Weird game where 6 out of 8 players were playing Murlocs at the beginning. Naturally with so much competition nobody could find any Murlocs in the tavern, but I had the hero power of Tess (from Sir Finley) so naturally I was stealing all the good Murlocs my previous opponents had already managed to pick up:) Later on I also stole a Brann and at the end I was left heads up with a guy who was ahead of me in his comp. I played him 5 in a row, lost the first three, but survived with 1 health and each time a stole a Nightmare Amalgam right afterwards and in the end I tripled it up which proved too much;)
Playing Omu with Pirates, nothing special. I'm feeling like I'm probably dead at 5 heath with trash pirates. I sell down to 4 units to buy a golden Yo-Ho-Ogre, figuring that the only way I win is with that, my 2 Southsea Captain and Ripsnarl Captain, if I can discover a Dread Admiral Eliza and my opponent attacks first with something small. Then my Yo-Ho can farm those stat buffs.
This is the Pepper thread, so you know I discover it, and my opponent indeed starts with something small. Win.
Next up: Lich King. He doesn't have a taunt, and begins with a reborn Spawn of N'Zoth, and again, I just farm with Yo-Ho. Down to 3, and I luck into the Ghost, before losing to a stacked Alex with Divine Shield dragons. Ah, but that was an epic 6th or 7th to 2nd scam.
Down to 15 health with demons decide my only hope is malganis so level up two turns in a row. On 1 health and in 8th place. Get the demons going and get matched against No1 . Hit him for 28 damage and kill him, go on to win. Fortunately no poisonous murlocs.
Thought this build was pretty dope, not my biggest Pogos, but a little bit of a different take on end-game Jandice, instead of regular Amalgadon-shenanigans, and definately more fun! Too bad the game ended too quickly, so I didn't get to properly scale up, lol.
MOST FUN BOARD EVER! This is how you play Illidan! Could only be better with triple baron and more parrots. :D
When you beat Murlocs as Jaraxxus. Just think how silly that'd have sounded two months ago.
Anyhow, I had Gold Cannon, Gold Juggler, regular Juggler, and Rafaam only had sorta big poison--no shields, no plants.
Turn 5 golden Mama Bear, shame no hydra from discovers
Long Live the Lich King!
Bye Megasaur!
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
Staying on Tavern Tier 1 with Ysera obviously guarantees you rank 4+ :D
Weird game where 6 out of 8 players were playing Murlocs at the beginning. Naturally with so much competition nobody could find any Murlocs in the tavern, but I had the hero power of Tess (from Sir Finley) so naturally I was stealing all the good Murlocs my previous opponents had already managed to pick up:) Later on I also stole a Brann and at the end I was left heads up with a guy who was ahead of me in his comp. I played him 5 in a row, lost the first three, but survived with 1 health and each time a stole a Nightmare Amalgam right afterwards and in the end I tripled it up which proved too much;)
4x 1st in the last 5 games.
2x Murlocs, 1x Pirate, 1x Demons and a failed 5 place with shitty roles and a 1.2% loss.
Mulocs!? Bah, all I see is beasts. Are you guys posting from last month? lol
Great art can never be created without great suffering.
Best beast build I've had so far with tripple Baron, tripple Parrot and tripple Goldrinn, lol
Lich King + Menagerie + Reborn on Mechano-Egg rocks. I think that was my first perfect game (finished with 40 health) and it wasn't even close!
I got so close to the perfect band
almost dead on turn 8... - later OTK'ed huge poisonous murlocs, feels good
bullied by every beasts player while playing pirates - later almost OTK'ed the last of them
Mimsy Were The Borogoves
Scammed my way to a nice 2nd place.
Playing Omu with Pirates, nothing special. I'm feeling like I'm probably dead at 5 heath with trash pirates. I sell down to 4 units to buy a golden Yo-Ho-Ogre, figuring that the only way I win is with that, my 2 Southsea Captain and Ripsnarl Captain, if I can discover a Dread Admiral Eliza and my opponent attacks first with something small. Then my Yo-Ho can farm those stat buffs.
This is the Pepper thread, so you know I discover it, and my opponent indeed starts with something small. Win.
Next up: Lich King. He doesn't have a taunt, and begins with a reborn Spawn of N'Zoth, and again, I just farm with Yo-Ho. Down to 3, and I luck into the Ghost, before losing to a stacked Alex with Divine Shield dragons. Ah, but that was an epic 6th or 7th to 2nd scam.
Down to 15 health with demons decide my only hope is malganis so level up two turns in a row. On 1 health and in 8th place. Get the demons going and get matched against No1 . Hit him for 28 damage and kill him, go on to win. Fortunately no poisonous murlocs.
Thought this build was pretty dope, not my biggest Pogos, but a little bit of a different take on end-game Jandice, instead of regular Amalgadon-shenanigans, and definately more fun! Too bad the game ended too quickly, so I didn't get to properly scale up, lol.
I finished this game with 40hp
I just had the best Dragon run ever with Mr. Bigglesworth.
I like Al'Akir. He's always so nice to me.
Who knew Chenvaala could actually Win?
Felt fair to me, nice to finally get Rag as hero pick (first game with him) wow ..