Priest is already in the dumpster atm, and it will be even worse with that nerf.
I'm not surprised if it gets nerfed though; historically, they dislike Priest and its card nerfs always come pretty fast even though the class is not doing good..
twin fin fin twin will probbablybe changed from summon a copy to summon another twin fin, just like literally every other time they print a card like that lmao
It will be pirate warrior and mecha shark, but also switcheroo so they don’t become too strong. Rogue will slip by without nerfs and pirate rogue will be strong until nerfs round 2 when they nerf only swordfish and whispers from the deep.
switcheroo priest first nerf. my bet xD
??????????????????? What are you talking about man lol it not "might" be it for sure is...
btw i dont see priest getting nerfed it's already in the dumpster and this deck doens't seem consistent.
Priest is already in the dumpster atm, and it will be even worse with that nerf.
I'm not surprised if it gets nerfed though; historically, they dislike Priest and its card nerfs always come pretty fast even though the class is not doing good..
twin fin fin twin will probbablybe changed from summon a copy to summon another twin fin, just like literally every other time they print a card like that lmao
It will be pirate warrior and mecha shark, but also switcheroo so they don’t become too strong. Rogue will slip by without nerfs and pirate rogue will be strong until nerfs round 2 when they nerf only swordfish and whispers from the deep.
Ever play against QL Warrior?
Posionous Pufferfish for Rogue.
Honestly though, I’ll always run agro decks as long as there are decks like the freeze shaman.