Considering how quickly you're supposed to rotate them, and the poor scaling on rewards, having some of these tasks that are CLEARLY meant to be done over longer periods of time seems uh... counter intuitive to me.
News just in: Deathblow Grommash isn't bugged!; its just not listed as the correct ability. Use his third ability to kill enemies: I'm on 6 or 7 out of 75 so far!
Most horrible tasks i did so far or i am still on (f cookie)
Sylvanas: kill 30 enemies using For the Queen Gruul: kill 40? dragons using his 2nd skill Kurtrus: kill 75 enemies using Eye Beam Cookie: kill 180 beasts
Expecially the last task, whoever came up with that number... yeah, fuck that guy.
Iirc Alex task two was deal 200 or 250 damage with her second skill, which has a dragon conditional to become AoE and a cool down. Problem is, there are waaaay too few dragons so it was a horrible grind.
There was a task where I had to either kill X minions or deal Y damage with Varden's 3rd power (the one that just freezes unless the enemy is already frozen, which has a cooldown of 2). It was brutal as the only way is Jaina into Water Elemental (a 1-cooldown ability) into that, extremely slow
Ok, dreading that since I don't even -have- Jaina. JUST completed the Sylvannas one.. this took over 4 hours.
..and yeah, that Varden task shouldn't even exist. There shouldn't be any task that's literally impossible to complete without also possessing a different legendary merc.
This was also my least favorite. I read there was actually a way to complete it by fighting a minion that froze your mercs and then targeting that merc and hoping you hit the right one - but it sounded super painful. For me it was easier to grind out Jaina.
King Mukla, I think it's Task 15? You have to get the Deathblow on 75 Minions with King Mukla's Big Brother, if you didn't upgrade his equipment and boost his Health and Attack. Your in for a pain in the butt. I think one of the new Pirates has a Task were you must kill 125-175 Beasts as well. It's just annoying and time consuming compared to other tasks that take like 2-4mins.
Two other annoying tasks are on Gruul where you have too kill Dragons. First you just have to grind Dragons on Blackrock Mountain and get maybe 5-6 a run, then one of his tasks needs like 40-50 Deathblows on Dragons with his Dragonslayer Arrow thing. It was so mindless and slow.
So far I think task 12 tend to be the worst one. Antonidas task 12, "kill three enemies in one turn using fireball storm 15 times", was the worst one so far. It was a bit easier to set up once I realized some skills let you target your own mercenaries. Geddon number 12 was similar, but in his case you had to do it with live bomb. I can’t understand the number required to perform each task. You need to do only 8 times with Geddon, but 15 with Antonidas?????? I would rather do the other way around, as Geddon was much easier to set up.
Surf and Turf - Task 9 from Cookie. Defeat 180 beasts. Even summoning fish before you defeat a group and summoning more when it is only fish, the quest is going to take an annoying amount of time.
What is the worst, most mind-numbing task requirement you've come across?
I hereby nominate Sylvannas' 9th: Destroy 30 enemies using For the Queen
Wait till you reach (I believe it was...) task 13 for Sylvanas. Destroy 15 enemies using her deathrattle (equipment). the For the Queen task wasn't as annoying as this one. How I did it? I luckily already got that equipment upgraded to rank 2, but it still only killed 2 random enemies. So I used Sylvanas+Cariel+Mrgl on lvl 28 Felwood. (Where they keep summoning extra adds) I kept buffing sylvanas' attack with cariel, and mrgl+sylvanas kept shooting sylvanas. Mrgl was there cus the npc's tend to hit a blue (low hp) target all the time and he doesn't hit back for much. You gotta find tricks to complete most later tasks cus normal team runs won't always go fast enough.
Altough Jaina's task 'Destroy X enemies with Water Elemental' sucked too.
jeez, that really sounds like the worst.
but here's mine:
Antonidas task 12: destroy 3 enemies at once with Fireball storm, 15 times
ability randomly fires fireballs at enemies for each fire ability you cast that turn.
omg that was so frustrating... you need 3 other consistent fire ability mercs, and therefore you cannot put healers to protect your antonidas, also the ability is at cooldown, so you either have to carefully choose what to do on turn 1 or just skip it and hope antonidas survives until next turn's speed 7
Cookie The cook 9th task kill 180 beasts! Wtf? They have recently increased task difficulty on the over 7 tasks as if the grinds weren't taking long enough already!
Surf and Turf - Task 9 from Cookie. Defeat 180 beasts. Even summoning fish before you defeat a group and summoning more when it is only fish, the quest is going to take an annoying amount of time.
Cookie The cook 9th task kill 180 beasts! Wtf? They have recently increased task difficulty on the over 7 tasks as if the grinds weren't taking long enough already!
Utterly ridiculous for a 9th task. I have to wonder if someone fatfingered the "0" and no one caught it.
Surf and Turf - Task 9 from Cookie. Defeat 180 beasts. Even summoning fish before you defeat a group and summoning more when it is only fish, the quest is going to take an annoying amount of time.
This one ^^^ EASILY! got through it but boy was it NOT fun
Cookie's 180 beasts ... that grind within the grind was just silly.
It is annoyingly slow but I did it with no problems during my regular (looong) mercenary session with almost normal gameplay. Natural beasts in Winterbloom + Cookie in the team who sometimes got his start of the game treasure + whenever I got a caster boon that allows fish on 1 I brought him in.
I hate stuff like Antonidas's task that is impossible to achieve in normal gameplay.
Cookie's 180 beasts ... that grind within the grind was just silly.
It is annoyingly slow but I did it with no problems during my regular (looong) mercenary session with almost normal gameplay. Natural beasts in Winterbloom + Cookie in the team who sometimes got his start of the game treasure + whenever I got a caster boon that allows fish on 1 I brought him in.
I hate stuff like Antonidas's task that is impossible to achieve in normal gameplay.
Some of this requires you to play your mercs suboptimal which of course means they're more inlined to die. The tasks of the same rank are so all over the place in terms of difficulty I can't tell if some of this was intentional to pad out game play, the designers didn't think things through, one of them was a total sadist, one or more subscribed to the 'you can't spell "frustration" without fun' school of game design, or some mixture of the previous.
luckily google now knows more than it knew in the past.
fastest way to get 180 beast kills: lady anacondra eudora (cannons need to deal at least 13 damage) sneed
find alpha hyena in barrens. heal hyena with anacondra. it needs to summon hyenas and stay alive attack hyena with sneed's 3rd ability to get it to 0 attack last, once clear, summon eudora's cannon.
at the end of every turn a hyena is summoned, which is immediately killed by the cannon
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Cross-server challenge-a-friend quest trading:
If you play primarily on NA, but also on EU, then maybe you are interested in cross-server trading? Whenever I get the 80g quest on NA I would love to give it away and get it on EU in return. If you'd like a long-lasting trade routine, drop me a message here on hearthpwn!
Yogg-Saron challenge: Whenever you encounter a Yogg Saron player - concede in honor and send a friend request. It takes balls to play a card that usually results in your own death. :D
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Considering how quickly you're supposed to rotate them, and the poor scaling on rewards, having some of these tasks that are CLEARLY meant to be done over longer periods of time seems uh... counter intuitive to me.
News just in: Deathblow Grommash isn't bugged!; its just not listed as the correct ability. Use his third ability to kill enemies: I'm on 6 or 7 out of 75 so far!
Most horrible tasks i did so far or i am still on (f cookie)
Sylvanas: kill 30 enemies using For the Queen
Gruul: kill 40? dragons using his 2nd skill
Kurtrus: kill 75 enemies using Eye Beam
Cookie: kill 180 beasts
Expecially the last task, whoever came up with that number... yeah, fuck that guy.
For me was the "using 10 times Blade Dance" for Illidan
Iirc Alex task two was deal 200 or 250 damage with her second skill, which has a dragon conditional to become AoE and a cool down. Problem is, there are waaaay too few dragons so it was a horrible grind.
This was also my least favorite. I read there was actually a way to complete it by fighting a minion that froze your mercs and then targeting that merc and hoping you hit the right one - but it sounded super painful. For me it was easier to grind out Jaina.
King Mukla, I think it's Task 15? You have to get the Deathblow on 75 Minions with King Mukla's Big Brother, if you didn't upgrade his equipment and boost his Health and Attack. Your in for a pain in the butt. I think one of the new Pirates has a Task were you must kill 125-175 Beasts as well. It's just annoying and time consuming compared to other tasks that take like 2-4mins.
Two other annoying tasks are on Gruul where you have too kill Dragons. First you just have to grind Dragons on Blackrock Mountain and get maybe 5-6 a run, then one of his tasks needs like 40-50 Deathblows on Dragons with his Dragonslayer Arrow thing. It was so mindless and slow.
So far I think task 12 tend to be the worst one. Antonidas task 12, "kill three enemies in one turn using fireball storm 15 times", was the worst one so far. It was a bit easier to set up once I realized some skills let you target your own mercenaries. Geddon number 12 was similar, but in his case you had to do it with live bomb. I can’t understand the number required to perform each task. You need to do only 8 times with Geddon, but 15 with Antonidas?????? I would rather do the other way around, as Geddon was much easier to set up.
Surf and Turf - Task 9 from Cookie. Defeat 180 beasts. Even summoning fish before you defeat a group and summoning more when it is only fish, the quest is going to take an annoying amount of time.
jeez, that really sounds like the worst.
but here's mine:
Antonidas task 12: destroy 3 enemies at once with Fireball storm, 15 times
ability randomly fires fireballs at enemies for each fire ability you cast that turn.
omg that was so frustrating... you need 3 other consistent fire ability mercs, and therefore you cannot put healers to protect your antonidas, also the ability is at cooldown, so you either have to carefully choose what to do on turn 1 or just skip it and hope antonidas survives until next turn's speed 7
Cookie The cook 9th task kill 180 beasts! Wtf? They have recently increased task difficulty on the over 7 tasks as if the grinds weren't taking long enough already!
Utterly ridiculous for a 9th task. I have to wonder if someone fatfingered the "0" and no one caught it.
Task 12 for grommash hellscream, deathblow 75 times, holy shit that can suck my cock.
edit: this is even WORSE than it looks. Most of his 'kills' aren't even counting progress.
Cookie's 180 beasts ... that grind within the grind was just silly.
This one ^^^ EASILY! got through it but boy was it NOT fun
It is annoyingly slow but I did it with no problems during my regular (looong) mercenary session with almost normal gameplay. Natural beasts in Winterbloom + Cookie in the team who sometimes got his start of the game treasure + whenever I got a caster boon that allows fish on 1 I brought him in.
I hate stuff like Antonidas's task that is impossible to achieve in normal gameplay.
Some of this requires you to play your mercs suboptimal which of course means they're more inlined to die. The tasks of the same rank are so all over the place in terms of difficulty I can't tell if some of this was intentional to pad out game play, the designers didn't think things through, one of them was a total sadist, one or more subscribed to the 'you can't spell "frustration" without fun' school of game design, or some mixture of the previous.
4.5 hours to do the Cookie 180 beasts one. Ridiculous.
luckily google now knows more than it knew in the past.
fastest way to get 180 beast kills:
lady anacondra
eudora (cannons need to deal at least 13 damage)
find alpha hyena in barrens.
heal hyena with anacondra. it needs to summon hyenas and stay alive
attack hyena with sneed's 3rd ability to get it to 0 attack
last, once clear, summon eudora's cannon.
at the end of every turn a hyena is summoned, which is immediately killed by the cannon
Cross-server challenge-a-friend quest trading:
If you play primarily on NA, but also on EU, then maybe you are interested in cross-server trading? Whenever I get the 80g quest on NA I would love to give it away and get it on EU in return. If you'd like a long-lasting trade routine, drop me a message here on hearthpwn!
Yogg-Saron challenge:
Whenever you encounter a Yogg Saron player - concede in honor and send a friend request. It takes balls to play a card that usually results in your own death. :D