When climbing its generally good to pick one deck that has been proven to win in the given month. Jumping around to other decks causes you to change gears and it's better to tech the one deck to the meta than to jump around (unless everyone is suddenly playing a deck that counters yours).
When climbing its generally good to pick one deck that has been proven to win in the given month. Jumping around to other decks causes you to change gears and it's better to tech the one deck to the meta than to jump around (unless everyone is suddenly playing a deck that counters yours).
why do the top players manage just fine? they all make it into legend without issue, without jamming 3000 games.
how many games do you have on that tier one deck and many times have you played the mirror, would you even know what and how to tech?
watch some top player streams that play the deck you are using you will immediately see how differently you would play and what you could improve. if you don’t want to do that just play the decision reduced on curve decks there are always those every meta.
Take some of the advice offered without the salt. If you're struggling at rank 15 with Quest Druid and Galakrond Warrior, you have deeper problems than just unlucky RNG.
That said, perhaps their style isn't really suited for you.
Try Galakrond Rogue, which is a very versatile deck with multiple paths to victory (though probably be ready for a lot of mirrors).
Dragon Hunter has the highest winrate in the game, and it's relatively simple to pilot and powerful.
Ress Priest is in a good spot in the current meta as well, though games are long.
Try to watch these decks on Youtube or Twitch and see if they are to your taste. Finding a good deck that also clicks with you is also fundamental. It may not be the case with Gala Warrior and Quest Druid.
For me, that deck is Galakrond Control Warlock. About 1% or less of the ladder play it, and stats put it at low tier 2... and yet I got Legend with it, rank 2 in a month I barely played, and this month I'm already near Rank 4 in about 2 days of very light gaming. My decktracker shows an overall winrate of almost 70% over almost 200 games, between ranks 6-Legend.
I played so much of the deck that I know very well most matchups, how much punishment I can dish, how much I can take, my outs and their outs, and so on, how I plan turns in advance... that I pilot it much better than the average player with it.
That said, when I take Dragon Hunter and Mech Paladin, the top 2 in winrate, I suck a lot, and I pilot them much worse than the average player with them. They are just not my style, and I don't really enjoy them either.
So if you're getting angry and tilted with those decks, then perhaps it is indeed better to switch to something you both enjoy and feel confortable piloting. You'll learn a lot not only winning but also by a losing, but if you're losing and getting so angry with those two decks, and not being able to also learn something, then switch.
It isn't a magic wand... but it DOES help, and it's better than bashing your head against a wall over and over. Good luck.
Secret Mage on wild can go with a pretty good streak even up to 5 with good plays. In standard dragon hunter is definitely the best to climb with, and maybe highlander hunter, galakrond rogue and mech paladin. The decks you are playing need a bit more time and skill to master.
Control decks are usually not the best to try and rank up but resurrection priest is one of the exceptions. One of the easiest to pilot decks and very effective at lower ranks.
You should easily get rank 10 playing any kind of reccurect decks.
On the other hand it might help to watch streamers a bit here and there. They might learn you a trick or two.
Darling, I am neither inexperienced nor unskilled, so, your long treatise about me being bad is useless. Next time, read the disclaimer. Damn, I hate those guys: I am so much more skilled than you are and I have to tell you so I feel good about myself.
Read the disclaimer first, it is there for you.
Well 'darling' you clearly are not skilled at all if you're struggling a rank 15 while playing 2 of the best decks in the meta atm, so stop acting all tough cause you are shit. It's even worse if you also say you are experienced cause that means you've been playing the game for god knows how long and you're still shit.
Go ahead and keep blaming every deck you play cause you'll just keep losing 'darling', if you don't want to take my advice of sticking to one deck that has been proven to be good then don't. Just drop big bucks in the game and craft everything so you don't have a fucking excuse, so you can play anything you want and then you'll realize you're the one with an issue and not the decks, so stop being a little bitch.
Also having played the games for years doesn't mean you're skilled nor experienced and you are the living proof, so drop your bs and learn to take an advice you salty dick.
That's one way to say you are on your monthly period.
disclaimer: Yes, I suck/ Yes I need to git gud / Yes it is easy / Yes I am dumb / No, I am not going to send you a VOD / Yes, I am salty
I play Gala Warrior...win lose win lose lose win
I play Quest Druid--win lose win lose lose lose
I play Secret Mage in Wild win lose win lose lose lose
What is a consistent deck that will get me to rank 10, which is my goal every season. Which one?
I am rank 15 in wild and standard
Thank you
Rank 15 is... interesting. I remember maybe a few seasons after I got legend for the first time in standard I had de-ranked quite a bit in wild due to focusing entirely on standard and thought I should get my rank back up. I went from 20-15 in like an hour or two and then hit a wall for maybe a day. Admittedly the deck I was using wasn't exactly meta at the time, but still it was a kind of WTF moment. Like how am I losing to rank 15 players in wild. The thing about 15 is a lot of people just play to that rank to get the monthly cardback and call it, so you have a wide variety of opponents skill wise. Some people at 15 can actually be quite good, at least in my experience.
So my advice to you would be not to be too hard on yourself. Gala warr and quest druid are hardly top tier atm, so maybe switch to dragon hunter or mech pala in standard. These are fairly simple decks to play and both are very strong. Secret mage has been tier 1 in wild for like years now, so not a lot of room for improvement with regard to deck on that front. I'd say look at hsreplay and make sure the cards you're keeping for mulligan are statistically conducive to you winning matchups. The deck itself isn't particularly difficult to play, so your mulligan may be contributing to some of your losses. Otherwise just stay calm and try not to tilt. Rank 15 may be a mixed bag, but it's only going to get more difficult for you past rank 10. Focus on making the right play regardless of the situation and you will start to win more consistently.
Thank you for using paragraphs for your condescending post. Much appreciated and a fine example of those players who have to boost their own morale by degrading others.
Thank you again, kind darling and have a wonderful day.
Sweetheart, why do you not read the disclaimer? You do not need to tell me I suck darling, but, wait, hey, you DO need to tell me that as you are in dire need of the echo-chamber support that boosts your own morale. I hope, you feel happy and relaxed now.
what are you talking about? It's fun at rank 15 with various kinds of deck. If you want to try to improve your skills, I suggest you to go to Wild, it's much easier to climb there than in standard. I climbed to rank 5 at wild and have fun at rank 15 in Standard.
Darling, I am neither inexperienced nor unskilled, so, your long treatise about me being bad is useless. Next time, read the disclaimer. Damn, I hate those guys: I am so much more skilled than you are and I have to tell you so I feel good about myself.
Read the disclaimer first, it is there for you.
I am not unskilled = can't get pass rank 15, rank 10 is the goal
I did read your disclamer and I'm not here to tell you that you suck, you've said so yourself, but your logic here makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Darling, I am neither inexperienced nor unskilled, so, your long treatise about me being bad is useless. Next time, read the disclaimer. Damn, I hate those guys: I am so much more skilled than you are and I have to tell you so I feel good about myself.
Read the disclaimer first, it is there for you.
If you cant get past Rank 15 or 10 you are. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but that is the truth. Try to stick to a deck and learn the strengths and weaknesses of it. Do not get tilted when losing a lot and take a break. You will see, your ranks will improve.
Try dragon hunter on normal ladder and mech pally on wild.you win even if you missplay 2 turns with those
You can play both of those on standard at rank 15 to 10, they are currently performing the best at that rank by a long way. Token druid is your next best bet.
why do the top players manage just fine? they all make it into legend without issue, without jamming 3000 games.
how many games do you have on that tier one deck and many times have you played the mirror, would you even know what and how to tech?
watch some top player streams that play the deck you are using you will immediately see how differently you would play and what you could improve. if you don’t want to do that just play the decision reduced on curve decks there are always those every meta.
Bruh. You're trying to compare professionals to amateurs. That's like saying, just watch football on TV and you'll get better.
Obviously, some people are better at certain things and they have the time to invest in their craft. Joe Casual playing Hearthstone with their spare time shouldn't be compared to a professional that does this 8+ hours a day, as a job, not as a hobby.
You're takes in this thread are so elitist. Take a second and jump down off that high horse you're sitting on looking down at the plebs and understand that it's ok to be frustrated with something. I'm sure there's something you do that you can't put all you time in that frustrates you (and if you say no, then I know you're just trolling).
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Invest in colection to afford more "close to best" type of decks which you want play.
It itself should get you around rank 9. (If you are not some useless rubber.)
When climbing its generally good to pick one deck that has been proven to win in the given month. Jumping around to other decks causes you to change gears and it's better to tech the one deck to the meta than to jump around (unless everyone is suddenly playing a deck that counters yours).
Which is usually the case.
confirmation bias vs. actual monthly matchup data
so here’s my question for the excuse crew;
why do the top players manage just fine? they all make it into legend without issue, without jamming 3000 games.
how many games do you have on that tier one deck and many times have you played the mirror, would you even know what and how to tech?
watch some top player streams that play the deck you are using you will immediately see how differently you would play and what you could improve. if you don’t want to do that just play the decision reduced on curve decks there are always those every meta.
Thats so bullshit.
Take some of the advice offered without the salt. If you're struggling at rank 15 with Quest Druid and Galakrond Warrior, you have deeper problems than just unlucky RNG.
That said, perhaps their style isn't really suited for you.
Try Galakrond Rogue, which is a very versatile deck with multiple paths to victory (though probably be ready for a lot of mirrors).
Dragon Hunter has the highest winrate in the game, and it's relatively simple to pilot and powerful.
Ress Priest is in a good spot in the current meta as well, though games are long.
Try to watch these decks on Youtube or Twitch and see if they are to your taste. Finding a good deck that also clicks with you is also fundamental. It may not be the case with Gala Warrior and Quest Druid.
For me, that deck is Galakrond Control Warlock. About 1% or less of the ladder play it, and stats put it at low tier 2... and yet I got Legend with it, rank 2 in a month I barely played, and this month I'm already near Rank 4 in about 2 days of very light gaming. My decktracker shows an overall winrate of almost 70% over almost 200 games, between ranks 6-Legend.
I played so much of the deck that I know very well most matchups, how much punishment I can dish, how much I can take, my outs and their outs, and so on, how I plan turns in advance... that I pilot it much better than the average player with it.
That said, when I take Dragon Hunter and Mech Paladin, the top 2 in winrate, I suck a lot, and I pilot them much worse than the average player with them. They are just not my style, and I don't really enjoy them either.
So if you're getting angry and tilted with those decks, then perhaps it is indeed better to switch to something you both enjoy and feel confortable piloting. You'll learn a lot not only winning but also by a losing, but if you're losing and getting so angry with those two decks, and not being able to also learn something, then switch.
It isn't a magic wand... but it DOES help, and it's better than bashing your head against a wall over and over. Good luck.
Secret Mage on wild can go with a pretty good streak even up to 5 with good plays. In standard dragon hunter is definitely the best to climb with, and maybe highlander hunter, galakrond rogue and mech paladin. The decks you are playing need a bit more time and skill to master.
Exodia Mage took me to the R10Wild again yesterday...
EU 11/2015+ , f2p 03/2021+: DK 63 / DH 205 /Dr 277 / Hu 733 / Ma 6666 / Pa 1072 / Pr 1165 / Ro 1791 / Sh 1303 / Wl 707 / Wr 664
Control decks are usually not the best to try and rank up but resurrection priest is one of the exceptions.
One of the easiest to pilot decks and very effective at lower ranks.
You should easily get rank 10 playing any kind of reccurect decks.
On the other hand it might help to watch streamers a bit here and there. They might learn you a trick or two.
That's one way to say you are on your monthly period.
Rank 15 is... interesting. I remember maybe a few seasons after I got legend for the first time in standard I had de-ranked quite a bit in wild due to focusing entirely on standard and thought I should get my rank back up. I went from 20-15 in like an hour or two and then hit a wall for maybe a day. Admittedly the deck I was using wasn't exactly meta at the time, but still it was a kind of WTF moment. Like how am I losing to rank 15 players in wild. The thing about 15 is a lot of people just play to that rank to get the monthly cardback and call it, so you have a wide variety of opponents skill wise. Some people at 15 can actually be quite good, at least in my experience.
So my advice to you would be not to be too hard on yourself. Gala warr and quest druid are hardly top tier atm, so maybe switch to dragon hunter or mech pala in standard. These are fairly simple decks to play and both are very strong. Secret mage has been tier 1 in wild for like years now, so not a lot of room for improvement with regard to deck on that front. I'd say look at hsreplay and make sure the cards you're keeping for mulligan are statistically conducive to you winning matchups. The deck itself isn't particularly difficult to play, so your mulligan may be contributing to some of your losses. Otherwise just stay calm and try not to tilt. Rank 15 may be a mixed bag, but it's only going to get more difficult for you past rank 10. Focus on making the right play regardless of the situation and you will start to win more consistently.
I never get angry and I do not expect a magic wand and there is no salt unless it is NaCL.
But, thank you for your kind advice and have a good day.
<iframe src="http://gifyoutube.com/gif/ywoqQP" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="440" height="400" style="-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);" ></iframe>
Thank you for using paragraphs for your condescending post. Much appreciated and a fine example of those players who have to boost their own morale by degrading others.
Thank you again, kind darling and have a wonderful day.
<iframe src="http://gifyoutube.com/gif/ywoqQP" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="440" height="400" style="-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);" ></iframe>
Sweetheart, why do you not read the disclaimer? You do not need to tell me I suck darling, but, wait, hey, you DO need to tell me that as you are in dire need of the echo-chamber support that boosts your own morale. I hope, you feel happy and relaxed now.
Be blessed child
Read the disclaimer(tm)
<iframe src="http://gifyoutube.com/gif/ywoqQP" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="440" height="400" style="-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;-webkit-transform: scale(1);" ></iframe>
what are you talking about? It's fun at rank 15 with various kinds of deck. If you want to try to improve your skills, I suggest you to go to Wild, it's much easier to climb there than in standard. I climbed to rank 5 at wild and have fun at rank 15 in Standard.
I am not unskilled = can't get pass rank 15, rank 10 is the goal
I did read your disclamer and I'm not here to tell you that you suck, you've said so yourself, but your logic here makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
If you cant get past Rank 15 or 10 you are. I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but that is the truth. Try to stick to a deck and learn the strengths and weaknesses of it. Do not get tilted when losing a lot and take a break. You will see, your ranks will improve.
Always expect the unexpectable!
You can play both of those on standard at rank 15 to 10, they are currently performing the best at that rank by a long way. Token druid is your next best bet.
The issue is finding a deck that a) has a good chance and b) is enjoyable.
Maybe that's my issue, the decks I find in b) don't go with a) and vice versa.
Bruh. You're trying to compare professionals to amateurs. That's like saying, just watch football on TV and you'll get better.
Obviously, some people are better at certain things and they have the time to invest in their craft. Joe Casual playing Hearthstone with their spare time shouldn't be compared to a professional that does this 8+ hours a day, as a job, not as a hobby.
You're takes in this thread are so elitist. Take a second and jump down off that high horse you're sitting on looking down at the plebs and understand that it's ok to be frustrated with something. I'm sure there's something you do that you can't put all you time in that frustrates you (and if you say no, then I know you're just trolling).