Hmm. Leeroy's 18th is not working as written. Internet claims it's actually '50 dam to HC bosses', which is an odd one, and fits my experience. Any bets on how long before that gets fixed? :P
We need someone who has not yet completed Vol'jin's Task 15 to tell us if the new system gives them his 16th or not.
well I'm not a great fit in that regard but still no 16th task.. (did his 15th months, months ago)
I maxed Vol'jin a month ago; I got his tasks both at the daily refresh and from the stranger, so for me at least the Vol'jin bug is fixed.
dude, seriously? its been days for me while I have an empty slot in my campfire (only have 3 mercs left to complete the tasks) and no voljin. I dont even see him from the rare encounters of stranger.
if you got his 16th task after that much time, maybe I should contact HS support?
I still have no idea up to what task I've completed with Vol'jin (it was months ago and he is maxed since a long time), but I finished all the tasks of all other mercs (no more visitors) and I still haven't seen his next task...
I have been busy for a while so ima post a few stuff back to back here:
First, just an FYI, when you face undead onyxia and she kills and summons one of your minions, their equipment will be applied twice.
You can see that the Lokholar's Hailstorm repeats 13 times after she resummons it:
Second, why the fck Murky has attack treasures?! Murky cannot attack, so getting those treasures along a run is completely USELESS
Third, I have tried speedrunning a bounty in terms of "fewest turns run" and managed to get 2 turns, breaking my previous record of 3. However, the game does not register this and still shows my fewest turns as 3, which kinda maked me mad..
and Lastly, even though I wasn't really trying, I managed to beat heroic Mi'da with 7 turns. I got a zero cooldown boon, val'anyr on Chi-Ji and blue portal. The best part was the instant kill on the boss with Val'anyr lmao. anyone got better results?
from what I've seen, Diamond mercs were supposed to have some voice lines as well, and talk before or after the battle.
I must have opened like 250+ merc packs, did not get a single diamond card. I really wanted one, especially Ragnaros for such a long time, but nowadays my hype just died and really do not care about it anymore. Why did the devs not let us craft them and put them behind a paywall (portrait bundles which are not even guaranteed so it feels like a scam). diamond portraits are like the one of the best aspects of mercs gamemode and it's a shame that they are locked behind such a huge wall so that most people, even the whales do not see them that often.
I'm kinda getting sidetracked here so back to my main point: is this a bug or something? does your diamond N'Zoth talk?
Only other diamond I have is Leeroy, but oh god I really hate the new Leeroy, all of his lines are cringey af and his voice does not match the original at all. It feels really bad to listen to him, and personally I dont like a diamond merc which is just a joke character.
When they released N'Zoth event and tell there would be a diamond nZoth I was really happy because I was finally gonna have a diamond card that I would want to use. But he just does not talk which makes me sad :(
Okay, I'm stumped by today's first Y'Sharrj Q; to kill 4 friendly chars with rage unbound. I can do 3, no prob; 4 requires no healer or killing one of the other, non-token chars, which is nontrivial. Without a healer, do you have to endlessly reroll for non-blues in the starting pack? Stuff high enough to not die before all the tokens can attack with it feels nontrivial to do. Using Cho for 20/1 tokens, but without a healer I'm reduced to weaker enemies that will die before everything's attacked with rage unbound.
I did it with a strategy I saw on youtube: Heroic Corrupted Ancient produces lots of big enemies. Khazakus to produce small minions to die (the divine shield ones). Just need to ply until you have three of those plus one merc with low health. Third merc as a healer (e.g. Lady Anacondra) helps.
Thanks, managed it on about the fourth attempt. Now, if only the HC Taran Zhu with 5 pirates Q *actually* completed, I'd be fine. Grumble grumble mercs bugs grumble.
Second, why the fck Murky has attack treasures?! Murky cannot attack, so getting those treasures along a run is completely USELESS
Murky is a murloc and synergizes with Murky Eye, that is y he gets attack treasures. Other mercs also get useless treasures met to work with other mercs like Lich King getting frost dmg even if u doesnt have frost attack (frostbite doesnt benefit from it if i remember correctly)
So, has anyone managed the HC Taran Zhu with 5+ pirates, what did you use, and did you get any boons etc.? I find it a nightmare rerolling to avoid non-encounter tiles, since that's frequently impossible, and pirates aren't a strong comp, generally, struggling with multiple elites in a row, so path is dictated by ease of trash. Other Y'sharrj Qs worked fine with boons/???s.
Twice failed completion with: Smite, Edwin, Eudora, Hooktusk, Patches, Sneed. All six should be pirates, unless I'm misreading something obvious.
So, has anyone managed the HC Taran Zhu with 5+ pirates, what did you use, and did you get any boons etc.? I find it a nightmare rerolling to avoid non-encounter tiles, since that's frequently impossible, and pirates aren't a strong comp, generally, struggling with multiple elites in a row, so path is dictated by ease of trash. Other Y'sharrj Qs worked fine with boons/???s.
Twice failed completion with: Smite, Edwin, Eudora, Hooktusk, Patches, Sneed. All six should be pirates, unless I'm misreading something obvious.
The task is bug at the moment, it reads that it to be done at the 'dark shores', but the actual task is located at the 'sunken city' so it couldn't be completed.
So, has anyone managed the HC Taran Zhu with 5+ pirates, what did you use, and did you get any boons etc.? I find it a nightmare rerolling to avoid non-encounter tiles, since that's frequently impossible, and pirates aren't a strong comp, generally, struggling with multiple elites in a row, so path is dictated by ease of trash. Other Y'sharrj Qs worked fine with boons/???s.
Twice failed completion with: Smite, Edwin, Eudora, Hooktusk, Patches, Sneed. All six should be pirates, unless I'm misreading something obvious.
5. I advise you get a strong healer as 6th. I only have somewhat trained the old pirates, so I'm going with those and Brightwing... and were it not for the bug in the quest, I'd have make it.
Murky is a murloc and synergizes with Murky Eye, that is y he gets attack treasures. Other mercs also get useless treasures met to work with other mercs like Lich King getting frost dmg even if u doesnt have frost attack (frostbite doesnt benefit from it if i remember correctly)
yea, I guess thats why.. but still dumb imo. just kinda restricts the creativity for the mode.
I recommend following Old Guardian on youtube guys, he is very good at what he's doing, and makes very helpful guide videos.
So, has anyone managed the HC Taran Zhu with 5+ pirates, what did you use, and did you get any boons etc.? I find it a nightmare rerolling to avoid non-encounter tiles, since that's frequently impossible, and pirates aren't a strong comp, generally, struggling with multiple elites in a row, so path is dictated by ease of trash. Other Y'sharrj Qs worked fine with boons/???s.
Twice failed completion with: Smite, Edwin, Eudora, Hooktusk, Patches, Sneed. All six should be pirates, unless I'm misreading something obvious.
5. I advise you get a strong healer as 6th. I only have somewhat trained the old pirates, so I'm going with those and Brightwing... and were it not for the bug in the quest, I'd have make it.
6>5. Using six covers my backside in case they actually want six (though I'd not put it past Blizz to require exactly five., despite the Q text..). And I think you misunderstand me anyway - I've done it twice with that team, completing the bounty, but not getting credit. My question was more if anyone had worked out how to make it complete! Hooktusk is a quasi-healer with the equip, and Smite gains health. on T2, so I've been able to squeak most of the trash. Both Sneed and Edwin ae decent DPS, at least.
At least Taran's not as hard as Garrosh (who I think I can't do on HC without rolling some quests for Brann)!
And it's fixed. T10 is bugged to require 10 in one attack (either two buffing minions or one buffing against Tavish, i guess? I used cariel and Tirion on some standard red taunt spammers. One would probably hit the turn limit.), though, in case people get stuck.
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It's a known bug, blizzard devs posted on twitter that they are working on fixing it
Similar ETA to galv "4 fighter tokens" ... Only procs off protector, presumably he was suppose to be one but they still not updated to quest
Hmm. Leeroy's 18th is not working as written. Internet claims it's actually '50 dam to HC bosses', which is an odd one, and fits my experience. Any bets on how long before that gets fixed? :P
I maxed Vol'jin a month ago; I got his tasks both at the daily refresh and from the stranger, so for me at least the Vol'jin bug is fixed.
dude, seriously? its been days for me while I have an empty slot in my campfire (only have 3 mercs left to complete the tasks) and no voljin. I dont even see him from the rare encounters of stranger.
if you got his 16th task after that much time, maybe I should contact HS support?
I still have no idea up to what task I've completed with Vol'jin (it was months ago and he is maxed since a long time), but I finished all the tasks of all other mercs (no more visitors) and I still haven't seen his next task...
I got Vol'jin about a week ago, and I think I only had 8 Tasks finished. Everything completed fine for me.
I have been busy for a while so ima post a few stuff back to back here:
First, just an FYI, when you face undead onyxia and she kills and summons one of your minions, their equipment will be applied twice.
You can see that the Lokholar's Hailstorm repeats 13 times after she resummons it:

Second, why the fck Murky has attack treasures?! Murky cannot attack, so getting those treasures along a run is completely USELESS

Third, I have tried speedrunning a bounty in terms of "fewest turns run" and managed to get 2 turns, breaking my previous record of 3. However, the game does not register this and still shows my fewest turns as 3, which kinda maked me mad..

and Lastly, even though I wasn't really trying, I managed to beat heroic Mi'da with 7 turns. I got a zero cooldown boon, val'anyr on Chi-Ji and blue portal. The best part was the instant kill on the boss with Val'anyr lmao. anyone got better results?

Why does diamond N'Zoth not talk, like at all?
from what I've seen, Diamond mercs were supposed to have some voice lines as well, and talk before or after the battle.
I must have opened like 250+ merc packs, did not get a single diamond card. I really wanted one, especially Ragnaros for such a long time, but nowadays my hype just died and really do not care about it anymore. Why did the devs not let us craft them and put them behind a paywall (portrait bundles which are not even guaranteed so it feels like a scam). diamond portraits are like the one of the best aspects of mercs gamemode and it's a shame that they are locked behind such a huge wall so that most people, even the whales do not see them that often.
I'm kinda getting sidetracked here so back to my main point: is this a bug or something? does your diamond N'Zoth talk?
Only other diamond I have is Leeroy, but oh god I really hate the new Leeroy, all of his lines are cringey af and his voice does not match the original at all. It feels really bad to listen to him, and personally I dont like a diamond merc which is just a joke character.
When they released N'Zoth event and tell there would be a diamond nZoth I was really happy because I was finally gonna have a diamond card that I would want to use. But he just does not talk which makes me sad :(
Okay, I'm stumped by today's first Y'Sharrj Q; to kill 4 friendly chars with rage unbound. I can do 3, no prob; 4 requires no healer or killing one of the other, non-token chars, which is nontrivial. Without a healer, do you have to endlessly reroll for non-blues in the starting pack? Stuff high enough to not die before all the tokens can attack with it feels nontrivial to do. Using Cho for 20/1 tokens, but without a healer I'm reduced to weaker enemies that will die before everything's attacked with rage unbound.
I did it with a strategy I saw on youtube: Heroic Corrupted Ancient produces lots of big enemies. Khazakus to produce small minions to die (the divine shield ones). Just need to ply until you have three of those plus one merc with low health. Third merc as a healer (e.g. Lady Anacondra) helps.
Thanks, managed it on about the fourth attempt. Now, if only the HC Taran Zhu with 5 pirates Q *actually* completed, I'd be fine. Grumble grumble mercs bugs grumble.
So, has anyone managed the HC Taran Zhu with 5+ pirates, what did you use, and did you get any boons etc.? I find it a nightmare rerolling to avoid non-encounter tiles, since that's frequently impossible, and pirates aren't a strong comp, generally, struggling with multiple elites in a row, so path is dictated by ease of trash. Other Y'sharrj Qs worked fine with boons/???s.
Twice failed completion with:
Smite, Edwin, Eudora, Hooktusk, Patches, Sneed. All six should be pirates, unless I'm misreading something obvious.
The task is bug at the moment, it reads that it to be done at the 'dark shores', but the actual task is located at the 'sunken city' so it couldn't be completed.
5. I advise you get a strong healer as 6th. I only have somewhat trained the old pirates, so I'm going with those and Brightwing... and were it not for the bug in the quest, I'd have make it.
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yea, I guess thats why.. but still dumb imo. just kinda restricts the creativity for the mode.
I recommend following Old Guardian on youtube guys, he is very good at what he's doing, and makes very helpful guide videos.
6>5. Using six covers my backside in case they actually want six (though I'd not put it past Blizz to require exactly five., despite the Q text..). And I think you misunderstand me anyway - I've done it twice with that team, completing the bounty, but not getting credit. My question was more if anyone had worked out how to make it complete! Hooktusk is a quasi-healer with the equip, and Smite gains health. on T2, so I've been able to squeak most of the trash. Both Sneed and Edwin ae decent DPS, at least.
At least Taran's not as hard as Garrosh (who I think I can't do on HC without rolling some quests for Brann)!
And it's fixed. T10 is bugged to require 10 in one attack (either two buffing minions or one buffing against Tavish, i guess? I used cariel and Tirion on some standard red taunt spammers. One would probably hit the turn limit.), though, in case people get stuck.