I played today this deck and fast 6 -0 i am diamond 4 now.Only 2 games was with deck of lunacy at the start,and i can say is broken only 1 spell was useless .Omg nagrand slam at 7 mana and skull of guldan at 3 mana what i can say more is unbeatable right now.
I've just played against five such mages IN A ROW and it was completely horrible. Brings to much frustration to whoever plays against it. And it seems like every mage has Incanter's Flow and Deck of Lunacy in opening hand... It is overpowered just like rogue or paladin.
Easy to say that now, when the pool is just right and the archetype was supported by strong cards, like the 0 mana draw 2. Now, i can say "oh suck it I knew jaraxus was op since he came out 10 years ago", sure as hell now he is viable with a full archetype supporting it. And it's fine, but they designed cards for mage not thinking about this deck in particular. And the fact that is the most unpredictable hi-rolling deck (and least right now) doesn't help the cause. If you feel good about calling randomly a particular card op with no means of knowing that it actually would be, i'm happy for you. But a deck that makes people hit legend playing LITERALLY the green cards that they randomly found in their decks it's just not good for the game.
I just auto concede every time i see opponent is playing spell mage, (i am playing minion mage for fun on rank diamond 5) can have everything perfectly lined up opponent can have trash hand and i still lose because its so unfavorable mach up for every other mage deck in the game (they have more burst, more control, more aggro etc..) and i faced mage 40% of 60 games today which is insane have only won 1 time against it just because stars aligned and i was lucky and still was a close game.. so i just dont bother wasting my time and auto concede
I have yet to play against a jaina who hasn't high-rolled every lunacy play, like are any of the bad cards even there?
There are, I've been stuck with two guardian animals and a deck of chaos on more than one occasion.
The smaller card pool is going to be making a difference. I just don't want them to wreck the card, I've played with it since it released and it's a really fun card. It wasn't competitively viable and a nerf to return it to is previous state could then just end up completely killing the card following the next expansion and then the next after that.
I can deal with it not being competitive but I'd hate to see it become actively bad and deck damaging. On the flip side, if they've planned spell focused mechanics or anything that gives spells a boost, then it could be a complete problem.
Played all day this so called,, unfun to play against,, deck. From silver 5, 0 star's and after +-30 game's to silver 5, 2 star's. It's more unfun to play then to play against this deck lol.
It's astonishing to see so many people butthurt yet they are the one's either playing pally since librams came out and nothing else, or they play warlock with jaraxxus or tickatus or even better both of them. If you can't handle first week of new expansion, play casual, and wait till people figure it out for you.
I think the bigger picture that most people fail to see is that the card is OP because the amount of spells on each mana cost is the lowest it has been since the card got released which means is actually fairly consistent even with its "random" effect and also the original spells are decent enough to be able to win you the game if you don't find the Deck of Lunacy early on. Biggest problem is that the only 2 10-cost spells in the game are Nagrand Slam and Survival of the Fittest. The 6 mana slot (that's the reason the deck runs a lot of 3 cost spells) is also packed. The real problem is that there are so very few spells rn that you can manipulate your deck and build it in such a way that you can guarantee to hit very powerful spells.
No need to discuss this any further, just nerf that shit. It makes the game unplayable. (And no, I won't play it and weapon rogue either). Anyone remember the reasoning behind the nerf of original Yogg? This is infinitely worse. The fact it exists shows how far the game went in the wrong direction since then.
I was playing Deck of Lunacy back in DMF because it's fun. Now everyone and their dog is playing it, what, because some streamers figured it was good? The deck needed better draw, and now it has it. Guess it's the best now. Quite the fine line, is it?
It's really unfortunate that a deck can go from "wow, you play that trash tier garbage?" to "wow, you play that stupidly good deck that everyone finds oppressive and hates?" so quickly.
Or maybe everyone is overreacting, like they always do.
These forums can be exhausting to read sometimes. I just want a place where I can go and talk about a game I like. Why is it always this polarizing debate about how cards are ruining the experience for everyone else?
This isn’t supposed to come off as mean, but you were playing the deck when it was bad. So everyone playing it now is just a result of it, well, not being bad anymore.
A multitude of things resulted in the deck now being good.
1. Refreshing spring water is broken. The deck has hit a critical mass of card draw.
2. As for deck of lunacy, a LOT of terrible expensive spells rotated. Deck of lunacy was massively buffed by this rotation.
3. Finally, with a new year came a new rotation, obviously. The decks of the previous meta no longer exist, decks that destroyed spell mage.
So you have a combination of many things that pushed spell mage up to the top. The deck is very consistent, does not need lunacy to win, and is even more absurd if you get an early lunacy.
Even if lunacy gets nerfed to “unplayability,” I still think spell mage is tier 1. It’s just an insane deck even without it.
That is the real problem, I don't know how a card like Refreshing Spring Water passed quality control. Wait, quality control? BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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Great art can never be created without great suffering.
Deck of Lunacy is a problem. Usually I don't pull the "it doesn't feel fun to play against" reasoning, but spell mage has been unfun to play against even when it was bad. Now Mage has a winrate over 50% built on the back of completely random bs.
Refreshing Spring Water needs a damn nerf. 0 mana draw 2 is not fair.
I agree. Mage already had good card draw - including the card that draws more based on spell damage… almost always 2 cards for 2 mana, often more. Not sure why Blizz looked at mage and said “you know what they need? Draw 2 cards for 0 mana!”
i dont play the game until those fucking brainless idiots fix mage
The main problem is that you can’t play around it. It’s very frustrating to play against cards that you have no idea are even in your opponents deck.
I played today this deck and fast 6 -0 i am diamond 4 now.Only 2 games was with deck of lunacy at the start,and i can say is broken only 1 spell was useless .Omg nagrand slam at 7 mana and skull of guldan at 3 mana what i can say more is unbeatable right now.
I've just played against five such mages IN A ROW and it was completely horrible. Brings to much frustration to whoever plays against it. And it seems like every mage has Incanter's Flow and Deck of Lunacy in opening hand... It is overpowered just like rogue or paladin.
small cardpool is a problem i guess, it seems like they always get Libram of Hope - wich is super annoying atm.
Easy to say that now, when the pool is just right and the archetype was supported by strong cards, like the 0 mana draw 2. Now, i can say "oh suck it I knew jaraxus was op since he came out 10 years ago", sure as hell now he is viable with a full archetype supporting it. And it's fine, but they designed cards for mage not thinking about this deck in particular. And the fact that is the most unpredictable hi-rolling deck (and least right now) doesn't help the cause. If you feel good about calling randomly a particular card op with no means of knowing that it actually would be, i'm happy for you. But a deck that makes people hit legend playing LITERALLY the green cards that they randomly found in their decks it's just not good for the game.
They wont touch Refreshing spring water right now, unfortunely.
Also i agree with sPacEtiMe19 , this deck will still be a powerhouse even without Deck of Lunacy.
I get Nagrand Slammed every game against Mages these days.
I also get to see Flamestrikes, Cenarion Wards... just all kinds of good stuff.
It's super fun. Just super.
I second this, anyone who hates mage just play weapon rogue
Sure, and get eaten by paladin. It's not that simple guys, secret paladin destroys aggro rogue (also libram has a pretty good match up).
I just auto concede every time i see opponent is playing spell mage, (i am playing minion mage for fun on rank diamond 5) can have everything perfectly lined up opponent can have trash hand and i still lose because its so unfavorable mach up for every other mage deck in the game (they have more burst, more control, more aggro etc..) and i faced mage 40% of 60 games today which is insane have only won 1 time against it just because stars aligned and i was lucky and still was a close game.. so i just dont bother wasting my time and auto concede
There are, I've been stuck with two guardian animals and a deck of chaos on more than one occasion.
The smaller card pool is going to be making a difference. I just don't want them to wreck the card, I've played with it since it released and it's a really fun card. It wasn't competitively viable and a nerf to return it to is previous state could then just end up completely killing the card following the next expansion and then the next after that.
I can deal with it not being competitive but I'd hate to see it become actively bad and deck damaging. On the flip side, if they've planned spell focused mechanics or anything that gives spells a boost, then it could be a complete problem.
Played all day this so called,, unfun to play against,, deck. From silver 5, 0 star's and after +-30 game's to silver 5, 2 star's. It's more unfun to play then to play against this deck lol.
It's astonishing to see so many people butthurt yet they are the one's either playing pally since librams came out and nothing else, or they play warlock with jaraxxus or tickatus or even better both of them. If you can't handle first week of new expansion, play casual, and wait till people figure it out for you.
Why the hell am I Facing nothing but mages over and over AND OVER??
I'll tell you. Because team 5 broke the meta again. Unplayable Garbage. FIX IT RIGHT AWAY
I think the bigger picture that most people fail to see is that the card is OP because the amount of spells on each mana cost is the lowest it has been since the card got released which means is actually fairly consistent even with its "random" effect and also the original spells are decent enough to be able to win you the game if you don't find the Deck of Lunacy early on. Biggest problem is that the only 2 10-cost spells in the game are Nagrand Slam and Survival of the Fittest. The 6 mana slot (that's the reason the deck runs a lot of 3 cost spells) is also packed. The real problem is that there are so very few spells rn that you can manipulate your deck and build it in such a way that you can guarantee to hit very powerful spells.
No need to discuss this any further, just nerf that shit. It makes the game unplayable. (And no, I won't play it and weapon rogue either). Anyone remember the reasoning behind the nerf of original Yogg? This is infinitely worse. The fact it exists shows how far the game went in the wrong direction since then.
That is the real problem, I don't know how a card like Refreshing Spring Water passed quality control. Wait, quality control? BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
Because sheep are playing what their stream masters are playing. Come'on, Are you new to the game?
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
I agree. Mage already had good card draw - including the card that draws more based on spell damage… almost always 2 cards for 2 mana, often more. Not sure why Blizz looked at mage and said “you know what they need? Draw 2 cards for 0 mana!”
If they nerf this, will Pally hit a 60% WR or will another class get a boost?