in the long term yes, but the problem is also that you can't really nerf Mad Genius all that much (other than the options I mentioned) so it goes back to making Warrior more vlunerable by either nering Blastmaster to remove the tempo tool, or nerfing Brawl to make them weaker to big boards.
Mad Genius was a mistake just like Rexxar, but unlike Rexxar, Mad Genius has no competition right now.
Don't try to rewrite history. In a world with Death Knights, Mad Genius was still one of the worst because the rest were still so overtuned.
It's the lack of competition that makes him OP right now.
And I think they can nerf him - remove the Rush aura. The hero powers are inconsistent, and worse without Rush.
removing the rush aura makes him a 7-mana gain 7-armor...I don't think that's a fair change, not to mention the Rush aura wouldn't be that big of a deal if it wasn't for infinite ressources.
I maintain that the hero powers rotating on a fixed cycle would fix a lot purely based on the fact that you can only discover a mech every 5 turns.
In the end we don't really have the ressources to actual pplaytest any of these nerfs so we can only speculate what (if anything) they'll go with in the end (inb4 "give your mechs with Rush +1 attack)
Just beat one with the Whizbang Heal Damage Priest.
And with him curving into Clockwork, Wrenchcalibur, Mad Genius followed by Blastmaster summoning a full board.
Wasn't too impressed.
Healing seems decent to deal with bomb damage, it's no wonder some classes got a respectable healing package lately. Healing might not be fantastic against Mad Genius value, but then again, it means the problem aren't exactly the bombs or even Brawl.
Murloc Shaman and even Shudderwock value worries me more.
But I agree that a controlly Rush package would be better for Warrior than bombs.
Brawl is a problem because it invalidates decks whose only chance to beat Warrior is by building a strong board early. Healing is great against Boombs, but not a lot of classes can run efficient healing (and still have a functioning deck).
Also healing doesn't beat Blastmaster, especially not if you wipe the board and get hit in the face for 24 by the boombots (which probably happesn way more often than it should)
Agreed. Any class that doesn't have healing will basically lose automatically if they go for control against a bomb warrior. Even if they don't deal any damage with minions, if they can burn you through your deck, you will die first.
removing the rush aura makes him a 7-mana gain 7-armor...I don't think that's a fair change, not to mention the Rush aura wouldn't be that big of a deal if it wasn't for infinite ressources.
1) That's the point of the nerf. To make a card worse. 2) You are completely overstating the "infinite resources"
I think Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is the problem. I faced a lot of these bomb warriors using different types of control decks, and with these i was able to survive even at turn 7 when they play Blastmaster Boom (i love so much Hagatha's Scheme).
After that turn with the new "Boom", if they haven't the hero card they just auto-lose the game, because the bomb mechanic can be countered.
But this hero card exist, and with that, they can beat even a control deck that has managed to survive at everything else.
If you can't win playing mechs and putting bombs alongside Blastmaster Boom, you just need to play the hero card and win the game against a slow deck.
At everybody reading this that have and use a "Bomb warrior" deck: Try to remove from your deck Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and play a game against (for example) a control shaman. Tell me if you manage to win.
in the long term yes, but the problem is also that you can't really nerf Mad Genius all that much (other than the options I mentioned) so it goes back to making Warrior more vlunerable by either nering Blastmaster to remove the tempo tool, or nerfing Brawl to make them weaker to big boards.
Mad Genius was a mistake just like Rexxar, but unlike Rexxar, Mad Genius has no competition right now.
There is a way actually: sent him to wild! xD
.....but i know this will never happen....sadly....
My point is: Without the hero card they have actually a counter, and these counters are heavy control decks.
There are lots of problems... chief among them is the insane value that is Dr. Boom hero card in a meta where very few classes have hero cards. It blows my mind they thought this was a good idea.
I agree that's it's not OP... not like some other decks we've seen. But it is not very fun to play against (though I am salty because I was playing thief rogue and doing a good job keeping my hand at 10 after every turn to burn some bombs... sprinted with 10 cards in hand... first 2 cards I drew were bombs. Son of a ....)
Brawl should have been nerfed years ago, but never was because Warrior never got up to S-tier status. Now it has, and a long overdue nerf is in order.
Warrior has been tier 3, 2 at best for the last two years, now you determine it is S-tier 2 days after expansion has released.
Your crying is pointless at this point, we'll see after the meta has settled. (Yes it's still crying even if your punctuation and grammar is exemplary)
Armor gain for warrior is shit at this point, it's helpless against deathrattle and mechs, it'll be crushed by OTK, just wait.
THIS Post pisses me off. I am a warrior main (won over 1500 games) and i can tell you brawl is essential for the class but not used all the time. Ever thought about wild? WArrior was the worst class in wild for so long. In addition to that you say the classc set of warrior is to strong?! Look at the basic set of warrior - let's se cards never see play: charge, warsongcommander, cleve, commanding shout, rampage, fiery waraxe, arathi weaponsmith and mortalstrike. Even grom witch is my favorite card in the game isnt used like edvin or velen.
In the end my favorite class is at the moment the strongest class since i am playing hearthstone witch i am very happy for so sucked up and use you Brain. You must really hate warrior for some kind of reason and you're a joke.
This is a very well-written post in my opinion. I do have to mention though, that compared to the original Shudderwock situation, there seem to be many more decks that can actually counter bomb warrior effectively. I personally run a self-made ressurect priest (tweaked against warrior) and not only do i have a positive winrate against them, i have overall positive winrate on ladder.
I guess, what i am trying to say is, while your post is valid, i would argue that there seem to be many options to the current "warrior problem" and i believe this will result in the deck to be played considerably less over the following weeks.
That's my two cents anyway. Again, very well-written post.
In my opinion what needs to be addressed it the hero power of Mad Genius hero card. Just remove the discover a mech option and let them rely on their own cards like every other class. If you want more value, you have Omega’s assembly and Dragon Roar, or put the minions you want into your deck. I could tolerate the hero power in a meta where also other classes have access to infinite value.
I agree... Warrior will get better. Playing a single Wrenchcalibur (two swings for two bombs) gives a you Boom with 4 bots, which is already better than the original Dr. Boom, which was such a degenerate card it was played in nearly every deck back in the day. "Bomb warrior" is dumb. A warrior with just Wrenchcaliburs, Dr. Boom, Boom hero and some other mechs and value cards will be insane once refined.
I think we'll see a double nerf (in a couple months of course, because Blizzard is slow as molasses): Boom will summon on 1 bot per bomb, and wrench will be changed to a single-bomb battle cry, so it can't be buffed or used as a multi-turn combo with Elek.
There are plenty of counter decks vs bomb warrior, most are aggro, but even heavy heal shaman or burgle rogue have a very strong chance vs bomb warrior.
I'd remove mech discover from the pool of mad genius, so warrior can't generate infinite value from him, forcing him to have a less removal and more mech oriented build or sacrifying the potential of rush in mechs.
Brawl should have been nerfed years ago, but never was because Warrior never got up to S-tier status. Now it has, and a long overdue nerf is in order.
Warrior has been tier 3, 2 at best for the last two years, now you determine it is S-tier 2 days after expansion has released.
Your crying is pointless at this point, we'll see after the meta has settled. (Yes it's still crying even if your punctuation and grammar is exemplary)
Armor gain for warrior is shit at this point, it's helpless against deathrattle and mechs, it'll be crushed by OTK, just wait.
a) it's not crying, it's complaining. and even then I'm not saying "pls nerf Warrior immediately, I'm saying "this is going to become a problem, here's how to fix it when it does"
b) armor gain is still good, not Odd Warrior good, but still very much useful. Eternium Rover, Armor Smith and Shield Block are still more than good enough, and when you go into Boom you gain 7 armor every 3-4 turns which makes up for it (also no more Reckless Flurry so you get to keep all armor you gain)
c) what OTK? Even if some OTK deck miraculously comes out (which would only happen if Control decks are so strong that no aggro/midrange deck can realistically beat them) we got 2 combo tech cards that Warrior can easily run.
If I'm wrong you're free to come to me again and tell me how you were right, but until then I wouldn't be this bold
Also, yes, calling it S-tier was poor wording on my part (although you could argue out of all currently played decks it has the highest winrate statistically speaking so it is, by all definitions a meme meta)
There are plenty of counter decks vs bomb warrior, most are aggro, but even heavy heal shaman or burgle rogue have a very strong chance vs bomb warrior.
It's been 2 days for pete's sake.
aggro stops working once you go Full control
Heal stops working once Mad Genius enters the picture.
yes, it's been 2 days...which is why it doesn't rule the meta yet....but eventually it will, and that'S my point
Correct. and you make a fair point that it could become a deck with a type of gameplay that could be problematic as there is little interaction in how the games play out.
On the other hand...its vulnerable to aggro so i'd be surprised if it got to that level with a high play rate and Archivist is a viable counter against the fatique and bombs (and neutral)
Roque can shuffle and dilute their decks, warlock has Rafaam, Priest can heal out the bombs, Druid should be able to survive with some easy due to their defensive options. i dont see the endproduct of bombwarrior closing games against the endproduct decks of those classes unless highrolling big time.
Without the bombs as main damage supplier, how do you see the warriors closing out there games in a reliable fashion? (yes serious question)
Warlock , Priest, Paladin are the true cancer of hearthstone, who cares if you have the best classic set? In fact having a good classic set is detrimental to a class, because Warrior have Brawl , they dont get alot of good unconditional board clears , Mass Hysteria is either better or equal to Brawl , Psychic Scream is the best board clear period even with the occasional downside , not even Defile or Lord Godfrey or Equality can hold a candle against it. Warlock get the MOST types of themes/keywords, demons, discard, all kinds of dark stuff,you name it,heck Team5 are even printing Rush cards for them nowadays , so I guess they are kinda like demon hunters too? As of priest, Team5 are printing even more resurrection stuffs!! Paladins....the day Muster for Battle and Quartermaster enter the fray, I know it is going to be a broken class , token minions are OP in online CCG.
Team 5 go ahead and give Warlock Priest and Paladin good classic cards and stop printing OP stuff for them every expansion just because of format rotation.
Also dr. boom Mad Genius in standard format is nothing, nothing at all compare with DK Guldan and DK Jaina when they were around ALONG WITH all other hero cards last time.
PS: Speaking of removals, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone [/card]is equivalent to [card]shield slam as removal.
removing the rush aura makes him a 7-mana gain 7-armor...I don't think that's a fair change, not to mention the Rush aura wouldn't be that big of a deal if it wasn't for infinite ressources.
I maintain that the hero powers rotating on a fixed cycle would fix a lot purely based on the fact that you can only discover a mech every 5 turns.
In the end we don't really have the ressources to actual pplaytest any of these nerfs so we can only speculate what (if anything) they'll go with in the end (inb4 "give your mechs with Rush +1 attack)
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
Brawl is a problem because it invalidates decks whose only chance to beat Warrior is by building a strong board early. Healing is great against Boombs, but not a lot of classes can run efficient healing (and still have a functioning deck).
Also healing doesn't beat Blastmaster, especially not if you wipe the board and get hit in the face for 24 by the boombots (which probably happesn way more often than it should)
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
Agreed. Any class that doesn't have healing will basically lose automatically if they go for control against a bomb warrior. Even if they don't deal any damage with minions, if they can burn you through your deck, you will die first.
1) That's the point of the nerf. To make a card worse.
2) You are completely overstating the "infinite resources"
There is a way actually: sent him to wild! xD
.....but i know this will never happen....sadly....
My point is: Without the hero card they have actually a counter, and these counters are heavy control decks.
There are lots of problems... chief among them is the insane value that is Dr. Boom hero card in a meta where very few classes have hero cards. It blows my mind they thought this was a good idea.
I agree that's it's not OP... not like some other decks we've seen. But it is not very fun to play against (though I am salty because I was playing thief rogue and doing a good job keeping my hand at 10 after every turn to burn some bombs... sprinted with 10 cards in hand... first 2 cards I drew were bombs. Son of a ....)
Warrior has been tier 3, 2 at best for the last two years, now you determine it is S-tier 2 days after expansion has released.
Your crying is pointless at this point, we'll see after the meta has settled. (Yes it's still crying even if your punctuation and grammar is exemplary)
Armor gain for warrior is shit at this point, it's helpless against deathrattle and mechs, it'll be crushed by OTK, just wait.
THIS Post pisses me off. I am a warrior main (won over 1500 games) and i can tell you brawl is essential for the class but not used all the time. Ever thought about wild? WArrior was the worst class in wild for so long. In addition to that you say the classc set of warrior is to strong?! Look at the basic set of warrior - let's se cards never see play: charge, warsongcommander, cleve, commanding shout, rampage, fiery waraxe, arathi weaponsmith and mortalstrike. Even grom witch is my favorite card in the game isnt used like edvin or velen.
In the end my favorite class is at the moment the strongest class since i am playing hearthstone witch i am very happy for so sucked up and use you Brain. You must really hate warrior for some kind of reason and you're a joke.
This is a very well-written post in my opinion. I do have to mention though, that compared to the original Shudderwock situation, there seem to be many more decks that can actually counter bomb warrior effectively. I personally run a self-made ressurect priest (tweaked against warrior) and not only do i have a positive winrate against them, i have overall positive winrate on ladder.
I guess, what i am trying to say is, while your post is valid, i would argue that there seem to be many options to the current "warrior problem" and i believe this will result in the deck to be played considerably less over the following weeks.
That's my two cents anyway. Again, very well-written post.
In my opinion what needs to be addressed it the hero power of Mad Genius hero card. Just remove the discover a mech option and let them rely on their own cards like every other class. If you want more value, you have Omega’s assembly and Dragon Roar, or put the minions you want into your deck. I could tolerate the hero power in a meta where also other classes have access to infinite value.
oh, thanks.. .my bad ^^
I agree... Warrior will get better. Playing a single Wrenchcalibur (two swings for two bombs) gives a you Boom with 4 bots, which is already better than the original Dr. Boom, which was such a degenerate card it was played in nearly every deck back in the day. "Bomb warrior" is dumb. A warrior with just Wrenchcaliburs, Dr. Boom, Boom hero and some other mechs and value cards will be insane once refined.
I think we'll see a double nerf (in a couple months of course, because Blizzard is slow as molasses): Boom will summon on 1 bot per bomb, and wrench will be changed to a single-bomb battle cry, so it can't be buffed or used as a multi-turn combo with Elek.
poinr 1 and literally nothing else.
There are plenty of counter decks vs bomb warrior, most are aggro, but even heavy heal shaman or burgle rogue have a very strong chance vs bomb warrior.
It's been 2 days for pete's sake.
Why u hav to be mad? is only card gaem.
If they nerf brawl I quit with this game for good...
Seriously get lost, Warrior finally in a good tier.
I'd remove mech discover from the pool of mad genius, so warrior can't generate infinite value from him, forcing him to have a less removal and more mech oriented build or sacrifying the potential of rush in mechs.
Another Huffer
a) it's not crying, it's complaining. and even then I'm not saying "pls nerf Warrior immediately, I'm saying "this is going to become a problem, here's how to fix it when it does"
b) armor gain is still good, not Odd Warrior good, but still very much useful. Eternium Rover, Armor Smith and Shield Block are still more than good enough, and when you go into Boom you gain 7 armor every 3-4 turns which makes up for it (also no more Reckless Flurry so you get to keep all armor you gain)
c) what OTK? Even if some OTK deck miraculously comes out (which would only happen if Control decks are so strong that no aggro/midrange deck can realistically beat them) we got 2 combo tech cards that Warrior can easily run.
If I'm wrong you're free to come to me again and tell me how you were right, but until then I wouldn't be this bold
Also, yes, calling it S-tier was poor wording on my part (although you could argue out of all currently played decks it has the highest winrate statistically speaking so it is, by all definitions a meme meta)
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
aggro stops working once you go Full control
Heal stops working once Mad Genius enters the picture.
yes, it's been 2 days...which is why it doesn't rule the meta yet....but eventually it will, and that'S my point
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
name checks out, but you stll could have bothered to make an actual argument
I tried having fun once. It was awful.
Correct. and you make a fair point that it could become a deck with a type of gameplay that could be problematic as there is little interaction in how the games play out.
On the other hand...its vulnerable to aggro so i'd be surprised if it got to that level with a high play rate and Archivist is a viable counter against the fatique and bombs (and neutral)
Roque can shuffle and dilute their decks, warlock has Rafaam, Priest can heal out the bombs, Druid should be able to survive with some easy due to their defensive options. i dont see the endproduct of bombwarrior closing games against the endproduct decks of those classes unless highrolling big time.
Without the bombs as main damage supplier, how do you see the warriors closing out there games in a reliable fashion? (yes serious question)
Warlock , Priest, Paladin are the true cancer of hearthstone, who cares if you have the best classic set? In fact having a good classic set is detrimental to a class, because Warrior have Brawl , they dont get alot of good unconditional board clears , Mass Hysteria is either better or equal to Brawl , Psychic Scream is the best board clear period even with the occasional downside , not even Defile or Lord Godfrey or Equality can hold a candle against it. Warlock get the MOST types of themes/keywords, demons, discard, all kinds of dark stuff,you name it,heck Team5 are even printing Rush cards for them nowadays , so I guess they are kinda like demon hunters too? As of priest, Team5 are printing even more resurrection stuffs!! Paladins....the day Muster for Battle and Quartermaster enter the fray, I know it is going to be a broken class , token minions are OP in online CCG.
Team 5 go ahead and give Warlock Priest and Paladin good classic cards and stop printing OP stuff for them every expansion just because of format rotation.
Also dr. boom Mad Genius in standard format is nothing, nothing at all compare with DK Guldan and DK Jaina when they were around ALONG WITH all other hero cards last time.
PS: Speaking of removals, Lesser Amethyst Spellstone [/card]is equivalent to [card]shield slam as removal.