You say you haven't played Mercs, and it shows because you have no idea what you are talking about. This change has nothing to do with greed. You cannot find tasks faster by spending money, so there is literally no way Blizzard can make a single dime off of this change.
Dude, please, if tasks become harder to find, the feeling of completing them becomes much more personal, psychologically forcing players to invest more time with their upgraded merecenaries doing other things, such as PVP battles. All players investing more time in PVP battles will make those who spent money into the game more happy, making them prone to spend much more in the future.
Blizzard is all about manipulation, all about money, all about... GREED!
this is definately a greed move, now players need to spend 5x more time grinding to get the same rewards.
However I get it. Farming low level bounties for tasks was very efficient to make progression in this game where monetization is wanted to be applied. This was like "Rooftop Rumble" mission in GTA online in those early days... A great explanation about that: I strongly recommend watching this video.
To people who are saying "this is better": I know it looks better from gameplay and harder difficulty = bigger rewards aspect. I know the fix would be better for game's economy. BUT this is not what I mean. It is not about that. It was all about grinding. I personally enjoy farming & grinding, I dunno why, but I really do. I just love the feeling of making big profits in such small windows of time, I love that feeling. If you wanna get more rewards by playing harder difficulty, thats fine. They could've just increased the rewards for completing Blackrock bounties for example. But it does not feel good to be taken something away rather than implementing better rewards for harder acomplishments.
Also I hate it when developers make such changes without telling people why they are actually doing it or sometimes they dont tell about it at all (like GTA online, in the video 3:42). They know this is not a good change from player's view; so they either hide it or try to use the best words possible when explaining the changes to make it sound "we did something better for our playerbase". But no, they wont tell it direct and clear "we are doing these changes to slow down f2p grinding so that people would be more inclined to buy stuff". They know being honest about those changes does not sound good. But I guess it is what it is. I accept why things are like that they dont wanna sound bad and they wanna make money I get it; but it just saddens me the fact that being honest is considered bad in such situations...
Dude chill your wallet, never said anything like this and people complaining about the easiest part of farming are just as stupid as your toughts, don't know what to say, i hope you can reach top 100 with every pack you bought ;)
Dude chill your wallet, never said anything like this and people complaining about the easiest part of farming are just as stupid as your toughts, don't know what to say, i hope you can reach top 100 with every pack you bought ;)
I don't care about PVP and even less about ranks, I haven't purchased the PVP building yet. I did buy a few packs though, jealous much ?
So, where to farm quests now? Someone said to me, that Normal Felwood 27 is good, anyone has other insights about this?
I am doing Snowclaw in winterspring right now, you can get to stranger after 3 fights, if lucky 2. After getting to Stranger I quit and do it again until I get a full campfire. Rest is doing the quests.
How often do you see Stranger`? I do the same with Gnarr and the rate for Stranger isnt worth the time
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German YouTube Channel: Daily new Let´s Plays, new Hearthstone Content every Wednesday and Sunday, Blogs and similiar things once a Week!
They should increase the coins amount of higher levels then. Right now there is no point in farming higher difficulty bounties. This change was maybe good in intent (because farming the same level 8 stage was not the goal) but badly executed with no other changes.
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"... but not less than (1)" is needed now more than ever!
They should increase the coins amount of higher levels then. Right now there is no point in farming higher difficulty bounties. This change was maybe good in intent (because farming the same level 8 stage was not the goal) but badly executed with no other changes.
It does feel like the whole 'one rate of coins per batch for normal and one for HC' concept is pretty flawed. There is a point in farming the higher difficulty, though; grinding mercs you don't have (and, presumably, intent is for it to be also for grinding mercs you do have, given the breakdowns of coins between bounty rewards/party/random - this is effectively neutered by the quests and Stranger, though). The massive difficult jump up to WInterspring (and the fact that winterspring is harder than BRM) when on HC is a bad design choice, though, that funnels people into doing max lev but still lower difficulty bounties.
Bear in mind that 20% of the coins you get per bounty are for your party's mercs, and 60% are for the bounty rewards, with the last box being random (assuming you're doing 5-reward bounties).
Why the hell would I ever 'farm' anything in this mode without also a chance at some kind of loot? Where is the upgrade system in this game? Why do the characters not have gear slots, why do they not have personality traits that adjust over time? The whole thing feels paper thin, how am I supposed to find grinding in this expereince fun or rewarding?
This mode is two inches deep, and not especially wide either. I've already had my fun with it (a couple of days) I can't understand anyone spending that much of their time with it. If you really like it that much maybe go try Darkest Dungeon or one of the other similar but better titles already out there. Mercenaries doesn't offerenough. If they keep updating it, and adding gameplay elements maybe one day I will try again, but in it's current state its a 5 out of 10 game.
I don't see what's wrong it makes perfect sense, more difficulty -> more reward. You don't want more difficulty, you don't get more rewards. That's a basic rule in all video games.
People really farm level 10 bounties for mysterious stranger ? lol that's ridiculous. It's not Mercenaries at this point it's just a clicking game, I suggest you take a look at Cookie Clicker, that's more
Maybe, just maybe... Hear me out here.... Maybe try level 30. Yes you shouldn't make any progress by farming low level stuff. You are supposed to grind bounties that are the same level as your party. See you later, you'll be back.
Look how much time it takes in World of Warcraft to reach max level just by killing low level mobs.
It sounds like you might not be familiar with the mode. This isn't really a change that makes the game better. The game is really about getting past gating time consuming things so you can use teams and items in pvp later. Or even if you want to only pve this change still only makes getting those things you want take maybe 20 times longer. If the systems were set up differently in how you get quests or getting a quest was guaranteed at the highest level content I would agree with you. But its still a 1 in 4 roll for a 1 in 6 roll in your party.
Pvp is entirely gated behind the heroes and the gear your characters have. So the answer is to now grind faaarrrr more time to get those chances at random quests showing up. Do you know why people started farming low level bounties? Because we all were playing the game normally and appropriate level and the quests rarely show up. It's a 25% chance. Which means you can play a normal heroic bounty with a fresh lvl 30 team and spend 15 minutes for a 25 % chance at a random chance at a multi part quest. It might not even offer you the quest for the character you want since it's random. So it works out to once per hour to get a 1 in 6 roll for the character you might want the most. Then that reward needs to be repeated another 6 times.
It already took hours and hours of luck to get the right quests for the right characters doing low level content.
This change completely removes casual players from ever seeing level 7 items. It just does.
I typically made a team of 3 booster Mercs and 3 carries, loaded up on Tasks and then found a better Bounty to do said Tasks and get more XP and coins in the process.
That's now dead.
We need some way to get Tasks reliably, and it can't be what it is now which is to have to do a minimum of 4 or 5 figths to get a node that MAYBE is a Mysterious Stranger, but probably is not.
The Tasks themselves are already a grind to complete and need specific set ups and specific level bounties so you don't lose the Merc you are trying to get done. It shouldn't be this cumbersome to GET the Tasks in the first place.
I don't mind having to mostly complete a Bounty to get a Task, that's fine. But currently with the Randomness of actually getting a Task, it is just a ridiculous grind that might not even have a payoff for what you want and need. And that is just not acceptable.
I understand the intent of the nerf and I agree with it, but the EFFECT of it is not okay at all and needs to be adressed. We need a reliable way to get Tasks.
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This was an obvious oversight and it was obvious that it will be fixed
No game should reward BORING braindead gameplay.
these greedy freaks have destroyed the f2p model, tasks farming does not work anymore. bye bye small indie company
but what about people who didnt "abuse" this , now they are behind on tasks.
Dude, please, if tasks become harder to find, the feeling of completing them becomes much more personal, psychologically forcing players to invest more time with their upgraded merecenaries doing other things, such as PVP battles. All players investing more time in PVP battles will make those who spent money into the game more happy, making them prone to spend much more in the future.
Blizzard is all about manipulation, all about money, all about... GREED!
this is definately a greed move, now players need to spend 5x more time grinding to get the same rewards.
However I get it. Farming low level bounties for tasks was very efficient to make progression in this game where monetization is wanted to be applied. This was like "Rooftop Rumble" mission in GTA online in those early days... A great explanation about that: I strongly recommend watching this video.
To people who are saying "this is better": I know it looks better from gameplay and harder difficulty = bigger rewards aspect. I know the fix would be better for game's economy.
BUT this is not what I mean. It is not about that. It was all about grinding. I personally enjoy farming & grinding, I dunno why, but I really do. I just love the feeling of making big profits in such small windows of time, I love that feeling. If you wanna get more rewards by playing harder difficulty, thats fine. They could've just increased the rewards for completing Blackrock bounties for example. But it does not feel good to be taken something away rather than implementing better rewards for harder acomplishments.
Also I hate it when developers make such changes without telling people why they are actually doing it or sometimes they dont tell about it at all (like GTA online, in the video 3:42). They know this is not a good change from player's view; so they either hide it or try to use the best words possible when explaining the changes to make it sound "we did something better for our playerbase". But no, they wont tell it direct and clear "we are doing these changes to slow down f2p grinding so that people would be more inclined to buy stuff". They know being honest about those changes does not sound good. But I guess it is what it is. I accept why things are like that they dont wanna sound bad and they wanna make money I get it; but it just saddens me the fact that being honest is considered bad in such situations...
Meanwhile, as we discuss whether this is an act of greed or not...
I mean it's good that they try to make the game less about grinding, but where are my coins then?
They are not trying to make the game less about grinding, they are trying to sell you packs where your coins are.
Dude chill your wallet, never said anything like this and people complaining about the easiest part of farming are just as stupid as your toughts, don't know what to say, i hope you can reach top 100 with every pack you bought ;)
I don't care about PVP and even less about ranks, I haven't purchased the PVP building yet. I did buy a few packs though, jealous much ?
So, where to farm quests now?
Someone said to me, that Normal Felwood 27 is good, anyone has other insights about this?
I am doing Snowclaw in winterspring right now, you can get to stranger after 3 fights, if lucky 2. After getting to Stranger I quit and do it again until I get a full campfire. Rest is doing the quests.
How often do you see Stranger`? I do the same with Gnarr and the rate for Stranger isnt worth the time
German YouTube Channel:
Daily new Let´s Plays, new Hearthstone Content every Wednesday and Sunday, Blogs and similiar things once a Week!
They should increase the coins amount of higher levels then. Right now there is no point in farming higher difficulty bounties. This change was maybe good in intent (because farming the same level 8 stage was not the goal) but badly executed with no other changes.
"... but not less than (1)" is needed now more than ever!
Are people playing this mode and commenting at forums?? I thought it was dead from day one. never touched it, never will
It does feel like the whole 'one rate of coins per batch for normal and one for HC' concept is pretty flawed. There is a point in farming the higher difficulty, though; grinding mercs you don't have (and, presumably, intent is for it to be also for grinding mercs you do have, given the breakdowns of coins between bounty rewards/party/random - this is effectively neutered by the quests and Stranger, though). The massive difficult jump up to WInterspring (and the fact that winterspring is harder than BRM) when on HC is a bad design choice, though, that funnels people into doing max lev but still lower difficulty bounties.
Bear in mind that 20% of the coins you get per bounty are for your party's mercs, and 60% are for the bounty rewards, with the last box being random (assuming you're doing 5-reward bounties).
Why the hell would I ever 'farm' anything in this mode without also a chance at some kind of loot? Where is the upgrade system in this game? Why do the characters not have gear slots, why do they not have personality traits that adjust over time? The whole thing feels paper thin, how am I supposed to find grinding in this expereince fun or rewarding?
This mode is two inches deep, and not especially wide either. I've already had my fun with it (a couple of days) I can't understand anyone spending that much of their time with it. If you really like it that much maybe go try Darkest Dungeon or one of the other similar but better titles already out there. Mercenaries doesn't offerenough. If they keep updating it, and adding gameplay elements maybe one day I will try again, but in it's current state its a 5 out of 10 game.
It sounds like you might not be familiar with the mode. This isn't really a change that makes the game better. The game is really about getting past gating time consuming things so you can use teams and items in pvp later. Or even if you want to only pve this change still only makes getting those things you want take maybe 20 times longer. If the systems were set up differently in how you get quests or getting a quest was guaranteed at the highest level content I would agree with you. But its still a 1 in 4 roll for a 1 in 6 roll in your party.
Pvp is entirely gated behind the heroes and the gear your characters have. So the answer is to now grind faaarrrr more time to get those chances at random quests showing up. Do you know why people started farming low level bounties? Because we all were playing the game normally and appropriate level and the quests rarely show up. It's a 25% chance. Which means you can play a normal heroic bounty with a fresh lvl 30 team and spend 15 minutes for a 25 % chance at a random chance at a multi part quest. It might not even offer you the quest for the character you want since it's random. So it works out to once per hour to get a 1 in 6 roll for the character you might want the most. Then that reward needs to be repeated another 6 times.
It already took hours and hours of luck to get the right quests for the right characters doing low level content.
This change completely removes casual players from ever seeing level 7 items. It just does.
I typically made a team of 3 booster Mercs and 3 carries, loaded up on Tasks and then found a better Bounty to do said Tasks and get more XP and coins in the process.
That's now dead.
We need some way to get Tasks reliably, and it can't be what it is now which is to have to do a minimum of 4 or 5 figths to get a node that MAYBE is a Mysterious Stranger, but probably is not.
The Tasks themselves are already a grind to complete and need specific set ups and specific level bounties so you don't lose the Merc you are trying to get done. It shouldn't be this cumbersome to GET the Tasks in the first place.
I don't mind having to mostly complete a Bounty to get a Task, that's fine. But currently with the Randomness of actually getting a Task, it is just a ridiculous grind that might not even have a payoff for what you want and need. And that is just not acceptable.
I understand the intent of the nerf and I agree with it, but the EFFECT of it is not okay at all and needs to be adressed. We need a reliable way to get Tasks.
If you see a bad post on the forum use the report function under it, so I or someone else of the moderation team can take care of it!