Apparently they printed Odyn, Ignis and Sif to make Jailer obsolete. As if it wasn't enough, in mini-set we got new Yogg – the final nail in the coffin of board based decks.
Everything fine but warrior, braindead deck to play against with no interaction. (Now just wait to warrior players)
Yep - Warrior has unlimited removal which makes it impossible to "get them early" as the defenders of this garbage meta claim we need to do. You CANT build a board when they have endless, cheap removal. Hello, McFly? So sick of it. Throw in Warlock with their BS and Standard is now in Full-SUCK mode. Unplayable. Of course,the top two decks are zero skill, zero thought. Makes it even worse that a chimp on LSD can pilot these decks. LOL.
It’s actually Druid and team5 is dead on for nerfing it. Gadgetzan auctioneer in a deck is a key indicator that the deck is busted. Druid kills turn 5 often, turn 6 consistently, and turn 7 at the latest. It has no minions on board that turn and way before Odyn comes into play. If you aren’t playing on a phone and can do the APM in a turn, it’s easy OTK with ignis.
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Never said I hated it. I hate certain aspects of it. Why are you worried about me anyways? Move along.
Everything fine but warrior, braindead deck to play against with no interaction. (Now just wait to warrior players)
Apparently they printed Odyn, Ignis and Sif to make Jailer obsolete. As if it wasn't enough, in mini-set we got new Yogg – the final nail in the coffin of board based decks.
Yep - Warrior has unlimited removal which makes it impossible to "get them early" as the defenders of this garbage meta claim we need to do. You CANT build a board when they have endless, cheap removal. Hello, McFly? So sick of it. Throw in Warlock with their BS and Standard is now in Full-SUCK mode. Unplayable. Of course,the top two decks are zero skill, zero thought. Makes it even worse that a chimp on LSD can pilot these decks. LOL.
Don't worry, anomalies can still be in the game sometimes with Chogal.
Warrior seems very strong...
No, its broken beyond belief. 100%, hands down, no debate. Needs to be nerfed back to oblivion.
Not really, rogue, warlock, hunter and warrior are on very similar power level.
It’s actually Druid and team5 is dead on for nerfing it. Gadgetzan auctioneer in a deck is a key indicator that the deck is busted. Druid kills turn 5 often, turn 6 consistently, and turn 7 at the latest. It has no minions on board that turn and way before Odyn comes into play. If you aren’t playing on a phone and can do the APM in a turn, it’s easy OTK with ignis.