For the most part people just want to go the easy route and play their strongest deck (whether they made it or not) in Casual mode to complete quests as quickly as possible. That way they can get back to jamming an even stronger deck from another class in Ranked mode, or just turn off the game and do something else because to them Hearthstone isn't about enjoying onesself.
I only play decks I master in ranked. Also, sometimes you just want to play without thinking too hard, say in the bus or while cooking. I sometimes take top meta aggro decks to casual to do a daily quest, or to try a top meta control deck that I don't play very well.
For me, it's not always easy to find a fixed amount of uninterrupted time, so casual means that when I don't have dedicated time for playing ladder, I can still at least play the game, and if I have to bail, I won't lose rank. I also play casual for quests that aren't in line with a competitive deck, but still sound fun enough not to re-roll.
MMR is a thing. Only way you face tier decks in casual is to play them yourself. Try being honest about your use of casual instead of expecting it to be a place you can beat up on people with basic decks.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Free to try and find a game, dealing cards for sorrow, cards for pain.
Your win rate in casual will always, always be close to 50 percent, no matter what you do.
So you can complain about seeing tryhard decks there, but that's not the real issue.
When you win enough to rise out of your comfort zone, you will be paired with players who are better than you, using decks that are slightly better than yours (or possibly players who are not better, using decks that are much better). That doesn't mean it's an automatic win for them, though, unless you just immediately concede.
You can either use it as an opportunity to improve and learn, or you can give up and slide back down the MMR to be paired with people who are easier to beat.
If you take the latter road too far, you're just beating up on newbies who are even worse off than yourself. Congratulations, you have become the thing you hate.
Honestly, it's best just to play the game and accept the occasional bad matchup. It will all even out eventually because the system was intentionally designed to even things out for you.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I swear, people would complain less if "Casual" was renamed to "Unranked".
Sure, it's not 100% true, since MMR exists, but I'll take that over people complaining about netdecks in Casual.
Yeah it sucks. So does Ranked. At least Casual gives you a shot at facing a fellow memer. Or worse case scenario, you concede early on and get them off the game faster, right?
Hclegend - you are lying or you are unaware - so maybe stop proclaiming like you know. I face a few people with just basic and classic cards in casual - the latest when I was at rank 7 at the start of the month - it wasn't fun for him and not for me - stop pretending that there isn't a problem.
Reason 1: For fast quest completion. You have more chances to get 2 victories with Paladin by playing odd paladin in casual rather than at rank 5
Reason 2: For playtesting. Let's say you just got a Baku from a pack and decide to build an Odd Paladin deck for the first time. Would you rather throw away ranks because you don't know your deck that well or would you rather do a little players in casual to get a better feel of the deck?
Reason 3: For gold farming. After certain tavern brawls, casual is easier to get a win and farm gold than ranked. Having a strong deck saves you time.
Reason 4: To feel better. 5 straight loses in ranked got you tilted? Try a no stakes casual to get a win and get your confidence back to keep grinding.
Hclegend - you are lying or you are unaware - so maybe stop proclaiming like you know. I face a few people with just basic and classic cards in casual - the latest when I was at rank 7 at the start of the month - it wasn't fun for him and not for me - stop pretending that there isn't a problem.
That's a pretty subjective-based remark dressed up as implied fact. Maybe stop pretending there IS a problem when the only problem you have is based purely on personal experience.
Essentially, casual works entirely as intended. The ability to play whatever you want, however you want without it affecting your rank. There is no "problem" other than one that is entirely self-conceived by over-entitled players who think that the game should only adhere to their preferred style of play.
As a new player, I play 100% of my games in Casual (Standard) after I hit Rank 20.
Even in Casual however, I come across a lot of those odd/even decks. The odd/even decks are likely net decks which you've copied by looking at decks with the highest win-rate. Which is fine, of course, because that's what I'm currently working towards doing.
But I'm legit curious as to why some of you are playing Casual (with your OP decks) when you could be winning and laddering in Ranked. Is it because Ranked is mentally draining? Or is it because you can't progress any further in Ranked and don't enjoy it there anymore? If so, what Rank were you?
Just curious guys, I thought Ranked was where all the glory was.
Ranked play tends to match people according their position that means you most likely match your equivalent.Casual is mess, ppl are trying meme decks,doing quests,egoplay,...etc.
My advice if you are new player definitely play ranked.
Hclegend - you are lying or you are unaware - so maybe stop proclaiming like you know. I face a few people with just basic and classic cards in casual - the latest when I was at rank 7 at the start of the month - it wasn't fun for him and not for me - stop pretending that there isn't a problem.
That's a pretty subjective-based remark dressed up as implied fact. Maybe stop pretending there IS a problem when the only problem you have is based purely on personal experience.
Essentially, casual works entirely as intended. The ability to play whatever you want, however you want without it affecting your rank. There is no "problem" other than one that is entirely self-conceived by over-entitled players who think that the game should only adhere to their preferred style of play.
This just begs the question. Do people really need to farm gold though? Like how much do you need, and why? I get about 8k gold between sets and between that and a pre order it's all good. I mean maybe if you are super hardcore f2p farm the gold but that doesn't account for such a large proportion of people who seem to do this
The other reasons I understand, completing quests and practicing new decks ect but who needs/has the time to do this daily.
As a new player, I play 100% of my games in Casual (Standard) after I hit Rank 20.
Even in Casual however, I come across a lot of those odd/even decks. The odd/even decks are likely net decks which you've copied by looking at decks with the highest win-rate. Which is fine, of course, because that's what I'm currently working towards doing.
But I'm legit curious as to why some of you are playing Casual (with your OP decks) when you could be winning and laddering in Ranked. Is it because Ranked is mentally draining? Or is it because you can't progress any further in Ranked and don't enjoy it there anymore? If so, what Rank were you?
Just curious guys, I thought Ranked was where all the glory was.
Don’t listen to people who say they play casual with tier one decks to do their quests or try out tier one decks - that’s what the ladder ceilings are for. Do that at turn 20/15/10/5.
Do your quest with a stupid deck on casual. Test stupid or meme decks on casual. Play low tier decks on casual. Play for fun on casual.
The arseholes who play odd paladin/mid range hunter/mind blast priest and BM when they beat your meme/test/terrible/classic deck on casual are scum. Don’t become one of them.
I play casual when Im on the subway and dont have time or focus for ranked. I still play what you would call meta decks, but not as focused. Its more for fun and finish quest, and when Im tired.
Hclegend - you are lying or you are unaware - so maybe stop proclaiming like you know. I face a few people with just basic and classic cards in casual - the latest when I was at rank 7 at the start of the month - it wasn't fun for him and not for me - stop pretending that there isn't a problem.
That's a pretty subjective-based remark dressed up as implied fact. Maybe stop pretending there IS a problem when the only problem you have is based purely on personal experience.
Essentially, casual works entirely as intended. The ability to play whatever you want, however you want without it affecting your rank. There is no "problem" other than one that is entirely self-conceived by over-entitled players who think that the game should only adhere to their preferred style of play.
Please, no bot replies.
Don't worry. You won't find any here. Just educated ones. You should try it. You might actually like it.
As a new player, I play 100% of my games in Casual (Standard) after I hit Rank 20.
Even in Casual however, I come across a lot of those odd/even decks. The odd/even decks are likely net decks which you've copied by looking at decks with the highest win-rate. Which is fine, of course, because that's what I'm currently working towards doing.
But I'm legit curious as to why some of you are playing Casual (with your OP decks) when you could be winning and laddering in Ranked. Is it because Ranked is mentally draining? Or is it because you can't progress any further in Ranked and don't enjoy it there anymore? If so, what Rank were you?
Just curious guys, I thought Ranked was where all the glory was.
Don’t listen to people who say they play casual with tier one decks to do their quests or try out tier one decks - that’s what the ladder ceilings are for. Do that at turn 20/15/10/5.
Do your quest with a stupid deck on casual. Test stupid or meme decks on casual. Play low tier decks on casual. Play for fun on casual.
The arseholes who play odd paladin/mid range hunter/mind blast priest and BM when they beat your meme/test/terrible/classic deck on casual are scum. Don’t become one of them.
So telling other people how to play is somehow NOT being an arsehole?
If it's allowed by the rules, you can expect it to happen, period. It makes no sense to get angry with people who are doing something that is perfectly legal.
You're going to lose half your Casual games anyway, so why get all salty about the deck your opponent chooses to play?
If you want to dictate which decks people can use, you need to start a friendly league and play only against your friends, under the rules you all agree on. That's what your friends list is for.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
How dense can you be not to get it - we have a meta game in ranked - even this last day of all days when a lot of people will want to play many cards going out of rotation I am getting tryharding opponents in casual - fun, unpredictable games are out of the window AND WE HAVE THE SAME STALE CRAP.
Tryharding is not casual - let it sink in... instead of coming up with your npc forum clichés like 'salty'.
Yes Blizzard should have a ranked, unranked and somehow make a separate casual mode where top meta decks have no place.
Yes Blizzard should have a ranked, unranked and somehow make a separate casual mode where top meta decks have no place.
Blizzard has not one but two such game modes. They're called Arena and Tavern Brawl.
You know very well that they are not constructed... you can have your tryhard unranked for when you are feeling fragile and people who want to experiment, who want to use other cards, who want something different than a stale meta could go play the 100s of unused cards in a true casual mode - it's not as though the queue times are long, they aren't.
For the most part people just want to go the easy route and play their strongest deck (whether they made it or not) in Casual mode to complete quests as quickly as possible. That way they can get back to jamming an even stronger deck from another class in Ranked mode, or just turn off the game and do something else because to them Hearthstone isn't about enjoying onesself.
I only play decks I master in ranked. Also, sometimes you just want to play without thinking too hard, say in the bus or while cooking. I sometimes take top meta aggro decks to casual to do a daily quest, or to try a top meta control deck that I don't play very well.
For me, it's not always easy to find a fixed amount of uninterrupted time, so casual means that when I don't have dedicated time for playing ladder, I can still at least play the game, and if I have to bail, I won't lose rank. I also play casual for quests that aren't in line with a competitive deck, but still sound fun enough not to re-roll.
MMR is a thing. Only way you face tier decks in casual is to play them yourself. Try being honest about your use of casual instead of expecting it to be a place you can beat up on people with basic decks.
Free to try and find a game, dealing cards for sorrow, cards for pain.
Your win rate in casual will always, always be close to 50 percent, no matter what you do.
So you can complain about seeing tryhard decks there, but that's not the real issue.
When you win enough to rise out of your comfort zone, you will be paired with players who are better than you, using decks that are slightly better than yours (or possibly players who are not better, using decks that are much better). That doesn't mean it's an automatic win for them, though, unless you just immediately concede.
You can either use it as an opportunity to improve and learn, or you can give up and slide back down the MMR to be paired with people who are easier to beat.
If you take the latter road too far, you're just beating up on newbies who are even worse off than yourself. Congratulations, you have become the thing you hate.
Honestly, it's best just to play the game and accept the occasional bad matchup. It will all even out eventually because the system was intentionally designed to even things out for you.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I swear, people would complain less if "Casual" was renamed to "Unranked".
Sure, it's not 100% true, since MMR exists, but I'll take that over people complaining about netdecks in Casual.
Yeah it sucks. So does Ranked. At least Casual gives you a shot at facing a fellow memer. Or worse case scenario, you concede early on and get them off the game faster, right?
^ Ignore this guy.
Cannot wait til Rexxar and Jaina rotate out. I experienced this too when i started playing after Christmas as a noob. So goddamn annoying.
Hclegend - you are lying or you are unaware - so maybe stop proclaiming like you know. I face a few people with just basic and classic cards in casual - the latest when I was at rank 7 at the start of the month - it wasn't fun for him and not for me - stop pretending that there isn't a problem.
Reason 1: For fast quest completion. You have more chances to get 2 victories with Paladin by playing odd paladin in casual rather than at rank 5
Reason 2: For playtesting. Let's say you just got a Baku from a pack and decide to build an Odd Paladin deck for the first time. Would you rather throw away ranks because you don't know your deck that well or would you rather do a little players in casual to get a better feel of the deck?
Reason 3: For gold farming. After certain tavern brawls, casual is easier to get a win and farm gold than ranked. Having a strong deck saves you time.
Reason 4: To feel better. 5 straight loses in ranked got you tilted? Try a no stakes casual to get a win and get your confidence back to keep grinding.
That's a pretty subjective-based remark dressed up as implied fact.
Maybe stop pretending there IS a problem when the only problem you have is based purely on personal experience.
Essentially, casual works entirely as intended. The ability to play whatever you want, however you want without it affecting your rank.
There is no "problem" other than one that is entirely self-conceived by over-entitled players who think that the game should only adhere to their preferred style of play.
Ranked play tends to match people according their position that means you most likely match your equivalent.Casual is mess, ppl are trying meme decks,doing quests,egoplay,...etc.
My advice if you are new player definitely play ranked.
Miracle miracle miracle...
Please, no bot replies.
This just begs the question. Do people really need to farm gold though? Like how much do you need, and why? I get about 8k gold between sets and between that and a pre order it's all good. I mean maybe if you are super hardcore f2p farm the gold but that doesn't account for such a large proportion of people who seem to do this
The other reasons I understand, completing quests and practicing new decks ect but who needs/has the time to do this daily.
Don’t listen to people who say they play casual with tier one decks to do their quests or try out tier one decks - that’s what the ladder ceilings are for. Do that at turn 20/15/10/5.
Do your quest with a stupid deck on casual. Test stupid or meme decks on casual. Play low tier decks on casual. Play for fun on casual.
The arseholes who play odd paladin/mid range hunter/mind blast priest and BM when they beat your meme/test/terrible/classic deck on casual are scum. Don’t become one of them.
There is only my justice now
I play casual when Im on the subway and dont have time or focus for ranked. I still play what you would call meta decks, but not as focused. Its more for fun and finish quest, and when Im tired.
Don't worry. You won't find any here. Just educated ones.
You should try it. You might actually like it.
So telling other people how to play is somehow NOT being an arsehole?
If it's allowed by the rules, you can expect it to happen, period. It makes no sense to get angry with people who are doing something that is perfectly legal.
You're going to lose half your Casual games anyway, so why get all salty about the deck your opponent chooses to play?
If you want to dictate which decks people can use, you need to start a friendly league and play only against your friends, under the rules you all agree on. That's what your friends list is for.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
How dense can you be not to get it - we have a meta game in ranked - even this last day of all days when a lot of people will want to play many cards going out of rotation I am getting tryharding opponents in casual - fun, unpredictable games are out of the window AND WE HAVE THE SAME STALE CRAP.
Tryharding is not casual - let it sink in... instead of coming up with your npc forum clichés like 'salty'.
Yes Blizzard should have a ranked, unranked and somehow make a separate casual mode where top meta decks have no place.
Blizzard has not one but two such game modes. They're called Arena and Tavern Brawl.
You know very well that they are not constructed... you can have your tryhard unranked for when you are feeling fragile and people who want to experiment, who want to use other cards, who want something different than a stale meta could go play the 100s of unused cards in a true casual mode - it's not as though the queue times are long, they aren't.