I have been playing a couple of weeks now and have managed to get the following legendary cards. Frost lich jana / deathwing / grommash hellscream...
I gave been enjoying a aggro priest deck on ladder but was wondering if I should be building a deck around the above cards bearing in mind my card selection is limited.
Before you go crazy crafting for that Elemental deck, keep in mind he hit a wall at rank 5 and couldn't advance. There may be other low dust decks you want to keep in mind before blowing all of your dust.
i definitely wouldn't dust any of them... but unfortunately grom and deathwing just aren't really being used atm... I have seen grom used in control variants of warrior but they usually have the DK and other legendaries so wouldn't be of use I don't think!
Jaina is solid, and can be used quite a few variants of mage, so I'd use her as a base and work around her I'm sure you'll find a decklist to suit you and get you climbing the ladder :)
Deathwing is part of nearly every Big Druid which is a Tier 1/2 deck. Admitted, Big Druid is not a deck for a beginner's purse, but deathwing is good in the right deck.
Thanks for the replies guys and gals I didn't blow all my dust as had a fair few of the cards anyway... just wanna have fun, really ill be delighted if I can hit below 10 rank... trying to learn arena also atm but not very good haha
All the arena pickers are a lot of help tho
Ty again ill look up the video and other decks u have mentioned
Deathwing is also ok in a homebrew Big Priest style deck (good from Barnes if you resurrect it). You'll want Barnes, both Eternal Servitudes and probably Onyx Bishops as well if you don't have other big minions (Y'Shaarj makes the deck much better of course). Just slap in all removal possible and all big minions (injured blademasters are ok if you are short of big minions, bog creepers/priest of the feast are ok as well).
I play Deathwing in my resurrect priest on US arena account (but in wild so I have Ragnaros and Sylvanas as well, don't have Y'Shaarj but do have Ysera, also since it is wild I use 2x Resurrect, 2x Excavated Evil and 2x Entomb).
Before you go crazy crafting for that Elemental deck, keep in mind he hit a wall at rank 5 and couldn't advance. There may be other low dust decks you want to keep in mind before blowing all of your dust.
well if he is a new player playing a good deck or not without much experience won't get him far. But i'll agree on not investing all your dust on a specific deck. Either way.... have fun! :D
Well if he is a new player and can manage to pilot that deck to rank 15 then that is a pretty good start. Trump showed the deck has the potential to reach higher ranks with more practice/knowledge of the game OP could make it there. The golden rewards would go a long ways to replenishing the commons and rares he made for that deck.
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Courage is not the absence of fear, Courage is the presence of faith.
And maybe you want to consider Frost Elemental ( Edit: I thought it's a basic card, but maybe you have it; but it's usually not a card I would craft) instead of Faceless Summoner and a Flamestrike, in the case you can't get your elemental chain rolling. After all, you have merely 6 elementals (+2 flame geysirs) for 5 activations plus what you get if you can activate a servant (the overlap are the servants of Kalimos and the steam surger which need to be activated, but also can activate).
Before you go crazy crafting for that Elemental deck, keep in mind he hit a wall at rank 5 and couldn't advance. There may be other low dust decks you want to keep in mind before blowing all of your dust.
If you're just starting out, then Rank 5 should be your goal anyway. Guarantees you either an epic you don't have, or 400 dust if you already have or don't want the card.
Since it seems you have Karazan with the Firelands Portal I would look at putting an Arcane Giant in the deck. there are some easy options to replace out of there like Ironfur Grizzly and Acidic Swamp Ooze. If it's a taunt and Elemental chain continue minion you are looking for then Tar Creeper is a really solid and cheap option. Take out 1 Flamestrike and 1 Polymorph or any combo of those 2 cards.
I got tar creeper today actually and have swapped it for the grizzly...
Hunter is no good for me atm as don't seem to have pulled many cards for that class for some reason... am considering the firefly.. but will wait a bit too see if I get them in a pack
With jaine you should be able to craft a decent mage deck for low dust.
Get free firelands portals from first wing of Karazhan, use wyrms, sorc apprentice, arcaneaologist, counter spell and mirror entity and a couple of big cards.
Easily good for rank 10 as you improve as a player.
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Hi all...
I have been playing a couple of weeks now and have managed to get the following legendary cards. Frost lich jana / deathwing / grommash hellscream...
I gave been enjoying a aggro priest deck on ladder but was wondering if I should be building a deck around the above cards bearing in mind my card selection is limited.
Ty in advance any help is very much appreciated
Trump recently played a really cheap Frost Lich Jaina deck to rank 5.
Thanks I found it and am using it with a few elemental crafted...
Before you go crazy crafting for that Elemental deck, keep in mind he hit a wall at rank 5 and couldn't advance. There may be other low dust decks you want to keep in mind before blowing all of your dust.
The best deck for low dust is hunter, by far...
i definitely wouldn't dust any of them... but unfortunately grom and deathwing just aren't really being used atm... I have seen grom used in control variants of warrior but they usually have the DK and other legendaries so wouldn't be of use I don't think!
Jaina is solid, and can be used quite a few variants of mage, so I'd use her as a base and work around her I'm sure you'll find a decklist to suit you and get you climbing the ladder :)
Put the bunny.... back in the boxDeathwing is part of nearly every Big Druid which is a Tier 1/2 deck. Admitted, Big Druid is not a deck for a beginner's purse, but deathwing is good in the right deck.
Thanks for the replies guys and gals I didn't blow all my dust as had a fair few of the cards anyway... just wanna have fun, really ill be delighted if I can hit below 10 rank... trying to learn arena also atm but not very good haha
All the arena pickers are a lot of help tho
Ty again ill look up the video and other decks u have mentioned
Also got cthun yesterday lol
Deathwing is also ok in a homebrew Big Priest style deck (good from Barnes if you resurrect it). You'll want Barnes, both Eternal Servitudes and probably Onyx Bishops as well if you don't have other big minions (Y'Shaarj makes the deck much better of course). Just slap in all removal possible and all big minions (injured blademasters are ok if you are short of big minions, bog creepers/priest of the feast are ok as well).
I play Deathwing in my resurrect priest on US arena account (but in wild so I have Ragnaros and Sylvanas as well, don't have Y'Shaarj but do have Ysera, also since it is wild I use 2x Resurrect, 2x Excavated Evil and 2x Entomb).
This is what I have got currently... only just reached 20 so hopefully a way to go yet!
Right now, don't worry about rank. Just learn the game, and have some fun.
I wanna glide down, over Mulholland
I wanna write her, name in the sky
I wanna free fall, out into nothin'
Gonna leave this, world for awhile
Courage is not the absence of fear, Courage is the presence of faith.
I suggest you craft 2 Fire Fly (they are very good for activating your Elementals) and replace Ironfur Grizzly and Breath of Sindragosa with them.
And maybe you want to consider Frost Elemental ( Edit: I thought it's a basic card, but maybe you have it; but it's usually not a card I would craft) instead of Faceless Summoner and a Flamestrike, in the case you can't get your elemental chain rolling. After all, you have merely 6 elementals (+2 flame geysirs) for 5 activations plus what you get if you can activate a servant (the overlap are the servants of Kalimos and the steam surger which need to be activated, but also can activate).
Since it seems you have Karazan with the Firelands Portal I would look at putting an Arcane Giant in the deck. there are some easy options to replace out of there like Ironfur Grizzly and Acidic Swamp Ooze. If it's a taunt and Elemental chain continue minion you are looking for then Tar Creeper is a really solid and cheap option. Take out 1 Flamestrike and 1 Polymorph or any combo of those 2 cards.
Courage is not the absence of fear, Courage is the presence of faith.
I got tar creeper today actually and have swapped it for the grizzly...
Hunter is no good for me atm as don't seem to have pulled many cards for that class for some reason... am considering the firefly.. but will wait a bit too see if I get them in a pack
With jaine you should be able to craft a decent mage deck for low dust.
Get free firelands portals from first wing of Karazhan, use wyrms, sorc apprentice, arcaneaologist, counter spell and mirror entity and a couple of big cards.
Easily good for rank 10 as you improve as a player.