SEQUENCE.
And that's only the one month and one deck I physically logged. I've seen this go on for months. I've talked to other players who have seen it exactly the same way.
That you two are defending the absolutely indefensible is comically hilarious.
If it makes you two feel better to bury your heads in the sand and scream, "LA, LA, LA NOT HAPPENING - MY OVERLORDS AND MASTERS AT BLIZZARD WOULD NEVER CHEAT US", more stupid to you...
You know when someone has run short of arguments? They start insulting other people. Sounds familiar?
Again, 100$ if you provide data to back up your claims. Considering you’re so sure of yourself, it’s easy money. Show some data, provide 10 replays with identical draws from game to game. I dare you to.
Now don’t get distracted with ad hominem, just focus on proving your point. Good luck!
I honestly don't care if you believe me. The truth doesn't require your belief, it exists, regardless of your ignorance.
As for your $100... I made more money than that simply in the time it took me to type out these sentences at work, so your childish attempts at bribery don't impress me either.
The deck build I'm referring to, I haven't seen since shortly before the new set launched - of course, that may be more of a "me" issue, since I refuse to play Standard or even attempt to ladder there in this current environment - but it's also quite possible enough people did exactly what you're asking for and sent it to Blizzard and they realized they got caught and "fixed" it.
I don't know the reasons, and again, honestly don't care. That you choose to deny what dozens of people have seen with their own eyes simply because it does not align with your belief system is cognitive dissonance on your part, not lying on ours.
Go take your $100 and spend it on an hour of counseling for your issues rather than waving it clownishly at me.
That's all I've got to say on this subject. Enjoy talking to yourself from here on out.
The deck build I'm referring to, I haven't seen since shortly before the new set launched - of course, that may be more of a "me" issue, since I refuse to play Standard or even attempt to ladder there in this current environment - but it's also quite possible enough people did exactly what you're asking for and sent it to Blizzard and they realized they got caught and "fixed it”.
Now, isn’t *that* convenient, just when the truth was about to come out. Such bad luck, haha.
There you have it folks, when pressed for evidence, the opposition crumbles into personal attacks. No proof, no substance, nothing.
I can confirm that once upon a time dk bots played body bagger coin skeletal sidekick. However, he is lying that they did that all the time. One time a bot played skeletal sidekick first, then coin body bagger. I was so confused...
You clearly don't even know what constitutes statistical proof. If you did, you would generate the evidence and bring the whole Blizzard cheat-industry to its knees with a massive class-action lawsuit.
If Blizzard were caught cheating -- and of the many, many thousands of people playing and logging their games, there is ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE of such -- the authorities would burn their headquarters to the ground. I cannot even begin to stress to you what a HUGE, MASSIVE, VERY BAD THING that would be for Blizzard (and now Microsoft).
They have zero incentive to make you lose games, and a whole lot of incentive to play by the rules.
I'm sure you'll come back with more of your anecdotal bullshit, but until I see actual logs of actual games and the statistical analysis backing up these claims of cheating, I'm going to continue to assume you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
This isn’t true. It may seem true but it isn’t. I’m willing to bet it’s not true, money I mean. I bet you 100$ that if we were to compile the first 10 hands played by ten different bots they would differ. We can use PayPal for payment. Let’s determine what statically speaking would prove the bots are cheating and compile some stats and make this happen.
Both of you can blabber on the party line from Blizzard all you want... I've seen it. I've seen it DOZENS of games. I posted my game by game log of my Shockspitter deck last month - EVERY SINGLE DK BOT ON THAT RUN STARTED THE GAME WITH THE EXACT SAME PLAY AND HAND SEQUENCE.
And that's only the one month and one deck I physically logged. I've seen this go on for months. I've talked to other players who have seen it exactly the same way.
That you two are defending the absolutely indefensible is comically hilarious.
If it makes you two feel better to bury your heads in the sand and scream, "LA, LA, LA NOT HAPPENING - MY OVERLORDS AND MASTERS AT BLIZZARD WOULD NEVER CHEAT US", more stupid to you...
You know when someone has run short of arguments? They start insulting other people. Sounds familiar?
Again, 100$ if you provide data to back up your claims. Considering you’re so sure of yourself, it’s easy money. Show some data, provide 10 replays with identical draws from game to game. I dare you to.
Now don’t get distracted with ad hominem, just focus on proving your point. Good luck!
I honestly don't care if you believe me. The truth doesn't require your belief, it exists, regardless of your ignorance.
As for your $100... I made more money than that simply in the time it took me to type out these sentences at work, so your childish attempts at bribery don't impress me either.
The deck build I'm referring to, I haven't seen since shortly before the new set launched - of course, that may be more of a "me" issue, since I refuse to play Standard or even attempt to ladder there in this current environment - but it's also quite possible enough people did exactly what you're asking for and sent it to Blizzard and they realized they got caught and "fixed" it.
I don't know the reasons, and again, honestly don't care. That you choose to deny what dozens of people have seen with their own eyes simply because it does not align with your belief system is cognitive dissonance on your part, not lying on ours.
Go take your $100 and spend it on an hour of counseling for your issues rather than waving it clownishly at me.
That's all I've got to say on this subject. Enjoy talking to yourself from here on out.
Now, isn’t *that* convenient, just when the truth was about to come out. Such bad luck, haha.
There you have it folks, when pressed for evidence, the opposition crumbles into personal attacks. No proof, no substance, nothing.
I can confirm that once upon a time dk bots played body bagger coin skeletal sidekick. However, he is lying that they did that all the time. One time a bot played skeletal sidekick first, then coin body bagger. I was so confused...
You clearly don't even know what constitutes statistical proof. If you did, you would generate the evidence and bring the whole Blizzard cheat-industry to its knees with a massive class-action lawsuit.
You are full of hot air and you know it.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
How people who post whacked out shit never have a video or anything to back up their stuff?
Same cards X games in a row ... ok fine .. post in on YouTube and be believed.
But of course the "unreliable narrator" of the story, never has any evidence -- just claims.