The thing is: I can climb from the lowest Rank to Gold 10 in one or two days. When I reach Gold, suddenly my rng is so worse its unbelievable. I draw and mulligan shit every match. Also the Matchmaking is against me. This happens every time I play against Gold Players. I tested so much DH decks, let me tell you I played every Deck DH offers. The results are every time the same.
I know Some player reach platin or Diamond very easy. For me it's not the case. And being stuck at the same shit Rank since month I don't know what to do. It's like at Gold the Game changes so much. I am testing my own version of DH at the Moment because every other deck I copied(Netdecking) doesn't seem to work for me.
This is exactly how it's supposed to work. You aren't supposed to keep climbing above your skill level. You need to get better, then you will continue to climb.
It is because of your skills and the fact you are so adamant it isn't makes it difficult to help you. You are making bad decisions and it may be that you are playing purely DH and don't know enough about the decks you're facing or you're playing turn by turn rather than thinking ahead. Whatever it is, if you're stuck in gold then it's a you problem. Accept that and you can improve. I get to diamond with a meme mage deck that uses the quest and as much random or discovery cards as possible. It isn't a good deck at all but I'm very well accustomed to other decks and what their first 5 turns look like, then what to expect between turn 5 and 10. I'm an average player but I can at least cater my decisions, discovery picks etc based on what I'm expecting to come up and therefore counter it.
If you're purely sticking with DH then that may be part of your problem. You aren't learning the opposition decks very well because your game plan is generally exactly the same for every match and there's a large focus on you going face. Whilst it's effective it's not a great way to learn the game. One of the things I like about the deck I'm using is I have to play differently, sometimes very differently, depending on what I'm against. I can't play against quest warlock in the same way I play against face hunter and I can't play against spell druid in the way I would against demon hunter. My game plan has to adapt which has been a really good way of learning. When I am choosing what spell to discover from smuggler I might take an ice barrier because I know something g is coming or I might take magic trick just to speed up the quest completion because I'm against priest and want to get as much value as possible. Against druid I'll focus on clears, wide freezes and polymorph. Against face hunter I'll go down the route of armour and hero freezes, like frost bolt.
It seems like you're buying into hearthstone having no real skill level and it simply isn't true. If it was true then people such as yourself wouldn't consistently struggle to get through the lower ranks. The longer you buy into this notion of no skill, you'll keep telling yourself its the game and not you, this will mean you never improve because you've already conjured an easy excuse for yourself in your head.
So, lets say you progress from bronze 10 to legend in a season. During said climb, you're matched under one of two systems depending on where you are on that route. System A: you are matched by MMR. System B: you are matched by rank primarily, but MMR may come into play if there aren't alot of players at your rank queuing (this is just the same system prior to the Year of the Phoenix). So your matching progression is as follows:
You start your climb with a Star Bonus > 1: you are matched by System A (MMR).
You continue your climb to legend, but aren't there yet, and your Star Bonus is now 1: you are matched by System B (rank).
You reached legend: you are matched by System A (MMR).
I'm guessing the OP is stuck at step 2 above while being at lower Gold ranks, with a win streak bonus in effect (it drops out of effect at Diamond 5). As such, it could be one of a few things holding them back: skill, deck quality, and time investment.
For "what are the good decks" and an understanding of the meta, I suggest keeping up-to-date using Vicious Syndicate, as they are using data, and do good analyses and discussions ( Other people / sources (this forum, HSreplay, etc) are either going to be poorly informed, have poor analysis, be limited by small sample size, or be more time consuming to digest. If you can't get the cards for the good decks, but want them, well, grinding, arena, or real money are the only ways. Watching high legend ranked streamers play the good decks who explain their thoughts and interact with chat will also be of service to you for mulligans and more skillful plays (I'm fans of Zalae, NoHandsGamer, JAlexander, and EggoWafflesHS). Note, meme streamers, even if they are good players, won't help you much here (like Kibler, etc, even though they can be very entertaining, and somewhat educational). And if you want to get something from these streamers, say out loud a move you would make, watch what they do, when they do something different, think about why they did their move and not yours, and don't be afraid to ask them in chat why they made those moves / didn't make your move. And as for time investment, well, you just can't climb or get better without playing games, and that takes time.
Edit: P4dge expanded upon the below before I finished typing, and also gave some additional good advice and things to think about!
Now for some harsh reality. If you have the deck quality (and aren't switching decks willy nilly; learning a deck well, or very few decks well is important), and are spending the time to learn and play, and you can't climb out of lower gold ranks, then it is your skill that is holding you back. And if you can't be honest with yourself about that, then none of the above will help you. But this is easy to do. Look, I'll do it right now. In the old system, I regularly got to Rank 3-5, and in this current system, Diamond 5-2. Am I a legend quality player? NO! Because I've never been there, and am not willing to invest the time to get there / am not skilled enough to get there in less time. If I want to be a legend quality player I'm going to at least have to invest more time playing, and will likely need to get better at playing the game as well, in order to get to legend. It's as simple as that.
Once you get good enough you can realize what the bad cards are. Think about it. There are cards in your deck that suck.
How you know this is when you are dead on board and you look at your hand. Or your hand is empty and your opponent is not dead.
Or you mulligan and can't play anything. You die from fatigue. Nothing you play affects the board or kills your opponent.
So you think it's not skill because I make good plays. Or it's the mulligans fault. Hearthstone hates me!
Things you should consider. What are good cards?
- Highlander Decks. These cards have game changing abilities.
- Galakrond Decks. Most of these can take you to Diamond but it will probably be a long climb.
- Meta Decks. These are fine tuned by Pro and Seasoned players. You really can't go wrong once you learn how to play/beat them.
- Aggro Decks. Learn to kill your opponent as fast as possible by drawing 1-2-3 cards and win before your opponent draws anything good.
- Control Decks. Takes a while to master these. The game can go either way at any time, you're just hoping to stay alive for a long time and your opponent gives up.
- Homebrew deck. Probably going to sit at one rank for a while after you run out of stars.
So you're playing Demon Hunter. It plays out the same and everyone knows how to play against it. And you're not able to climb.
So this is most likely what is happening -
- I keep running into the same Meta decks (obviously not going to win)
- I can't beat Priest/Druid/Warrior/Mage/Hunter/Paladin (Too Greedy, or not going face when you should)
- I run out of cards (bad cards, not going face, bad plays, bad mulligan)
- Bad mulligan (not knowing how to Mulligan)
Some advice -
- If you're playing aggro always mulligan for your 1-2 drops. Don't ever keep trash cards. The game is usually decided on turn 1-2, go watch some games to see what is nuts/good opening.
- If you're playing control. Stop. Don't waste your time. Get to Diamond 10 then play all the control you want. Or Diamond 5.
- Play Highlander / Meta decks. Learn how to play these and you'll figure out how to beat them.
- Learn Tech cards and what your opponent is going to play. (eventually you'll know every single card that is going to come out for each opponent and when).
I hope this helps a little. I usually stop at Diamond 5 and have been for the last few years.
Update: I made legend first time. Yeah it was a lot of micro decisions made right and learning form mistakes and not tilting. So in essence, it is the same as winning in Arena, just you have to play much more games as people have said. I used mecha'thun lock from D5 to D1 with no bonus stars. 80% wr vs priest, 60% vs all other classes, and 30% wr vs mages.
hello friend, yeah it has to be your skill level. I used to take forever to get to diamond 5 in any season, now its just a few hours, 4-6.
HS is more than just playing cards, you have to outplay ur opponent, what they're likely going to play and what is going to make you win games.
I'm made 12 wins arena on multiple accounts, so I might not be giving best advice.
And I was complaining because I can't get past D3-2. Don't worry about matchmaking, try to focus on your main deck(s) and how to response to your opponent plays. Most of players tend to netdeck so take a look at their decks that way you'll know how to play around their cards.
If you're stuck at gold playing a DH deck I think you're doing something wrong
Not sure if the case here, but if you stop playing for an entire month, you'll immediately lose ALL of your Bonus Stars, at which point you are pretty much out of the ranked playing picture, as its virtually impossible to get back to Diamond 5 / Legend while starting without any Star booster at Bronze.
I don't think this is the case. At least for missing a month. Please see post below. Additionally, my cousin missed a month of playing and returned with the same rank multiplier he left with, so I would say the article is accurate. It looks like it will take months of not playing for your stars to decay to 1.
Q: Will the value of my previous season’s MMR be exactly same as the new season?
A: Technically no, although the change will be very small and the “value order” will be kept (Player A whose MMR is larger than player B in the last season will still be ordered as such). Mathematically, a re-normalization process takes place at the start of each season to keep the distribution in a nice bell-shaped curve.
Q: If I missed one season, will I lose my star bonuses when I return?
A: No, you won’t.
Q: If I missed multiple seasons, will I lose star bonuses when I return?
A: Based on how long you are absent, there will be some small decay applied to your MMR. Therefore, you may (or may not) lose some star bonuses.
The thing is: I can climb from the lowest Rank to Gold 10 in one or two days. When I reach Gold, suddenly my rng is so worse its unbelievable. I draw and mulligan shit every match. Also the Matchmaking is against me. This happens every time I play against Gold Players. I tested so much DH decks, let me tell you I played every Deck DH offers. The results are every time the same.
I know Some player reach platin or Diamond very easy. For me it's not the case. And being stuck at the same shit Rank since month I don't know what to do. It's like at Gold the Game changes so much. I am testing my own version of DH at the Moment because every other deck I copied(Netdecking) doesn't seem to work for me.
So you finished Gold last season. That means you have bonus stars for Bronze and Silver. While you have bonus stars you are being matched by the first MMR system. This first MMR matches you against opponents based on your rank from last season.... so pretty easy opponents and combined with a good deck = high win rate.
Once your bonus stars run out, so for you as soon as you hit Gold, you switch to the second MMR system. This second system I don't fully understand yet. But it seems it can match you against just about anyone including players in legend based on your recent win rate and perhaps class or deck type. I would love to read some documentation on this MMR system but I haven't found any yet. I am not ready to believe it affects RNG but I am not willing to discount this 100% either.
But I suspect you are having the same issue I am in wild. I finished in Gold last season just like you. I ran through Bronze and Silver this season barely loosing a game. Then, once I hit gold, I switched to the second MMR system. The difficulty of my opponents drastically changed to be much harder. There was no ramp, it was a night and day difference.
I suspect this is an issue with the design of the two MMR systems. If you finished low rank the previous and have a good deck, you are going to get hammered hard once your stars run out after running very good in the first system. It's really unfair and a roadblock for people to advance who had a low rank the previous season. Perhaps next season we need to throw a lot of games in the first MMR system while we still have stars, to lessen the impact by entering the second MMR system with a lower win rate, though I have no idea if this will help.
What makes it really unfair is that you have no idea who you are facing. You might have a really great deck and be playing vs many Diamond and Legend players as the system tries to balance you out, but you have no way of knowing. You have no way to know if you are using a good deck or not, you are put into the grind mode of the second MMR system early in gold have have no choice but to play a lot of games to grind up with a near 50% win rate or give up.
Players of higher rank the previous season start out harder in the first system, but they have the bonus stars to assist their rise up through that. Those of low rank get slammed early when they have no stars left to assist. It's a pretty sh#tty unfair system that sucks out my desire to play at all.
An equal bucket system would be better. In that kind of system you rise through the ranks and opponent difficulty slowly ramps until you reach the rank where your deck/skill equalize naturally.
Wow I didn't know this rank system fact. Thx for sharing
The thing is: I can climb from the lowest Rank to Gold 10 in one or two days. When I reach Gold, suddenly my rng is so worse its unbelievable. I draw and mulligan shit every match. Also the Matchmaking is against me. This happens every time I play against Gold Players. I tested so much DH decks, let me tell you I played every Deck DH offers. The results are every time the same.
I know Some player reach platin or Diamond very easy. For me it's not the case. And being stuck at the same shit Rank since month I don't know what to do. It's like at Gold the Game changes so much. I am testing my own version of DH at the Moment because every other deck I copied(Netdecking) doesn't seem to work for me.
So you finished Gold last season. That means you have bonus stars for Bronze and Silver. While you have bonus stars you are being matched by the first MMR system. This first MMR matches you against opponents based on your rank from last season.... so pretty easy opponents and combined with a good deck = high win rate.
Once your bonus stars run out, so for you as soon as you hit Gold, you switch to the second MMR system. This second system I don't fully understand yet. But it seems it can match you against just about anyone including players in legend based on your recent win rate and perhaps class or deck type. I would love to read some documentation on this MMR system but I haven't found any yet. I am not ready to believe it affects RNG but I am not willing to discount this 100% either.
But I suspect you are having the same issue I am in wild. I finished in Gold last season just like you. I ran through Bronze and Silver this season barely loosing a game. Then, once I hit gold, I switched to the second MMR system. The difficulty of my opponents drastically changed to be much harder. There was no ramp, it was a night and day difference.
I suspect this is an issue with the design of the two MMR systems. If you finished low rank the previous and have a good deck, you are going to get hammered hard once your stars run out after running very good in the first system. It's really unfair and a roadblock for people to advance who had a low rank the previous season. Perhaps next season we need to throw a lot of games in the first MMR system while we still have stars, to lessen the impact by entering the second MMR system with a lower win rate, though I have no idea if this will help.
What makes it really unfair is that you have no idea who you are facing. You might have a really great deck and be playing vs many Diamond and Legend players as the system tries to balance you out, but you have no way of knowing. You have no way to know if you are using a good deck or not, you are put into the grind mode of the second MMR system early in gold have have no choice but to play a lot of games to grind up with a near 50% win rate or give up.
Players of higher rank the previous season start out harder in the first system, but they have the bonus stars to assist their rise up through that. Those of low rank get slammed early when they have no stars left to assist. It's a pretty sh#tty unfair system that sucks out my desire to play at all.
An equal bucket system would be better. In that kind of system you rise through the ranks and opponent difficulty slowly ramps until you reach the rank where your deck/skill equalize naturally.
Wow I didn't know this rank system fact. Thx for sharing
Except for the fact that is NOT how the matchmaking system works.
I posted above how it actually works, with a link to the information (which in turn, references the official blizzard forum on this topic). This is in no offense to DickDraggin, who, from my experience here, is actually a cordial, decent, and well meaning forum member (which I thank them for being!), and they actually thanked me for the links I provided.
Craft the Priest Quest....not the deck, just that particular card. Play it on turn one and roughly half of your opponents will most likely concede. That should get you to platinum.
Craft the Priest Quest....not the deck, just that particular card. Play it on turn one and roughly half of your opponents will most likely concede. That should get you to platinum.
My advice is to watch some pro streamers. If you're stuck on gold you are playing the fundamentals all wrong and there is no deck that can make you climb. Other than pre neerf DH
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This is exactly how it's supposed to work. You aren't supposed to keep climbing above your skill level. You need to get better, then you will continue to climb.
oh. and you should watch - channel. he is doing a free to play DH deck just now !
It is because of your skills and the fact you are so adamant it isn't makes it difficult to help you. You are making bad decisions and it may be that you are playing purely DH and don't know enough about the decks you're facing or you're playing turn by turn rather than thinking ahead. Whatever it is, if you're stuck in gold then it's a you problem. Accept that and you can improve. I get to diamond with a meme mage deck that uses the quest and as much random or discovery cards as possible. It isn't a good deck at all but I'm very well accustomed to other decks and what their first 5 turns look like, then what to expect between turn 5 and 10. I'm an average player but I can at least cater my decisions, discovery picks etc based on what I'm expecting to come up and therefore counter it.
If you're purely sticking with DH then that may be part of your problem. You aren't learning the opposition decks very well because your game plan is generally exactly the same for every match and there's a large focus on you going face. Whilst it's effective it's not a great way to learn the game. One of the things I like about the deck I'm using is I have to play differently, sometimes very differently, depending on what I'm against. I can't play against quest warlock in the same way I play against face hunter and I can't play against spell druid in the way I would against demon hunter. My game plan has to adapt which has been a really good way of learning. When I am choosing what spell to discover from smuggler I might take an ice barrier because I know something g is coming or I might take magic trick just to speed up the quest completion because I'm against priest and want to get as much value as possible. Against druid I'll focus on clears, wide freezes and polymorph. Against face hunter I'll go down the route of armour and hero freezes, like frost bolt.
It seems like you're buying into hearthstone having no real skill level and it simply isn't true. If it was true then people such as yourself wouldn't consistently struggle to get through the lower ranks. The longer you buy into this notion of no skill, you'll keep telling yourself its the game and not you, this will mean you never improve because you've already conjured an easy excuse for yourself in your head.
^^^ Excellent post
Let's first establish how the ranked ladder matching actually works, since there is alot of misinformation floating around here.
So, lets say you progress from bronze 10 to legend in a season. During said climb, you're matched under one of two systems depending on where you are on that route. System A: you are matched by MMR. System B: you are matched by rank primarily, but MMR may come into play if there aren't alot of players at your rank queuing (this is just the same system prior to the Year of the Phoenix). So your matching progression is as follows:
Also a fun read for all those "the system is rigged" people:
I'm guessing the OP is stuck at step 2 above while being at lower Gold ranks, with a win streak bonus in effect (it drops out of effect at Diamond 5). As such, it could be one of a few things holding them back: skill, deck quality, and time investment.
For "what are the good decks" and an understanding of the meta, I suggest keeping up-to-date using Vicious Syndicate, as they are using data, and do good analyses and discussions ( Other people / sources (this forum, HSreplay, etc) are either going to be poorly informed, have poor analysis, be limited by small sample size, or be more time consuming to digest. If you can't get the cards for the good decks, but want them, well, grinding, arena, or real money are the only ways. Watching high legend ranked streamers play the good decks who explain their thoughts and interact with chat will also be of service to you for mulligans and more skillful plays (I'm fans of Zalae, NoHandsGamer, JAlexander, and EggoWafflesHS). Note, meme streamers, even if they are good players, won't help you much here (like Kibler, etc, even though they can be very entertaining, and somewhat educational). And if you want to get something from these streamers, say out loud a move you would make, watch what they do, when they do something different, think about why they did their move and not yours, and don't be afraid to ask them in chat why they made those moves / didn't make your move. And as for time investment, well, you just can't climb or get better without playing games, and that takes time.
Edit: P4dge expanded upon the below before I finished typing, and also gave some additional good advice and things to think about!
Now for some harsh reality. If you have the deck quality (and aren't switching decks willy nilly; learning a deck well, or very few decks well is important), and are spending the time to learn and play, and you can't climb out of lower gold ranks, then it is your skill that is holding you back. And if you can't be honest with yourself about that, then none of the above will help you. But this is easy to do. Look, I'll do it right now. In the old system, I regularly got to Rank 3-5, and in this current system, Diamond 5-2. Am I a legend quality player? NO! Because I've never been there, and am not willing to invest the time to get there / am not skilled enough to get there in less time. If I want to be a legend quality player I'm going to at least have to invest more time playing, and will likely need to get better at playing the game as well, in order to get to legend. It's as simple as that.
PM me
if you looking for some1 to practice.....
Thank you for the links slice_of_pi.
Once you get good enough you can realize what the bad cards are. Think about it. There are cards in your deck that suck.
How you know this is when you are dead on board and you look at your hand. Or your hand is empty and your opponent is not dead.
Or you mulligan and can't play anything. You die from fatigue. Nothing you play affects the board or kills your opponent.
So you think it's not skill because I make good plays. Or it's the mulligans fault. Hearthstone hates me!
Things you should consider. What are good cards?
- Highlander Decks. These cards have game changing abilities.
- Galakrond Decks. Most of these can take you to Diamond but it will probably be a long climb.
- Meta Decks. These are fine tuned by Pro and Seasoned players. You really can't go wrong once you learn how to play/beat them.
- Aggro Decks. Learn to kill your opponent as fast as possible by drawing 1-2-3 cards and win before your opponent draws anything good.
- Control Decks. Takes a while to master these. The game can go either way at any time, you're just hoping to stay alive for a long time and your opponent gives up.
- Homebrew deck. Probably going to sit at one rank for a while after you run out of stars.
So you're playing Demon Hunter. It plays out the same and everyone knows how to play against it. And you're not able to climb.
So this is most likely what is happening -
- I keep running into the same Meta decks (obviously not going to win)
- I can't beat Priest/Druid/Warrior/Mage/Hunter/Paladin (Too Greedy, or not going face when you should)
- I run out of cards (bad cards, not going face, bad plays, bad mulligan)
- Bad mulligan (not knowing how to Mulligan)
Some advice -
- If you're playing aggro always mulligan for your 1-2 drops. Don't ever keep trash cards. The game is usually decided on turn 1-2, go watch some games to see what is nuts/good opening.
- If you're playing control. Stop. Don't waste your time. Get to Diamond 10 then play all the control you want. Or Diamond 5.
- Play Highlander / Meta decks. Learn how to play these and you'll figure out how to beat them.
- Learn Tech cards and what your opponent is going to play. (eventually you'll know every single card that is going to come out for each opponent and when).
I hope this helps a little. I usually stop at Diamond 5 and have been for the last few years.
Been to Legend a few times.
Update: I made legend first time. Yeah it was a lot of micro decisions made right and learning form mistakes and not tilting. So in essence, it is the same as winning in Arena, just you have to play much more games as people have said. I used mecha'thun lock from D5 to D1 with no bonus stars. 80% wr vs priest, 60% vs all other classes, and 30% wr vs mages.
hello friend, yeah it has to be your skill level. I used to take forever to get to diamond 5 in any season, now its just a few hours, 4-6.
HS is more than just playing cards, you have to outplay ur opponent, what they're likely going to play and what is going to make you win games.
I'm made 12 wins arena on multiple accounts, so I might not be giving best advice.
And I was complaining because I can't get past D3-2. Don't worry about matchmaking, try to focus on your main deck(s) and how to response to your opponent plays. Most of players tend to netdeck so take a look at their decks that way you'll know how to play around their cards.
I don't think this is the case. At least for missing a month. Please see post below. Additionally, my cousin missed a month of playing and returned with the same rank multiplier he left with, so I would say the article is accurate. It looks like it will take months of not playing for your stars to decay to 1.
Wow I didn't know this rank system fact. Thx for sharing
Except for the fact that is NOT how the matchmaking system works.
I posted above how it actually works, with a link to the information (which in turn, references the official blizzard forum on this topic). This is in no offense to DickDraggin, who, from my experience here, is actually a cordial, decent, and well meaning forum member (which I thank them for being!), and they actually thanked me for the links I provided.
Craft the Priest Quest....not the deck, just that particular card. Play it on turn one and roughly half of your opponents will most likely concede. That should get you to platinum.
true say cuz
Who the hell concedes when facing a t3 deck...
My advice is to watch some pro streamers. If you're stuck on gold you are playing the fundamentals all wrong and there is no deck that can make you climb. Other than pre neerf DH