I am wondering if anyone buys Coins in the Shop? It seems like the biggest waste of money. Once you Maxed out a Merc, currently there is nothing to do with the extra coins. Yes you get Maxed Faster, but you lose value in the long run.
With Traditional Hearthstone, nothing you ever purchase with Gold or real money loses value. If I buy a card pack, I can always get dust to complete my collection or save for future cards. Cosmetics don't go away, and I can not think of an example of a paid cosmetic that ever given away later for "FREE" (I do not count sales or Gold purchase since you have to use some resource).
There is nothing wrong with making money from the work a developer puts into there product, but what you are selling should have some value.
I don't understand who would or why. It's like 300 coins for 20 bucks seems like bad deal considering the tasks give you a ton of them if you're patient
The fact that 100 legendary coins hold the same value as a card pack (from the biggest 50/60 pack bundle in the shop) is crazy, and that buying a legendary Merc is about the same as 9 packs suggests that a legendary Merc fully upgraded costs about 3000 gold (as a rough conversion). And it's not like the lower rarity coins are much cheaper, they are cheaper to buy but the upgrade costs are the same on mercs. The mode is definitely way too expensive and I wouldn't be surprised if they're slowly losing money on it.
I reckon they made a killing when it was first released though, I bought the sylvanas pre purchase and an offer of (I think) £3.99 for 5 packs and a legendary Merc when it was first released (that would be cheap enough to play imo) but I definitely have slight regrets over the prepurchase
Completely f2p here (when it comes to mercenaries). Just by completing the tasks that show up daily from the 4 visitors, no extra grinding, thanks to the change where you automatically get the next task, I had the following on patch day:
- All 18 tasks done for all mercenaries -Around 75% of all mercenaries max'ed -140 packs
I opened 77 packs until I got every last one of the 18 new mercenaries. I estimate than within a week I will be done with all their tasks as well and might grind a bit to upgrade further those worth including in PvP comps. I see absolutely no reason for anyone to spend any money on coins or packs in this game mode. The only thing one might find worth buying is cosmetics (diamond portraits) if that's your thing as those are otherwise effecrively impossible to come by
I got lucky and got all the Merc from the last patch in only 57 packs. You get 54 packs from completing all the 18 tasks for them. So in the end I only "lost" 3 packs to get all the Mercs. I wish some one would explain there thought process for the economy of this mode because it makes no sense.
It is on the official roadmap to give us a use for excess coins. The devs have described it as their No. 1 pain point in terms of the initial design and things they want to fix. However, there has been little information about what form the fix will take. It was hinted that excess coins will be used to further buff the merc they belong to. I'd rather have a way to exchange them for different coins, but it's better than nothing.
By the way, people have been asking about this since before mercenaries launched, so it's not exactly a new topic of discussion.
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"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I'm not planning on it. It is a fun game though and I do like me some single player deck builder style games.
I did the Tutorial and was really into it (built a busted combo with my ranger and tank, beat everything in the first round just about) I think I will play more of the mode, but I seriously doubt I'll spend money on it.
I might have bought some hero cards up front if that was an option, but not just going to buy the level up coins (I don't think anyway)
The improvement to the Task System really makes playing a lot easier to get into. You can do pretty much every PVE Bounty with a Budget comp of some kind. Once you get a team you like, completing all the tasks is not that hard. Just make sure you get Cookie.
It is on the official roadmap to give us a use for excess coins. The devs have described it as their No. 1 pain point in terms of the initial design and things they want to fix. However, there has been little information about what form the fix will take. It was hinted that excess coins will be used to further buff the merc they belong to. I'd rather have a way to exchange them for different coins, but it's better than nothing.
By the way, people have been asking about this since before mercenaries launched, so it's not exactly a new topic of discussion.
Very fun. We are practically in September and still nothing. It is nearly one year that we are waiting. Dead mode for a dead game.
I don't spend any money on Mercenaries - I have occasionally in the past, but those days are long gone given that I have 252 packs waiting to be opened.
On top of that, 66 of my 100 mercs are fully leveled. And every single merc has all of their 3 abilities at level 5. That is just from doing their tasks, most of which are done grinding the first heroic barrens bounty. One thing to ensure is that your team only has members that aren't fully leveled since you always get 10 to 15 coins for completing the bounty for a random member of your team. So you even slowly level up your other characters as you complete your tasks.
In general, you can max out many of your mercs, and get hundreds of packs, just from finishing all tasks, albeit a very grindy process. Entirely free to play.
When you look at how expensive the coins are in comparison, it makes no sense to ever purchase them. Most players who work on completing tasks will have a backlog of packs waiting to be opened when they release the next set of heroes.
Additionally, when they release the coin conversion patch, almost all of my heroes that aren't max level will instantly become max level, probably with tens of thousands of coins spare (maybe not all of my legendary mercs, depending on how they implement the system). I am sure most other people who have completed all tasks will be in the same boat.
I am wondering if anyone buys Coins in the Shop? It seems like the biggest waste of money. Once you Maxed out a Merc, currently there is nothing to do with the extra coins. Yes you get Maxed Faster, but you lose value in the long run.
With Traditional Hearthstone, nothing you ever purchase with Gold or real money loses value. If I buy a card pack, I can always get dust to complete my collection or save for future cards. Cosmetics don't go away, and I can not think of an example of a paid cosmetic that ever given away later for "FREE" (I do not count sales or Gold purchase since you have to use some resource).
There is nothing wrong with making money from the work a developer puts into there product, but what you are selling should have some value.
I don't understand who would or why. It's like 300 coins for 20 bucks seems like bad deal considering the tasks give you a ton of them if you're patient
The fact that 100 legendary coins hold the same value as a card pack (from the biggest 50/60 pack bundle in the shop) is crazy, and that buying a legendary Merc is about the same as 9 packs suggests that a legendary Merc fully upgraded costs about 3000 gold (as a rough conversion). And it's not like the lower rarity coins are much cheaper, they are cheaper to buy but the upgrade costs are the same on mercs. The mode is definitely way too expensive and I wouldn't be surprised if they're slowly losing money on it.
I reckon they made a killing when it was first released though, I bought the sylvanas pre purchase and an offer of (I think) £3.99 for 5 packs and a legendary Merc when it was first released (that would be cheap enough to play imo) but I definitely have slight regrets over the prepurchase
Completely f2p here (when it comes to mercenaries). Just by completing the tasks that show up daily from the 4 visitors, no extra grinding, thanks to the change where you automatically get the next task, I had the following on patch day:
- All 18 tasks done for all mercenaries
-Around 75% of all mercenaries max'ed
-140 packs
I opened 77 packs until I got every last one of the 18 new mercenaries. I estimate than within a week I will be done with all their tasks as well and might grind a bit to upgrade further those worth including in PvP comps. I see absolutely no reason for anyone to spend any money on coins or packs in this game mode. The only thing one might find worth buying is cosmetics (diamond portraits) if that's your thing as those are otherwise effecrively impossible to come by
I would like to meet someone that does so I can teach them simple math.
I got lucky and got all the Merc from the last patch in only 57 packs. You get 54 packs from completing all the 18 tasks for them. So in the end I only "lost" 3 packs to get all the Mercs. I wish some one would explain there thought process for the economy of this mode because it makes no sense.
Mercs is like a frankenstein, but blizzard never screamed "it's alive!!"
I hope that one day they will recognize our beloved monster.
On Topic: I buy eventually, because i play and enjoy the mode, not because is necessary.
It is on the official roadmap to give us a use for excess coins. The devs have described it as their No. 1 pain point in terms of the initial design and things they want to fix. However, there has been little information about what form the fix will take. It was hinted that excess coins will be used to further buff the merc they belong to. I'd rather have a way to exchange them for different coins, but it's better than nothing.
By the way, people have been asking about this since before mercenaries launched, so it's not exactly a new topic of discussion.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
I'm not planning on it. It is a fun game though and I do like me some single player deck builder style games.
I did the Tutorial and was really into it (built a busted combo with my ranger and tank, beat everything in the first round just about) I think I will play more of the mode, but I seriously doubt I'll spend money on it.
I might have bought some hero cards up front if that was an option, but not just going to buy the level up coins (I don't think anyway)
The improvement to the Task System really makes playing a lot easier to get into. You can do pretty much every PVE Bounty with a Budget comp of some kind. Once you get a team you like, completing all the tasks is not that hard. Just make sure you get Cookie.
Only when a New patch of mercs come out l, and only when they have that special deal like 5*300 coins for the latest Merc release for 10$
Very fun. We are practically in September and still nothing. It is nearly one year that we are waiting. Dead mode for a dead game.
I don't spend any money on Mercenaries - I have occasionally in the past, but those days are long gone given that I have 252 packs waiting to be opened.
On top of that, 66 of my 100 mercs are fully leveled. And every single merc has all of their 3 abilities at level 5. That is just from doing their tasks, most of which are done grinding the first heroic barrens bounty. One thing to ensure is that your team only has members that aren't fully leveled since you always get 10 to 15 coins for completing the bounty for a random member of your team. So you even slowly level up your other characters as you complete your tasks.
In general, you can max out many of your mercs, and get hundreds of packs, just from finishing all tasks, albeit a very grindy process. Entirely free to play.
When you look at how expensive the coins are in comparison, it makes no sense to ever purchase them. Most players who work on completing tasks will have a backlog of packs waiting to be opened when they release the next set of heroes.
Additionally, when they release the coin conversion patch, almost all of my heroes that aren't max level will instantly become max level, probably with tens of thousands of coins spare (maybe not all of my legendary mercs, depending on how they implement the system). I am sure most other people who have completed all tasks will be in the same boat.