If you want the ultimate in frustration playing hearthstone, please do try Control Priest. Lets review:
The removal is all too situational and doesnt hit enough minions due to health or attack restrictions.
There is NO finisher or end game. How is this deck supposed to "win"?
Your minions suck.
You usually overdraw or have to not use or play your Titan due to overdraw.
Your health cant keep up with the damage, regardless of whatever healing you think you have.
Your Titan generates what usually is a garbage minion that just clogs your hand up even further.
Games take 20 minutes and you lose most of them anyways to ANY other control deck or ANY deck that isnt pure aggro. What a joke. Make priest good again. Give them real board wipes that dont cost 8 mana & arent heavily handicapped.
I would agree with the general assessment - no win conditions and too passive. Hence I would suggest a minion priest, as someone posted a build here a few months back.
Personally, I run a shadow minion priest (with the 2-attack hero power), but in control style. About 2/3 of my cards are minions (since I can’t use holy spells) - and many of these minions are low cost (and a few generate cards).
Priest have a number of good value minions, and I actively play them… playing a tempo style compared to a passive spell priest. And I use the 7-mana guy that double minion stats, which helps to pressure warlocks.
I’m at diamond 5 now with > 50% win rate. Try minion priest for a few games (with dirty rats to fight odyn warriors, warlocks and mages), and see if this suits ya better.
But ya, games take 10 minutes, and I don’t like playing against priest for 20 minute games (yes, the irony).
That's exactly what a control deck is; your win condition is running the opponent out of their win conditions through disruption and (board) clears. This means knowing what deck you're playing against and how they intend to win. It's a passive playstyle but pro-actively passive - know what your opponent plays and what they could play the next turn should influence how you play your current turn. Sometimes taking 8 to the face and hold your clean the scene for the following turn etc.
The biggest problem for Priests right now is that several classes can do a LOT of damage from hand over 1-2 turns, and with limited taunt options and limited healing it's something they can't deal with too well.
Control priest has plenty of win cons. More then anyone else...
The win con is either stolen, or copied, or generated. That's how Ctrl priest is mostly.
Though the current meta is not that great for priest cuz we have to much out of hand stuff right now and that is suposed to counter control.
The issue is that the stolen or generated stuff tends to be iffy. If you dont get a copy of a good Titan or super powered minion, your win con options drop like a rock off a cliff. Still major issues with too many cards in hand also. The removal can be frustrating also - too many that dont hit enough enemies or cost too much.
I enjoy control priest currently. It’s definitely difficult against certain matchups, Warrior most of all. I’m Warrior is a in a better spot though, so I’m not too upset by that matchup. I still run 2x Dirty Rat to try countering Odyn. Other than that, I run ETC for tech with Steamcleaner, Stereo Stomper, and Shadow Word: Kill all the big bois.
I enjoy control priest currently. It’s definitely difficult against certain matchups, Warrior most of all. I’m Warrior is a in a better spot though, so I’m not too upset by that matchup. I still run 2x Dirty Rat to try countering Odyn. Other than that, I run ETC for tech with Steamcleaner, Stereo Stomper, and Shadow Word: Kill all the big bois.
Oh its enjoyable - if you want to lose most games, LOL. Its terrible. Loses to All Druid decks, Warrior, Rogue, Cant even beat Death Knight. Give this class some REAL minions or make Res Priest a Standard deck.
I don't know, I went 16-10 with Control Priest over the past few days. Opponents and record are in the attachment. Of note, my build is not what would be considered optimized, and was grinding the Cho'Gall achievement, so he is in the deck as well (which I am sure is not an overall improvement). Also, the deck is definitely better going second. If you aren't able to win any games with the deck I would suggest modifying your build, as the deck's performance can vary significantly based on how you build it. Also, keep practicing with the deck, like many decks the more you play, the better you will get at playing it and understanding the route to victory in each matchup. Just look at the current losses as experience to build on.
If we start making threads about each deck which isn’t viable we won’t talk about anything else :). If you think it sucks, just don’t play it. I personally have a hard time facing Control Priest with Warlock.
If you want the ultimate in frustration playing hearthstone, please do try Control Priest. Lets review:
The removal is all too situational and doesnt hit enough minions due to health or attack restrictions.
There is NO finisher or end game. How is this deck supposed to "win"?
Your minions suck.
You usually overdraw or have to not use or play your Titan due to overdraw.
Your health cant keep up with the damage, regardless of whatever healing you think you have.
Your Titan generates what usually is a garbage minion that just clogs your hand up even further.
Games take 20 minutes and you lose most of them anyways to ANY other control deck or ANY deck that isnt pure aggro. What a joke. Make priest good again. Give them real board wipes that dont cost 8 mana & arent heavily handicapped.
I think Priest has the best and cheapest removals in game, almost no other class has them and I get my board always cleared by priest. Its so annoying to play against them. If you have strong cards they always copy them so obviously if you run a cheap aggro deck they screwed. But hello? minion removal with heal all? yes please! And that titan? one of the strongest in game... The general problem is these days compared to earlier, that aggro can reload their hands so much and push very strong 2-3x but thats how the game is.
Control priest is easy - win condition: outlast your opponent, find their win condition or copy either ignis, the eternal flame or Astalor and win the game. I run a gimmick control priest with the new void tentrils package, pretty good success.
I think control priest does OK against minion aggro style decks and also in theory against other control decks, but it basically auto-loses to any OTK (or TTK) style deck as there's very limited burst healing and you can't usually gain enough armour to out heal it. It can also struggle against tempo based decks (as it always has).
The problem is that this meta doesn't really have many other control decks. Warrior is more akin to an OTK in my opinion (both enrage and Odyn can play like this) and mage also plays out like an OTK (as does druid).
Blood and Plague DK would probably be a reasonable match up, but that can swing wildly depending on what Patchwerk hits (and/or whether they draw Helya on turn 4). Warlock is now a pretty bad match-up for priest due to Sympony, Reverberations, Sargeras and Yogg.
You can definitely win with priest, but I feel like every win is hard fought and there are pretty much no auto-win games for priest.
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If you want the ultimate in frustration playing hearthstone, please do try Control Priest. Lets review:
Games take 20 minutes and you lose most of them anyways to ANY other control deck or ANY deck that isnt pure aggro. What a joke. Make priest good again. Give them real board wipes that dont cost 8 mana & arent heavily handicapped.
I would agree with the general assessment - no win conditions and too passive. Hence I would suggest a minion priest, as someone posted a build here a few months back.
Personally, I run a shadow minion priest (with the 2-attack hero power), but in control style. About 2/3 of my cards are minions (since I can’t use holy spells) - and many of these minions are low cost (and a few generate cards).
Priest have a number of good value minions, and I actively play them… playing a tempo style compared to a passive spell priest. And I use the 7-mana guy that double minion stats, which helps to pressure warlocks.
I’m at diamond 5 now with > 50% win rate. Try minion priest for a few games (with dirty rats to fight odyn warriors, warlocks and mages), and see if this suits ya better.
But ya, games take 10 minutes, and I don’t like playing against priest for 20 minute games (yes, the irony).
That's exactly what a control deck is; your win condition is running the opponent out of their win conditions through disruption and (board) clears. This means knowing what deck you're playing against and how they intend to win. It's a passive playstyle but pro-actively passive - know what your opponent plays and what they could play the next turn should influence how you play your current turn. Sometimes taking 8 to the face and hold your clean the scene for the following turn etc.
The biggest problem for Priests right now is that several classes can do a LOT of damage from hand over 1-2 turns, and with limited taunt options and limited healing it's something they can't deal with too well.
Control priest has plenty of win cons. More then anyone else...
The win con is either stolen, or copied, or generated. That's how Ctrl priest is mostly.
Though the current meta is not that great for priest cuz we have to much out of hand stuff right now and that is suposed to counter control.
The issue is that the stolen or generated stuff tends to be iffy. If you dont get a copy of a good Titan or super powered minion, your win con options drop like a rock off a cliff. Still major issues with too many cards in hand also. The removal can be frustrating also - too many that dont hit enough enemies or cost too much.
I enjoy control priest currently. It’s definitely difficult against certain matchups, Warrior most of all. I’m Warrior is a in a better spot though, so I’m not too upset by that matchup. I still run 2x Dirty Rat to try countering Odyn. Other than that, I run ETC for tech with Steamcleaner, Stereo Stomper, and Shadow Word: Kill all the big bois.
Oh its enjoyable - if you want to lose most games, LOL. Its terrible. Loses to All Druid decks, Warrior, Rogue, Cant even beat Death Knight. Give this class some REAL minions or make Res Priest a Standard deck.
I don't know, I went 16-10 with Control Priest over the past few days. Opponents and record are in the attachment. Of note, my build is not what would be considered optimized, and was grinding the Cho'Gall achievement, so he is in the deck as well (which I am sure is not an overall improvement). Also, the deck is definitely better going second. If you aren't able to win any games with the deck I would suggest modifying your build, as the deck's performance can vary significantly based on how you build it. Also, keep practicing with the deck, like many decks the more you play, the better you will get at playing it and understanding the route to victory in each matchup. Just look at the current losses as experience to build on.
Not every decktype has to be viable in each meta you know.
If we start making threads about each deck which isn’t viable we won’t talk about anything else :). If you think it sucks, just don’t play it. I personally have a hard time facing Control Priest with Warlock.
I reach legend every season with control priest, So maybe deck building is the problem :)
I think Priest has the best and cheapest removals in game, almost no other class has them and I get my board always cleared by priest. Its so annoying to play against them. If you have strong cards they always copy them so obviously if you run a cheap aggro deck they screwed. But hello? minion removal with heal all? yes please! And that titan? one of the strongest in game... The general problem is these days compared to earlier, that aggro can reload their hands so much and push very strong 2-3x but thats how the game is.
Ignis, the Eternal Flame is most of the time enough to close out the game if your opponent has no weapon destruction. You can also copy your Ignis with Power Chord: Synchronize or Creation Protocol for a lot more beefy weapons
We need more of Mr. Bigglesworth
Control priest is easy - win condition: outlast your opponent, find their win condition or copy either ignis, the eternal flame or Astalor and win the game. I run a gimmick control priest with the new void tentrils package, pretty good success.
I think control priest does OK against minion aggro style decks and also in theory against other control decks, but it basically auto-loses to any OTK (or TTK) style deck as there's very limited burst healing and you can't usually gain enough armour to out heal it. It can also struggle against tempo based decks (as it always has).
The problem is that this meta doesn't really have many other control decks. Warrior is more akin to an OTK in my opinion (both enrage and Odyn can play like this) and mage also plays out like an OTK (as does druid).
Blood and Plague DK would probably be a reasonable match up, but that can swing wildly depending on what Patchwerk hits (and/or whether they draw Helya on turn 4). Warlock is now a pretty bad match-up for priest due to Sympony, Reverberations, Sargeras and Yogg.
You can definitely win with priest, but I feel like every win is hard fought and there are pretty much no auto-win games for priest.