Just make lunacy mage change spells up to 3 mana either way at random. Over priced spells or under priced. Plus it would be even more random. Random is fun right
Its grandmasters tournament this weekend, Blizz does not want to make changes during tournaments, even though the current meta is a dumpster fire.
This is false, HS Esports is in the top 5 things related to HS that Blizzard gives 0 shits about. Blizzard has done balance patches 1 day before GM before. If they wanted, they would have released the balance patch this week.
Its grandmasters tournament this weekend, Blizz does not want to make changes during tournaments, even though the current meta is a dumpster fire.
This is false, HS Esports is in the top 5 things related to HS that Blizzard gives 0 shits about. Blizzard has done balance patches 1 day before GM before. If they wanted, they would have released the balance patch this week.
Indeed there seem to be many topics about HS hate, so this seems like a good enough place to share my exp with the game :)
So I've been playing HS since it came out, but the last years I played exclusively BGs. With barens I thought ok let's give standard another shot. I am so disappointed I stopped playing after a few days and waited for the nerfs, but when I see the nerfs I simply don't know what to say anymore....Lunacy should not be in the game AT ALL; this game is fun because it makes you think about different outcomes but how can I strategize about random cards? You don't know what those cards are going to be, you just hope he got random shit instead of random good stuff. But the way this expansion is right now, all the cards mage get are really good and for me it cannot be anything more frustrating than to see some random guy playing DoL and getting perfect cards randomly (last game mage was at 5 hearth and he played 3 librams of hope in a row for 6 mana each...I mean really man?! wtf is that?!). Also, no change to refreshing spring water? Literally this card gives you 2 other cards and in many cases it refreshes some mana as well, since it's cost is discounted starting with turn 2 usually. And guess what...43% of my games are with mages; and I'm not some random guy in bronze, I got to legendary a number of times and this is the way the game looks at platinum.
And the prices on those cards? So you want to tell me that I have to pay roughly the price of 1L of petrol in UE for 5 random cards, that can be the same cards I already have (and most of the time they are)? Just to put things into perspective, with the money for the pre-expansion sale I can pay for the petrol to go to vacation in Greece or for the accommodation for 1 week in the same country or to keep it in gaming world, it's the same cash you normally play for an entire new game that has been recently launched...dude...and this happens 3 times in a year???? Seems like you have to be stinking rich or stinking stupid and I am neither. And let's say you pay those $$ and you get an expansion like this, where it's 50% DoL mages, 35% libram/secret paladin and 15% for all the other classes (these are not invented figues, its decktracker statistics).
As for BGs...it does not generate revenue so they only give it minor changes until you just get bored of it.
I WAS a 20+ years fan of blizzard but this new management...OMG...they just ruin everything they touch with they're greed. After dumping WoW a few months ago, I am 1 step away from dumping HS (the last Blizzard game I have) and just play something else.
Indeed there seem to be many topics about HS hate, so this seems like a good enough place to share my exp with the game :)
So I've been playing HS since it came out, but the last years I played exclusively BGs. With barens I thought ok let's give standard another shot. I am so disappointed I stopped playing after a few days and waited for the nerfs, but when I see the nerfs I simply don't know what to say anymore....Lunacy should not be in the game AT ALL; this game is fun because it makes you think about different outcomes but how can I strategize about random cards? You don't know what those cards are going to be, you just hope he got random shit instead of random good stuff. But the way this expansion is right now, all the cards mage get are really good and for me it cannot be anything more frustrating than to see some random guy playing DoL and getting perfect cards randomly (last game mage was at 5 hearth and he played 3 librams of hope in a row for 6 mana each...I mean really man?! wtf is that?!). Also, no change to refreshing spring water? Literally this card gives you 2 other cards and in many cases it refreshes some mana as well, since it's cost is discounted starting with turn 2 usually. And guess what...43% of my games are with mages; and I'm not some random guy in bronze, I got to legendary a number of times and this is the way the game looks at platinum.
And the prices on those cards? So you want to tell me that I have to pay roughly the price of 1L of petrol in UE for 5 random cards, that can be the same cards I already have (and most of the time they are)? Just to put things into perspective, with the money for the pre-expansion sale I can pay for the petrol to go to vacation in Greece or for the accommodation for 1 week in the same country or to keep it in gaming world, it's the same cash you normally play for an entire new game that has been recently launched...dude...and this happens 3 times in a year???? Seems like you have to be stinking rich or stinking stupid and I am neither. And let's say you pay those $$ and you get an expansion like this, where it's 50% DoL mages, 35% libram/secret paladin and 15% for all the other classes (these are not invented figues, its decktracker statistics).
As for BGs...it does not generate revenue so they only give it minor changes until you just get bored of it.
I WAS a 20+ years fan of blizzard but this new management...OMG...they just ruin everything they touch with they're greed. After dumping WoW a few months ago, I am 1 step away from dumping HS (the last Blizzard game I have) and just play something else.
I'm in the same boat. I have played since the beginning and spend a good amount of money on this game. It feels more and more stupid to hang on playing, because i think the random aspect feels rigged and takes up to much space in the overall outcome.
The Matchmaking system is horrible since you pair up with equally strong players even in arena and duels. So yeah, I'm not that far away from sinking this ship. It's more frustrating than relaxing... and I'm quite disappointed with the nerfs, too.
What i hate most is, that they knew those cards would need a fix, and they try to wait 2 weeks after launch for it, so they can make even more money. Sure, most players disenchant cards at release of a new expansion - lets say you craft that watchpost legendary. Guess what, 2 weeks later you lost another 1600 dust.
Then they promote like 5 different bundles at the same time and the game is full of bugs. Yeah feels really bad.
Indeed there seem to be many topics about HS hate, so this seems like a good enough place to share my exp with the game :)
So I've been playing HS since it came out, but the last years I played exclusively BGs. With barens I thought ok let's give standard another shot. I am so disappointed I stopped playing after a few days and waited for the nerfs, but when I see the nerfs I simply don't know what to say anymore....Lunacy should not be in the game AT ALL; this game is fun because it makes you think about different outcomes but how can I strategize about random cards? You don't know what those cards are going to be, you just hope he got random shit instead of random good stuff. But the way this expansion is right now, all the cards mage get are really good and for me it cannot be anything more frustrating than to see some random guy playing DoL and getting perfect cards randomly (last game mage was at 5 hearth and he played 3 librams of hope in a row for 6 mana each...I mean really man?! wtf is that?!). Also, no change to refreshing spring water? Literally this card gives you 2 other cards and in many cases it refreshes some mana as well, since it's cost is discounted starting with turn 2 usually. And guess what...43% of my games are with mages; and I'm not some random guy in bronze, I got to legendary a number of times and this is the way the game looks at platinum.
And the prices on those cards? So you want to tell me that I have to pay roughly the price of 1L of petrol in UE for 5 random cards, that can be the same cards I already have (and most of the time they are)? Just to put things into perspective, with the money for the pre-expansion sale I can pay for the petrol to go to vacation in Greece or for the accommodation for 1 week in the same country or to keep it in gaming world, it's the same cash you normally play for an entire new game that has been recently launched...dude...and this happens 3 times in a year???? Seems like you have to be stinking rich or stinking stupid and I am neither. And let's say you pay those $$ and you get an expansion like this, where it's 50% DoL mages, 35% libram/secret paladin and 15% for all the other classes (these are not invented figues, its decktracker statistics).
As for BGs...it does not generate revenue so they only give it minor changes until you just get bored of it.
I WAS a 20+ years fan of blizzard but this new management...OMG...they just ruin everything they touch with they're greed. After dumping WoW a few months ago, I am 1 step away from dumping HS (the last Blizzard game I have) and just play something else.
Randomly generated cards are not completely random. If you cast DoL before Incanter's flow you have your 7 mana spells turning into 10 mana spells, so you have to playaround to two cards, the druid's aoe buff and the hunter's 4 3/5. If you play IF before DoL the 7 mana spells turn into the paladin's 9 mana librams and you play around that.
So it's not luck to find 3 or 4 librams at 9, it's sure to find them.
This allows on the one hand the mage player to choose the pool of spells he wants to play (against aggro you want the librams, against control you want the spells at 10) on the other hand the other player to know what powerplay to expect.
Especially at lower levels this makes players who don't know this get punished, whether they play mage or against mage.
Personally in my climb up to legend I have met many mage and except for powerplay in the very first turns I found myself knowing what cards to play against; my winrate against mage and paladin was over 70% (as well as my winrate in general).
Of course the playrate of these 2 decks it is (was?) problematic.
Do you really think Deck of Lunacy nerf is really a nerf ? I think we will not see any changes,mages still will play Lunacy in 4 mana ,is irrelevant.Is like we say that if you draw Lunacy at 4 or 5 turn you cannot win,ofc you can .I believe in one week we will see almost the same amount of Lunacy decks.
Do you really think Deck of Lunacy nerf is really a nerf ? I think we will not see any changes,mages still will play Lunacy in 4 mana ,is irrelevant.Is like we say that if you draw Lunacy at 4 or 5 turn you cannot win,ofc you can .I believe in one week we will see almost the same amount of Lunacy decks.
If we see the same amount of Lunacy decks then the "nerf" is a failure. But the point of nerfs is not to nuke a deck out of existence, but to balance it. So the nerf will hopefully mean that Lunacy decks is still played, but not as dominant as it is now. We will see.
Do you really think Deck of Lunacy nerf is really a nerf ? I think we will not see any changes,mages still will play Lunacy in 4 mana ,is irrelevant.Is like we say that if you draw Lunacy at 4 or 5 turn you cannot win,ofc you can .I believe in one week we will see almost the same amount of Lunacy decks.
A 4 mana card with no immediate impact is a lot weaker than a two mana ditto.
I'm not sure it's as big a difference with all the free mama from spring water and incunters flow, but we'll see soon enough.
Yeah - I really enjoyed last two expansion - they brought me back to HS after albout 2 years of not playing at all - was excited about Barrens but now ? I made 2 hunter decks and DH, Mordegash(or whatever his names is) deck and they are all abslolutly not fun to play and all this game now is about lunacy MAGE + Palas (which habent changed at all and still this Heal 8 pyt 8/8 taunt with divine is stupid) + Lock wich was can just destroy and heal and draw 60 carsds.. . .. i will give it a week and then pobly see u in 2 years
I liked Watchposts. They were the most interesting additions to hte game in a while for me, really shook up the early game, and genuinely viable defensive tools for mid-range, instead of just outright control and combo decks.
Now they are nerfed into the ground and unplayable.
Paladin still ripping up the ladder. I don't think any of us want to sit through a whole year of libram bullshit?
Best player experience would be when people would be playing decks they actually came up with and change them as they go. As far as complaining goes any 'Meta' is unfun and annoying really. And predictable.
I am playing my own crappy deck and I have loads of fun, even though I lose a lot :)
It’s so bad right now the nerfs didn’t even target the right cards outside of pen flinger.
Pen flinger can’t go face now, which it never should have been able to and hurts paladins infinite damage potential. However, now paladin uses pen flingers to destroy any board you have and hit you with those big minions that the free librams have been cast on. It didn’t take much to see this coming.
I liked Watchposts. They were the most interesting additions to hte game in a while for me, really shook up the early game, and genuinely viable defensive tools for mid-range, instead of just outright control and combo decks.
Now they are nerfed into the ground and unplayable.
Paladin still ripping up the ladder. I don't think any of us want to sit through a whole year of libram bullshit?
Blizz has had a hard on for Pally for a while and has been hell bent on making the Libram package as powerful as possible so I don't think it's going anywhere
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It is pontless to play standard atm.
Let's wait and see what will happen after balance changes.
The only thing that I can not understand is how developers tolerate mage and paladin so long?
For example Galakrond Shaman have been nerfed in a few days.
Its grandmasters tournament this weekend, Blizz does not want to make changes during tournaments, even though the current meta is a dumpster fire.
Just make lunacy mage change spells up to 3 mana either way at random. Over priced spells or under priced. Plus it would be even more random. Random is fun right
such salt much BM.
This is false, HS Esports is in the top 5 things related to HS that Blizzard gives 0 shits about. Blizzard has done balance patches 1 day before GM before. If they wanted, they would have released the balance patch this week.
Which is the top 1?
Indeed there seem to be many topics about HS hate, so this seems like a good enough place to share my exp with the game :)
So I've been playing HS since it came out, but the last years I played exclusively BGs. With barens I thought ok let's give standard another shot. I am so disappointed I stopped playing after a few days and waited for the nerfs, but when I see the nerfs I simply don't know what to say anymore....Lunacy should not be in the game AT ALL; this game is fun because it makes you think about different outcomes but how can I strategize about random cards? You don't know what those cards are going to be, you just hope he got random shit instead of random good stuff. But the way this expansion is right now, all the cards mage get are really good and for me it cannot be anything more frustrating than to see some random guy playing DoL and getting perfect cards randomly (last game mage was at 5 hearth and he played 3 librams of hope in a row for 6 mana each...I mean really man?! wtf is that?!). Also, no change to refreshing spring water? Literally this card gives you 2 other cards and in many cases it refreshes some mana as well, since it's cost is discounted starting with turn 2 usually. And guess what...43% of my games are with mages; and I'm not some random guy in bronze, I got to legendary a number of times and this is the way the game looks at platinum.
And the prices on those cards? So you want to tell me that I have to pay roughly the price of 1L of petrol in UE for 5 random cards, that can be the same cards I already have (and most of the time they are)? Just to put things into perspective, with the money for the pre-expansion sale I can pay for the petrol to go to vacation in Greece or for the accommodation for 1 week in the same country or to keep it in gaming world, it's the same cash you normally play for an entire new game that has been recently launched...dude...and this happens 3 times in a year???? Seems like you have to be stinking rich or stinking stupid and I am neither. And let's say you pay those $$ and you get an expansion like this, where it's 50% DoL mages, 35% libram/secret paladin and 15% for all the other classes (these are not invented figues, its decktracker statistics).
As for BGs...it does not generate revenue so they only give it minor changes until you just get bored of it.
I WAS a 20+ years fan of blizzard but this new management...OMG...they just ruin everything they touch with they're greed. After dumping WoW a few months ago, I am 1 step away from dumping HS (the last Blizzard game I have) and just play something else.
I'm in the same boat. I have played since the beginning and spend a good amount of money on this game. It feels more and more stupid to hang on playing, because i think the random aspect feels rigged and takes up to much space in the overall outcome.
The Matchmaking system is horrible since you pair up with equally strong players even in arena and duels. So yeah, I'm not that far away from sinking this ship. It's more frustrating than relaxing... and I'm quite disappointed with the nerfs, too.
What i hate most is, that they knew those cards would need a fix, and they try to wait 2 weeks after launch for it, so they can make even more money. Sure, most players disenchant cards at release of a new expansion - lets say you craft that watchpost legendary. Guess what, 2 weeks later you lost another 1600 dust.
Then they promote like 5 different bundles at the same time and the game is full of bugs. Yeah feels really bad.
Randomly generated cards are not completely random.
If you cast DoL before Incanter's flow you have your 7 mana spells turning into 10 mana spells, so you have to playaround to two cards, the druid's aoe buff and the hunter's 4 3/5.
If you play IF before DoL the 7 mana spells turn into the paladin's 9 mana librams and you play around that.
So it's not luck to find 3 or 4 librams at 9, it's sure to find them.
This allows on the one hand the mage player to choose the pool of spells he wants to play (against aggro you want the librams, against control you want the spells at 10) on the other hand the other player to know what powerplay to expect.
Especially at lower levels this makes players who don't know this get punished, whether they play mage or against mage.
Personally in my climb up to legend I have met many mage and except for powerplay in the very first turns I found myself knowing what cards to play against; my winrate against mage and paladin was over 70% (as well as my winrate in general).
Of course the playrate of these 2 decks it is (was?) problematic.
Sorry for my broken english.
Do you really think Deck of Lunacy nerf is really a nerf ? I think we will not see any changes,mages still will play Lunacy in 4 mana ,is irrelevant.Is like we say that if you draw Lunacy at 4 or 5 turn you cannot win,ofc you can .I believe in one week we will see almost the same amount of Lunacy decks.
If we see the same amount of Lunacy decks then the "nerf" is a failure. But the point of nerfs is not to nuke a deck out of existence, but to balance it. So the nerf will hopefully mean that Lunacy decks is still played, but not as dominant as it is now. We will see.
I agree 100%. I've been doing wild this whole months standard is just no minion mage and secret pally. Feels broken. Not fun
A 4 mana card with no immediate impact is a lot weaker than a two mana ditto.
I'm not sure it's as big a difference with all the free mama from spring water and incunters flow, but we'll see soon enough.
After nerfs, nothing is changed.
Big failure for development team.
Yeah - I really enjoyed last two expansion - they brought me back to HS after albout 2 years of not playing at all - was excited about Barrens but now ? I made 2 hunter decks and DH, Mordegash(or whatever his names is) deck and they are all abslolutly not fun to play and all this game now is about lunacy MAGE + Palas (which habent changed at all and still this Heal 8 pyt 8/8 taunt with divine is stupid) + Lock wich was can just destroy and heal and draw 60 carsds.. . .. i will give it a week and then pobly see u in 2 years
It’s so bad right now the nerfs didn’t even target the right cards outside of pen flinger.
I liked Watchposts. They were the most interesting additions to hte game in a while for me, really shook up the early game, and genuinely viable defensive tools for mid-range, instead of just outright control and combo decks.
Now they are nerfed into the ground and unplayable.
Paladin still ripping up the ladder. I don't think any of us want to sit through a whole year of libram bullshit?
Any meta where Facehunter is the best or 2nd best deck in the meta is shit.
Best player experience would be when people would be playing decks they actually came up with and change them as they go. As far as complaining goes any 'Meta' is unfun and annoying really. And predictable.
I am playing my own crappy deck and I have loads of fun, even though I lose a lot :)
Pen flinger can’t go face now, which it never should have been able to and hurts paladins infinite damage potential. However, now paladin uses pen flingers to destroy any board you have and hit you with those big minions that the free librams have been cast on. It didn’t take much to see this coming.
Blizz has had a hard on for Pally for a while and has been hell bent on making the Libram package as powerful as possible so I don't think it's going anywhere