It’s hilarious how cracked putricide and undead are. The cyborg dragon is a huge jump in power from the last season and it doesn’t even register because undead are so ridiculous. There’s a couple of undead minions that just need to be gone, eternal summoner is the stormscale siren that needs to be removed and eternal knight is pogohopper 2.0.
At first, I thought eternal knight was OP, and then I realized Anubarak is the real OP. +2 attack to all Undead and Token that spawn, what the actual fuck. And all the t6 minions are cracked. Feel like HP doesn't matter anymore. Just token reborn undead and ton of scalers. High DPS divine shield reborn deathrattle minion makes it so if you get bad RNG and fall behind - you can't catch up or use utility build to win. HP won't scale fast enough to tank your tokens and zerg, Leeroy/T6 Mantis are useless. And a body without reborn like Eternal Knight just doesn't feel worth it to keep since you rather have Eternal Summoner and Anub get the reborn. Mech is the only other tribe that can compete at this point by having stronger early game and tokens to match in number. But the overall versatility mid/late game of Undead is way too high.
- I would change it by making Anub'arak deathrattle non-permenant. Make it give like +5 attack to all undead that spawn that turn, but not a infinite scaler.
The T6 6/6 reborn divine shield I would prob change to 5/5.
The T6 that give +1/3 to all undead after 1 reborn trigger should prob be +3/+3 to a random undead after 1 reborn trigger permanently so it not a boardwide scaler.
And Undead would still be strong with Felstomper. Just more midgame focused so other strategy have a spot in the game.
They ALWAYS powercreep new stuff and make them OP. They are incapable of releasing balanced stuff. And it's all about money and the target audience of this game.
They ALWAYS powercreep new stuff and make them OP. They are incapable of releasing balanced stuff. And it's all about money and the target audience of this game.
How's it about money? Seems like it's more about figuring out where the balance is based on large amounts of data that they can't get in internal testing.
They ALWAYS powercreep new stuff and make them OP. They are incapable of releasing balanced stuff. And it's all about money and the target audience of this game.
It's not about the money, money, money We don't need your money, money, money We just wanna make the world dance Forget about the price tag
The whole issue is anub'arak really, undead would be fine without it. Since you generally have to kill the board 2-3 times to fully clear an undead board, you end up with like over 20 minions each with 30+ attack and win by sheer hit advantage. The whole eternal knight package isn't even that amazing, it's just eternal summoner provides 3 bodies to get anub'arak buffs, 6 if it gets reborn which often happens.
I don't think deathwhisper is in need of changes - you do need strong turn 6 tribe minions, it just feels OP because anub'arak makes everything under seem broken.
Anub arak down from +3 to +2 and down 1 tier, or up 1 tier unchanged.
No idea how to fix eternal summoner, perhaps buff the minions in other tribes like Nomi, Saurolisk, Molten rock, Mindmuck, Kaly, and a ton of other minions that are now garbage, specially when you compare them to the new dual tribe minions.
Amplified from the lack of quests, we're back again to hitting or not hitting being the biggest decider for top 4/bottom 4. Quest meta was alot more skill based IMO. Now, if you don't get the new minions you're screwed. The old ones are so much weaker.
The fact that you need a specific hero to top 2 with some tribes (Galliwyx or Millhouse for dragons and elementals) is completely stupid.
Either removes those heroes and buff the tribes accordingly, or allow all heroes to win with those tribes. Also quilboar is basicly the same, with stat gain capped from money.
I took the 6th minion using Murozond. I feel like when I use Murzond as Nozdormu it gives me the OP stuff.
It's extremely toxic and horribly overpowered.
That's just a copy paste from every new thing ever. Let them have a little time to figure out some balance changes.
It’s hilarious how cracked putricide and undead are. The cyborg dragon is a huge jump in power from the last season and it doesn’t even register because undead are so ridiculous. There’s a couple of undead minions that just need to be gone, eternal summoner is the stormscale siren that needs to be removed and eternal knight is pogohopper 2.0.
At first, I thought eternal knight was OP, and then I realized Anubarak is the real OP. +2 attack to all Undead and Token that spawn, what the actual fuck. And all the t6 minions are cracked. Feel like HP doesn't matter anymore. Just token reborn undead and ton of scalers. High DPS divine shield reborn deathrattle minion makes it so if you get bad RNG and fall behind - you can't catch up or use utility build to win. HP won't scale fast enough to tank your tokens and zerg, Leeroy/T6 Mantis are useless. And a body without reborn like Eternal Knight just doesn't feel worth it to keep since you rather have Eternal Summoner and Anub get the reborn. Mech is the only other tribe that can compete at this point by having stronger early game and tokens to match in number. But the overall versatility mid/late game of Undead is way too high.
- I would change it by making Anub'arak deathrattle non-permenant. Make it give like +5 attack to all undead that spawn that turn, but not a infinite scaler.
The T6 6/6 reborn divine shield I would prob change to 5/5.
The T6 that give +1/3 to all undead after 1 reborn trigger should prob be +3/+3 to a random undead after 1 reborn trigger permanently so it not a boardwide scaler.
And Undead would still be strong with Felstomper. Just more midgame focused so other strategy have a spot in the game.
They ALWAYS powercreep new stuff and make them OP. They are incapable of releasing balanced stuff. And it's all about money and the target audience of this game.
How's it about money? Seems like it's more about figuring out where the balance is based on large amounts of data that they can't get in internal testing.
It's not about the money, money, money
We don't need your money, money, money
We just wanna make the world dance
Forget about the price tag
- said no serious company ever, hehe :P
The whole issue is anub'arak really, undead would be fine without it. Since you generally have to kill the board 2-3 times to fully clear an undead board, you end up with like over 20 minions each with 30+ attack and win by sheer hit advantage. The whole eternal knight package isn't even that amazing, it's just eternal summoner provides 3 bodies to get anub'arak buffs, 6 if it gets reborn which often happens.
I don't think deathwhisper is in need of changes - you do need strong turn 6 tribe minions, it just feels OP because anub'arak makes everything under seem broken.
Ghoul of the feast down from +3 to +2.
Anub arak down from +3 to +2 and down 1 tier, or up 1 tier unchanged.
No idea how to fix eternal summoner, perhaps buff the minions in other tribes like Nomi, Saurolisk, Molten rock, Mindmuck, Kaly, and a ton of other minions that are now garbage, specially when you compare them to the new dual tribe minions.
Amplified from the lack of quests, we're back again to hitting or not hitting being the biggest decider for top 4/bottom 4. Quest meta was alot more skill based IMO. Now, if you don't get the new minions you're screwed. The old ones are so much weaker.
The fact that you need a specific hero to top 2 with some tribes (Galliwyx or Millhouse for dragons and elementals) is completely stupid.
Either removes those heroes and buff the tribes accordingly, or allow all heroes to win with those tribes. Also quilboar is basicly the same, with stat gain capped from money.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.