Is there a bad hero you are often able to win a game of Battlegrounds with consistently?
For me:
Jaraxxus, Illidan, Galakrond
I don't do anything crazy with Galakrond, I treat him as Discover a minion when I have the mana .. no need to do weird stuff like aim for a tier 6 early.
Not sure 100% which heroes are good or bad, it will vary alot on the level of play and ranks, and the offered tribes I suppose.
I can tell you the heroes I usually don't see much in lobbies that I enjoy playing, those would be; The Jailer, Maiev, Pyramad, Hooktusk, Malygos, Guff... I'll take any of the above over a Patches or Cookie every time (I really can't play those heroes), unless the tribes are really horrible for them.
Is there a bad hero you are often able to win a game of Battlegrounds with consistently?
For me:
Jaraxxus, Illidan, Galakrond
I don't do anything crazy with Galakrond, I treat him as Discover a minion when I have the mana .. no need to do weird stuff like aim for a tier 6 early.
Not sure 100% which heroes are good or bad, it will vary alot on the level of play and ranks, and the offered tribes I suppose.
I can tell you the heroes I usually don't see much in lobbies that I enjoy playing, those would be; The Jailer, Maiev, Pyramad, Hooktusk, Malygos, Guff... I'll take any of the above over a Patches or Cookie every time (I really can't play those heroes), unless the tribes are really horrible for them.
My comments refer mostly to the wild format.
Aranna for sure. I'm very consistent with her and love the hero power. I think I'm above average with Skycap'n Kragg, but not super consistent.
I'm not entirely sure where the line on good and bad is so I can't give more examples. Those are just the 2 that come to mind.