Really enjoying the new format, but I do wish they would implement some sort of protections or penalties for AFKs or trolls.
Got paired with 3 AFKs back to back, two with Chinese lettering as their name and one "woocyj"
Third game i conceded and went next as soon as I saw he wasn't making any moves... "woocyj" guy was back in the next game on someone else's team, also not playing in that game.
Couldn't report any of the 3 for "intentinally losing/deranking" because they don't show up on the list, only enemies.
it genuinely blows my mind that blizzard added a team-play mode to the game with quite literally zero fucking ways to properly communicate with people already in the game unless you're already friends, at which point you're probably using outside-of-the-game communication such as discord or the likes, on paper it's a great game mode, in practice it's an unmitigated disaster because of the sheer number of people who don't understand the game mode being paired up with people that do and ending up screwing over runs for everybody, not to mention the ones who purposefully troll around or afk as stated by OP.
Honestly, the game is really buggy at the moment. I'm crashing a lot during the loading time/ first round. So I can totally imagine not all AFK/leavers are doing it on purpose.
But on the other hand I'm also kinda frustrated with the lack of communication. I'm desperatly trying to climb up in rating hoping my teamm8's would become better too, but I'm still once in a while being paired with a turn 1 Wrath weaver picker that sticks to demons since turn one only because he went wrath weaver... Or quilboar players without any kind of boosting gems... Like so many noobs that decide in turn 1-2 what their entire comp should be and lose if they don't find the pieces...
There's just not much you can do when your teamm8 plays quilboar from the start and you can't tell him to just focus on something else until you find a 'wincondition'...:(
(I'm now at 7500 duo rating but it's a shitfest at this rating :-(
Climbed to near 7000 with randoms, it's not always too bad. It's interesting how, while i got better, I started to notice more mistakes from my teammates. And it's frustrating that the communication is very limited, but it works 4 of 5 games. Idling players should be kicked and punished though.
A few months ago I started getting that glitch where the game would crash if I tabbed away from the screen.
They said running in windowed mode would help, and it did, but it didn't fix the problem so I was running it in a window and still crashing frequently for months. Mostly if I tabbed out during combat. Seems to be fixed now.
The game still sometimes randomly disconnects during fights. If I exit immediately and restart I can generally keep playing, though I've lost a few games this way. If it happens at the end of a long fight then I end up skipping my turn.
I was playing a Pirates vs. Beasts game the other day where after the combat with all the death rattles had resolved my turn lasted around 3 seconds. So I had to start quitting the game and reloading as soon as combat started. I had to check the BG records page to see what position we finished in.
Also I can see how much gold my partner has when I play on my phone but not on my laptop. So I can't tell when they're out of gold, if they can afford to upgrade before I pass, if they can afford to pass, etc.
Game doesn't seem to be in rude health at the moment. Been playing since 2014 and I can't remember a time when crashes and bugs had such a big effect on the experience.
Really enjoying the new format, but I do wish they would implement some sort of protections or penalties for AFKs or trolls.
Got paired with 3 AFKs back to back, two with Chinese lettering as their name and one "woocyj"
Third game i conceded and went next as soon as I saw he wasn't making any moves... "woocyj" guy was back in the next game on someone else's team, also not playing in that game.
Couldn't report any of the 3 for "intentinally losing/deranking" because they don't show up on the list, only enemies.
Sadly I have also ran into people like this. But its honestly the risk you take man. You could instead make friends to play with each time.
it genuinely blows my mind that blizzard added a team-play mode to the game with quite literally zero fucking ways to properly communicate with people already in the game unless you're already friends, at which point you're probably using outside-of-the-game communication such as discord or the likes, on paper it's a great game mode, in practice it's an unmitigated disaster because of the sheer number of people who don't understand the game mode being paired up with people that do and ending up screwing over runs for everybody, not to mention the ones who purposefully troll around or afk as stated by OP.
Honestly, the game is really buggy at the moment. I'm crashing a lot during the loading time/ first round. So I can totally imagine not all AFK/leavers are doing it on purpose.
But on the other hand I'm also kinda frustrated with the lack of communication. I'm desperatly trying to climb up in rating hoping my teamm8's would become better too, but I'm still once in a while being paired with a turn 1 Wrath weaver picker that sticks to demons since turn one only because he went wrath weaver... Or quilboar players without any kind of boosting gems... Like so many noobs that decide in turn 1-2 what their entire comp should be and lose if they don't find the pieces...
There's just not much you can do when your teamm8 plays quilboar from the start and you can't tell him to just focus on something else until you find a 'wincondition'...:(
(I'm now at 7500 duo rating but it's a shitfest at this rating :-(
Climbed to near 7000 with randoms, it's not always too bad. It's interesting how, while i got better, I started to notice more mistakes from my teammates. And it's frustrating that the communication is very limited, but it works 4 of 5 games. Idling players should be kicked and punished though.
A few months ago I started getting that glitch where the game would crash if I tabbed away from the screen.
They said running in windowed mode would help, and it did, but it didn't fix the problem so I was running it in a window and still crashing frequently for months. Mostly if I tabbed out during combat. Seems to be fixed now.
The game still sometimes randomly disconnects during fights. If I exit immediately and restart I can generally keep playing, though I've lost a few games this way. If it happens at the end of a long fight then I end up skipping my turn.
I was playing a Pirates vs. Beasts game the other day where after the combat with all the death rattles had resolved my turn lasted around 3 seconds. So I had to start quitting the game and reloading as soon as combat started. I had to check the BG records page to see what position we finished in.
Also I can see how much gold my partner has when I play on my phone but not on my laptop. So I can't tell when they're out of gold, if they can afford to upgrade before I pass, if they can afford to pass, etc.
Game doesn't seem to be in rude health at the moment. Been playing since 2014 and I can't remember a time when crashes and bugs had such a big effect on the experience.
Yeah, same. Game crashes often in duo and sometimes I can't even reconnect until I reboot my PC completely.