Is it just me, or are the Titans so highly targeted that they are nuked within a turn or two of playing them? I got 2 turns our of The Primus before my opponent hit it with Reverberations and destroyed me... even then they only got 2 turns on it.
Not a salt thread, just wondering if I am seeing a consistency on the meta with anyone else
Maybe I've missed some expansions where the state of the game shifted, but playing HS when it just came out I felt like you shouldn't expect your minions to stick to the board even for 2-3 turns, it just doesn't work that way. There were minions that grow constantly, resummon the board or some other crazy 'end of turn' effect but they've never been meta defining afaik. So getting back to titans, imo you should be happy with the outcome when your titan used 2 abilities and got removed.
This is so funny. Why wouldn’t a high priority target get removed? I can’t remember the last time a problematic minion like a Titan stayed on board for 3 turns plus on a consistent basis. They’ll either concede or get rid of the threat - that’s how the game works
That's what happens when you play your super cool, non-creative tier 1 or 2 deck and your opponent can predict your plays.
I have built a warlock achievement deck and people had no idea what to do against it. Long story short, I was able to keep Sargeras on the board for more than 1 turn in 90% of the times I played him. People don't expect it in a crappy deck lol. It's also your timing. And let's be honest, playing a 3 mana Sargeras on turn 6 is just disgusting
I had a control priest deck that plays amanthul and copies him over and over and I get him to stick consistently at least 8 turns (across multiple copies) almost every game. He's probably the most busted titan too though. Most of the titans are broken as hell imo. Their abilities usually do too much for how absurd their health is. They're usually way too cost inneficient to remove, but like people are saying, most classes have bonkers removal and board clears. I'm not a fan of it. The game's fun right now, but they really need to a massive patch where they nerf like 100 cards because the powercreep is too high. I want to play more things than just the cookie cutter blizzard reccommended decks per each class every expansion
They do die quick but they are a premium minion so you have to get rid of it. In Wild, I got garbage legend with Big Priest and Aman-Thul who is just brutal. Standard, I play my own version of Pure-Pally and thats a good Titan too. But, you must have a board to make him worth playing.
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Is it just me, or are the Titans so highly targeted that they are nuked within a turn or two of playing them? I got 2 turns our of The Primus before my opponent hit it with Reverberations and destroyed me... even then they only got 2 turns on it.
Not a salt thread, just wondering if I am seeing a consistency on the meta with anyone else
Yea usually get most value on the first use, but many times the titan stays up based on your board state.
Usually opponents surrender if they can't kill the titan within 1-2 turns. They've usually already lost at that point anyway.
Maybe I've missed some expansions where the state of the game shifted, but playing HS when it just came out I felt like you shouldn't expect your minions to stick to the board even for 2-3 turns, it just doesn't work that way. There were minions that grow constantly, resummon the board or some other crazy 'end of turn' effect but they've never been meta defining afaik. So getting back to titans, imo you should be happy with the outcome when your titan used 2 abilities and got removed.
You could summon a no text, 1 mana 30/30 and it will still not survive 1 turn, there is a lot of removal.
Before i removed the mage titan from the deck i managed to do 20 after surviving two turns. Somehow he didn't have removal
I've attacked with The Primus several times, in top 2000 Legend.
Do you play plague package? Just curious.
This is so funny. Why wouldn’t a high priority target get removed? I can’t remember the last time a problematic minion like a Titan stayed on board for 3 turns plus on a consistent basis. They’ll either concede or get rid of the threat - that’s how the game works
That's what happens when you play your super cool, non-creative tier 1 or 2 deck and your opponent can predict your plays.
I have built a warlock achievement deck and people had no idea what to do against it. Long story short, I was able to keep Sargeras on the board for more than 1 turn in 90% of the times I played him. People don't expect it in a crappy deck lol. It's also your timing. And let's be honest, playing a 3 mana Sargeras on turn 6 is just disgusting
I've done Plague and Blood... both decks I can never get the titan to stay on more than 2 turns.
I had a control priest deck that plays amanthul and copies him over and over and I get him to stick consistently at least 8 turns (across multiple copies) almost every game. He's probably the most busted titan too though. Most of the titans are broken as hell imo. Their abilities usually do too much for how absurd their health is. They're usually way too cost inneficient to remove, but like people are saying, most classes have bonkers removal and board clears. I'm not a fan of it. The game's fun right now, but they really need to a massive patch where they nerf like 100 cards because the powercreep is too high. I want to play more things than just the cookie cutter blizzard reccommended decks per each class every expansion
I've attacked with Sargeras without my opponent conceding somehow...
They do die quick but they are a premium minion so you have to get rid of it. In Wild, I got garbage legend with Big Priest and Aman-Thul who is just brutal. Standard, I play my own version of Pure-Pally and thats a good Titan too. But, you must have a board to make him worth playing.