9 games out of 10 are either mage/paladin with the occasional warlock. It’s becoming so boring facing the same 2 decks every game. I win more then I lose but I wish people would try out other stuff. I’ve been using a modified version of deathrattle DH and experimenting with a pirate/frenzy warrior and been having fun with both.
If you're playing ranked, what did you really expect? people playing ranked 'usually' play to win and to win, they play the current top decks.
if you're playing casual, then you're probably playing vs someone practising a meta deck or just someone that has ranked anxiety. Also, some new players probably just net-decked the current top deck and used all their dust on it.
It has nothing to do with "being afraid". Decks are meta for a reason, meta decks are good, and people want to win. And well both Mage and Paladin are superior to everything else, the only other deck that can compete with those 2 is Rogue. It's only natural than 9 of of 10 times you're gonna play those 3 decks, specially the higher you climb.
The mentality of people is hilarious. What does fear have to do with wanting to win? Good decks win games, bad decks don’t. It’s ranked, and people want to rank up (the notion, I know).
If you want to bring your homebrew into ranked, don’t expect to do overly well, because people are going to be playing meta decks.
I also dont understand it. I took legend with my big demon tempo DH , then I began to test different archetypes. But everywhere from 1000-8000 legend I meet only 3 decks: mage, pala and rogue. It has been 2 weeks since total meta change, but no one tests things, no one even tries to find something new, they just copy same deck list that have high win rate.
I could understand it from D5-legend or in top 200 legend ranks, but why play this boring pen flinger trash at 8000 legend?
If you want to bring your homebrew into ranked, don’t expect to do overly well, because people are going to be playing meta decks.
If someone's brews are decent and they understand meta, playing worse but unexpected deck provides some serious advantage. Most players are extremely bad at adapting to the deck they don't face often.
I hit wild legend every month with homebrew decks. eg
big demon deathrattle odd dh to 700 and still climbing
self mill warlock
dark portal lock
Reno dh
Life steal otk dh (off meta in wild )
I actually never play meta decks because everyone can win with them. There is no skill involved in getting legend with a tier 1 deck. And there is no challenge involved in it.
PS: only bad players can win only with meta decks. Real skill is building your own deck and climbing with it. dexkbuilding is the skill testing part of the game
paladin 3/4 games and they always either smash me or luck out with a low odds rng out. So frustrating same thing over and over. Even at low ranks same libram deck again and again. paladin is impossible to beat without extreme high rolling.
I've been playing mainly Priest, because it does well against the Mage and Pally decks. But I've been running in to more Druid lately, which chews me up.
There are lots of interesting things to try, but until the nerfs rein in mage, it's just not particularly fun to have a massive difference in power between two decks
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Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
Are you new to HS? This is what the player base has been since the beginning. People see streamers play decks and check the internet popular ones, they copy them and play them over and over and over again. lol
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
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9 games out of 10 are either mage/paladin with the occasional warlock. It’s becoming so boring facing the same 2 decks every game. I win more then I lose but I wish people would try out other stuff. I’ve been using a modified version of deathrattle DH and experimenting with a pirate/frenzy warrior and been having fun with both.
If you're playing ranked, what did you really expect? people playing ranked 'usually' play to win and to win, they play the current top decks.
if you're playing casual, then you're probably playing vs someone practising a meta deck or just someone that has ranked anxiety. Also, some new players probably just net-decked the current top deck and used all their dust on it.
Only free on the weekends :(
I have an almost all-minion Mage deck and am enjoying it. Not breaking records with it but not the point.
It has nothing to do with "being afraid". Decks are meta for a reason, meta decks are good, and people want to win. And well both Mage and Paladin are superior to everything else, the only other deck that can compete with those 2 is Rogue. It's only natural than 9 of of 10 times you're gonna play those 3 decks, specially the higher you climb.
The mentality of people is hilarious. What does fear have to do with wanting to win? Good decks win games, bad decks don’t. It’s ranked, and people want to rank up (the notion, I know).
If you want to bring your homebrew into ranked, don’t expect to do overly well, because people are going to be playing meta decks.
well, if we go deep into psyche, we could get to the "person being afraid of losing"
I also dont understand it. I took legend with my big demon tempo DH , then I began to test different archetypes. But everywhere from 1000-8000 legend I meet only 3 decks: mage, pala and rogue. It has been 2 weeks since total meta change, but no one tests things, no one even tries to find something new, they just copy same deck list that have high win rate.
I could understand it from D5-legend or in top 200 legend ranks, but why play this boring pen flinger trash at 8000 legend?
If someone's brews are decent and they understand meta, playing worse but unexpected deck provides some serious advantage. Most players are extremely bad at adapting to the deck they don't face often.
I hit wild legend every month with homebrew decks.
big demon deathrattle odd dh to 700 and still climbing
self mill warlock
dark portal lock
Reno dh
Life steal otk dh (off meta in wild )
I actually never play meta decks because everyone can win with them. There is no skill involved in getting legend with a tier 1 deck. And there is no challenge involved in it.
PS: only bad players can win only with meta decks. Real skill is building your own deck and climbing with it.
dexkbuilding is the skill testing part of the game
I’m done with standard for now.
paladin 3/4 games and they always either smash me or luck out with a low odds rng out. So frustrating same thing over and over. Even at low ranks same libram deck again and again.
paladin is impossible to beat without extreme high rolling.
always amuses me with these threads
you are literally talking the difference between GP MTG and Kitchen Table with your friends MTG. It's a tale as old as..well Magic the Gathering.
I've been playing mainly Priest, because it does well against the Mage and Pally decks. But I've been running in to more Druid lately, which chews me up.
Wild is not much better.
I played Wild since its introduction without much complaints, but it's in disgusting state right now if you don't enjoy playing Paladin or Mage.
Just chilling in Classic for the time being.
Blizzard, please leave Classic the fuck alone. Don't introduce any expansions for it to inevitably end up the same way the modern modes are.
Leave one last relic for us to remember Hearthstone.
There are lots of interesting things to try, but until the nerfs rein in mage, it's just not particularly fun to have a massive difference in power between two decks
Helpful Clarification on Forbidden Topics for Hearthstone Forums:
Enjoying Americans winning in the Olympics is forbidden because it is political. A 14 plus page discussion of state-sponsored lawsuits against a multi-national corporation based on harassment, discrimination, and wrongful death allegations is apparently not political enough to raise an issue.
Afraid? ROFL
Are you new to HS? This is what the player base has been since the beginning. People see streamers play decks and check the internet popular ones, they copy them and play them over and over and over again. lol
Great art can never be created without great suffering.