It depends on merc rarity and the bounty (it seems droprates differ slightly). In general it goes like this:
-You need 2700 coins to max out most mercs (3 skills 5 levels each and 3 equipments with 4 levels. Some mercs have less equipment to max, e.g. Sylvanas has only 3 levels on her deathrattle equipment, whatever it is called)
-Old tasks gives 985 coins to specific merc and some amount to random ones (I'm to lazy to count the exact amount. Those coins are nice early on but since we still don't have duplicate protection they become worhtless later on). New tasks (for merc that unlock one equipment throught bounty rather than task 7) give 55 more coins, 1040 total.
-As such with the merc already unlock and tasks done you still need 1660-1715 coins.
-In case of legendary mercs whom seems to be most consistent in terms of bounty reward, you get min. of 15 coins from heroic bounty, rarely 20 and even more rarely an extra pile. I would say that it's rougly 20 coins of average per bounty. For common and epic mercs coins piles seems to be a bit bigger (20 is quite common, sometimes you can get 25).
-Finally 1660/20 is 83 - bounties to do (86 for 1715) . It a bit hard to tell how long it takes to finish a bounty even on average (it depends on you skill, avaible mercs, treasures and the bounty itself) but I would say 15-20 min at least in my case. As such maxing a legendary merc takes 21-29 hours with no extra coins from tasks, packs or ranked rewards (and shop of course).
It depends on merc rarity and the bounty (it seems droprates differ slightly). In general it goes like this:
-You need 2700 coins to max out most mercs (3 skills 5 levels each and 3 equipments with 4 levels. Some mercs have less equipment to max, e.g. Sylvanas has only 3 levels on her deathrattle equipment, whatever it is called)
-Old tasks gives 985 coins to specific merc and some amount to random ones (I'm to lazy to count the exact amount. Those coins are nice early on but since we still don't have duplicate protection they become worhtless later on). New tasks (for merc that unlock one equipment throught bounty rather than task 7) give 55 more coins, 1040 total.
-As such with the merc already unlock and tasks done you still need 1660-1715 coins.
-In case of legendary mercs whom seems to be most consistent in terms of bounty reward, you get min. of 15 coins from heroic bounty, rarely 20 and even more rarely an extra pile. I would say that it's rougly 20 coins of average per bounty. For common and epic mercs coins piles seems to be a bit bigger (20 is quite common, sometimes you can get 25).
-Finally 1660/20 is 83 - bounties to do (86 for 1715) . It a bit hard to tell how long it takes to finish a bounty even on average (it depends on you skill, avaible mercs, treasures and the bounty itself) but I would say 15-20 min at least in my case. As such maxing a legendary merc takes 21-29 hours with no extra coins from tasks, packs or ranked rewards (and shop of course).
Of the later bounties, on HC, one is guaranteed coins for the leg, one is completely radom, one is random within the mercs in the party, and two are from the bounty rewards - prior to the guaranteed you had an approximately 28% chance per bundle (and three bundles) to get legendary coins from the bounty rewards. Probably significantly reduced after the change.
This isn't that relevant, though - you're probably doing a lot better with soloing the first HC, or doing it with a team that you need the coins for everyone for. You'll get 15 coins for the merc per run that way, and it's three encounters. Much better for post-crafting, although boring.
Note that legendary coins drop from packs a LOT more frequently than legendary cards in Hearthstone, and the stacks are bigger than the ones you get in bounties. I'm not saying you should buy packs, but just opening the free packs from tasks will make you quite a bit of progress.
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"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Note that legendary coins drop from packs a LOT more frequently than legendary cards in Hearthstone, and the stacks are bigger than the ones you get in bounties. I'm not saying you should buy packs, but just opening the free packs from tasks will make you quite a bit of progress.
Still better to save those for a big content drop, IMO. means not having to grind for new mercs, since crafting is a lot of coins. Still feel that grinding barrens 1 HS with only mercs you need coins for - or just one if targetted - is best. If you want a merc maxed now, it's an option, but with so many mercs it's a pain to target through packs.
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Not counting the grind to get them in the first place, how long does it take on average to get a merc from zero to max?
I've only just started this mode, so I'm trying to figure out how much time I'd need to put in.
It depends on merc rarity and the bounty (it seems droprates differ slightly). In general it goes like this:
-You need 2700 coins to max out most mercs (3 skills 5 levels each and 3 equipments with 4 levels. Some mercs have less equipment to max, e.g. Sylvanas has only 3 levels on her deathrattle equipment, whatever it is called)
-Old tasks gives 985 coins to specific merc and some amount to random ones (I'm to lazy to count the exact amount. Those coins are nice early on but since we still don't have duplicate protection they become worhtless later on). New tasks (for merc that unlock one equipment throught bounty rather than task 7) give 55 more coins, 1040 total.
-As such with the merc already unlock and tasks done you still need 1660-1715 coins.
-In case of legendary mercs whom seems to be most consistent in terms of bounty reward, you get min. of 15 coins from heroic bounty, rarely 20 and even more rarely an extra pile. I would say that it's rougly 20 coins of average per bounty. For common and epic mercs coins piles seems to be a bit bigger (20 is quite common, sometimes you can get 25).
-Finally 1660/20 is 83 - bounties to do (86 for 1715) . It a bit hard to tell how long it takes to finish a bounty even on average (it depends on you skill, avaible mercs, treasures and the bounty itself) but I would say 15-20 min at least in my case. As such maxing a legendary merc takes 21-29 hours with no extra coins from tasks, packs or ranked rewards (and shop of course).
Of the later bounties, on HC, one is guaranteed coins for the leg, one is completely radom, one is random within the mercs in the party, and two are from the bounty rewards - prior to the guaranteed you had an approximately 28% chance per bundle (and three bundles) to get legendary coins from the bounty rewards. Probably significantly reduced after the change.
This isn't that relevant, though - you're probably doing a lot better with soloing the first HC, or doing it with a team that you need the coins for everyone for. You'll get 15 coins for the merc per run that way, and it's three encounters. Much better for post-crafting, although boring.
Note that legendary coins drop from packs a LOT more frequently than legendary cards in Hearthstone, and the stacks are bigger than the ones you get in bounties. I'm not saying you should buy packs, but just opening the free packs from tasks will make you quite a bit of progress.
"Why, you never expected justice from a company, did you? They have neither a soul to lose nor a body to kick." -- Lady Saba Holland
Still better to save those for a big content drop, IMO. means not having to grind for new mercs, since crafting is a lot of coins. Still feel that grinding barrens 1 HS with only mercs you need coins for - or just one if targetted - is best. If you want a merc maxed now, it's an option, but with so many mercs it's a pain to target through packs.