For those saying it's easy, it sure can be. But when your hand by turn 4 is nothing but minions that cost 5 or more, and two copies of divert forces (a genuinely asinine card), it really can just be impossible. It's poorly designed because the variance of your draws and card quality is bizarre, and the deck has no cohesion in it. Compare it to the game before, where it just gives you a libram deck and a hero power the deck has built around, and that makes more sense from a design point, since hall of heroes is meant to tell a story. It's not meant to be a major challenge.
For clarities sake, I had 2 hands that were utter trash and couldn't survive past turn 6. My third game my opponent drew poorly and I had some form of plays for the early game so could try to control the board a bit, and it became easy. But that was pure luck by that point. In addition, I am a control player, who made legend last month playing 4 old god warrior.
I wonder if all these "first try " " so easy " players are so good to beat the Dark Portal challenge 3 times in a row, Im willing to add you and watch said games and marvel in your greatness 😉
Sorry I'm saying barely an inconvenience because Ryan from Pitch Meeting in Screen Rant. The catchphrase is too powerful in my ear and I can't help so spit it.
I don't know. Not yelling Ryan's catchphrase is TIGHT.
It's definitely a luck-based fight. There are some times where you will be dealt a hand, even after mulligan when you will have 0% chance of winning. I think it's fine but it certainly feels bad to play when you get shafted with high-cost cards.
You people grumble about the portal, whilst I'm here hitting a hard wall with the blademaster. The entire deck seems to be designed to die to the AI's HP! Air raid works so well there. Everything you play, be it Arthas or what, dies in one turn because no board control. Sure, I'll swing my face into a 0-mana 4/5 taunt... oh, I'm dead. I stabilize on single digit HP with a faceswing to ensure taunt? Sap-dead. Just... why design such a deck for such an encounter?
Finally did it after the AI didn't have multiple 1-drops to trade up and keep flooding. Not a fun encounter.
Super easy fight and gauntlet. 1 shot the whole thing even with bad draw/rng.
This is nothing like heroic Blackrock.
TDP is just minion and removal management. Anyone who plays control decks should find this fight simple.
At OP found the agro player.
Well your opponent needs to draw cards too friend. If you only played once, you have no idea how big a difference that makes. You don't know the deck list from the start and you don't know what top deck could have scorned you. Second game was a walk in the park compared to the first. My draw seemed rather bad in both games (the deck as a whole seems pretty bad). But uhm.... good for you that it was easy I suppose....
While draw is important, so is resource management, strategy and removal. It's a control fight, so is Arthas.
This gauntlet is super low rng and power level. It's easy and not as draw dependant as people infer. I did TDP without prismatic or Kad combo. Just good ol fashioned board management and weaving HP each turn. Won T11
Again, how many times did you play this adventure? Once? How can you actually state that it's low RNG just because your hand was bad? I almost felt that there was some kind of fixed second game win when I played, since my "opponent" was utter garbage. If you had those games in first run, good for you, but don't pretend that you know the power level of a deck, by looking at the fist 15 cards drawn. Did you look up the deck list of each challenge up front?
BTW: I had about the same shitty cards in both challenges I had to retry. My opponents certainly didn't.
You people grumble about the portal, whilst I'm here hitting a hard wall with the blademaster. The entire deck seems to be designed to die to the AI's HP! Air raid works so well there. Everything you play, be it Arthas or what, dies in one turn because no board control. Sure, I'll swing my face into a 0-mana 4/5 taunt... oh, I'm dead. I stabilize on single digit HP with a faceswing to ensure taunt? Sap-dead. Just... why design such a deck for such an encounter?
Why don't you just give your minions divine shield? Sure Arthas can draw some crazy shit, but your hero power can remove it all and then you can gain health with your little 2/5 + libram
You people grumble about the portal, whilst I'm here hitting a hard wall with the blademaster. The entire deck seems to be designed to die to the AI's HP! Air raid works so well there. Everything you play, be it Arthas or what, dies in one turn because no board control. Sure, I'll swing my face into a 0-mana 4/5 taunt... oh, I'm dead. I stabilize on single digit HP with a faceswing to ensure taunt? Sap-dead. Just... why design such a deck for such an encounter?
Why don't you just give your minions divine shield? Sure Arthas can draw some crazy shit, but your hero power can remove it all and then you can gain health with your little 2/5 + libram
Give one minion DS with the hammer? Far too slow, and that DS goes instantly due to the HP. I was basically dead T7ish at the latest. 2/5 with libram on T5 just died, even with hammer pre-equipped. Arthas on curve, again, died and ressed once. drop zealot, dies. Hope to have a 2-drop, if so, then it dies and 1-drop, else two 1-drops. Turn three, try to drop something in, ai kills it, expands board, T5 you start seeing free 4/5 taunts. I'd end up stabilizing on T7 on low health and die to sap. I tried without dropping the chaff first three turns; ai had an extra mana and the board on T4 becomes truly ridiculous.
Or are you talking about Arthas? He wasn't a problem for me. Blademaster was just after the portal, HP of deal three to highest attack and 1 to all other enemy minions. That just walled me for so many attempts. The deck just feels designed to die to the HP.
You people grumble about the portal, whilst I'm here hitting a hard wall with the blademaster. The entire deck seems to be designed to die to the AI's HP! Air raid works so well there. Everything you play, be it Arthas or what, dies in one turn because no board control. Sure, I'll swing my face into a 0-mana 4/5 taunt... oh, I'm dead. I stabilize on single digit HP with a faceswing to ensure taunt? Sap-dead. Just... why design such a deck for such an encounter?
Why don't you just give your minions divine shield? Sure Arthas can draw some crazy shit, but your hero power can remove it all and then you can gain health with your little 2/5 + libram
Give one minion DS with the hammer? Far too slow, and that DS goes instantly due to the HP. I was basically dead T7ish at the latest. 2/5 with libram on T5 just died, even with hammer pre-equipped. Arthas on curve, again, died and ressed once. drop zealot, dies. Hope to have a 2-drop, if so, then it dies and 1-drop, else two 1-drops. Turn three, try to drop something in, ai kills it, expands board, T5 you start seeing free 4/5 taunts. I'd end up stabilizing on T7 on low health and die to sap. I tried without dropping the chaff first three turns; ai had an extra mana and the board on T4 becomes truly ridiculous.
Or are you talking about Arthas? He wasn't a problem for me. Blademaster was just after the portal, HP of deal three to highest attack and 1 to all other enemy minions. That just walled me for so many attempts. The deck just feels designed to die to the HP.
Well It seems like you made it through anyway so I guess all is good. But year just give your stuff DS with the weapon and the 3/3 worked just fine for me in first try. He doesn't play a lot of stuff and you can just gain DS every turn. But whatever! You won in the end ;)
You people grumble about the portal, whilst I'm here hitting a hard wall with the blademaster. The entire deck seems to be designed to die to the AI's HP! Air raid works so well there. Everything you play, be it Arthas or what, dies in one turn because no board control. Sure, I'll swing my face into a 0-mana 4/5 taunt... oh, I'm dead. I stabilize on single digit HP with a faceswing to ensure taunt? Sap-dead. Just... why design such a deck for such an encounter?
Finally did it after the AI didn't have multiple 1-drops to trade up and keep flooding. Not a fun encounter.
Agreed, blademaster is more frustrating, took me a few tries to get a hand where I could keep something alive long enough to build a board
Made it the first try aswell.
..barely an inconvenience
For those saying it's easy, it sure can be. But when your hand by turn 4 is nothing but minions that cost 5 or more, and two copies of divert forces (a genuinely asinine card), it really can just be impossible. It's poorly designed because the variance of your draws and card quality is bizarre, and the deck has no cohesion in it. Compare it to the game before, where it just gives you a libram deck and a hero power the deck has built around, and that makes more sense from a design point, since hall of heroes is meant to tell a story. It's not meant to be a major challenge.
For clarities sake, I had 2 hands that were utter trash and couldn't survive past turn 6. My third game my opponent drew poorly and I had some form of plays for the early game so could try to control the board a bit, and it became easy. But that was pure luck by that point. In addition, I am a control player, who made legend last month playing 4 old god warrior.
I wonder if all these "first try " " so easy " players are so good to beat the Dark Portal challenge 3 times in a row, Im willing to add you and watch said games and marvel in your greatness 😉
Dopamine is a helluva drug
Did I included?
Sorry I'm saying barely an inconvenience because Ryan from Pitch Meeting in Screen Rant. The catchphrase is too powerful in my ear and I can't help so spit it.
I don't know. Not yelling Ryan's catchphrase is TIGHT.
Won on my first attempt so I don't see the issue
You’re lucky and you can count to 3. Congrats.
Take a walk on the wild side...
It's definitely a luck-based fight. There are some times where you will be dealt a hand, even after mulligan when you will have 0% chance of winning. I think it's fine but it certainly feels bad to play when you get shafted with high-cost cards.
Definitely not WTF worthy, first try with no issues.
First try
Took me a few tries but I managed to do it ;p
Let none survive!
You people grumble about the portal, whilst I'm here hitting a hard wall with the blademaster. The entire deck seems to be designed to die to the AI's HP! Air raid works so well there. Everything you play, be it Arthas or what, dies in one turn because no board control. Sure, I'll swing my face into a 0-mana 4/5 taunt... oh, I'm dead. I stabilize on single digit HP with a faceswing to ensure taunt? Sap-dead. Just... why design such a deck for such an encounter?
Finally did it after the AI didn't have multiple 1-drops to trade up and keep flooding. Not a fun encounter.
Again, how many times did you play this adventure? Once? How can you actually state that it's low RNG just because your hand was bad? I almost felt that there was some kind of fixed second game win when I played, since my "opponent" was utter garbage. If you had those games in first run, good for you, but don't pretend that you know the power level of a deck, by looking at the fist 15 cards drawn. Did you look up the deck list of each challenge up front?
BTW: I had about the same shitty cards in both challenges I had to retry. My opponents certainly didn't.
Why don't you just give your minions divine shield? Sure Arthas can draw some crazy shit, but your hero power can remove it all and then you can gain health with your little 2/5 + libram
Give one minion DS with the hammer? Far too slow, and that DS goes instantly due to the HP. I was basically dead T7ish at the latest. 2/5 with libram on T5 just died, even with hammer pre-equipped. Arthas on curve, again, died and ressed once. drop zealot, dies. Hope to have a 2-drop, if so, then it dies and 1-drop, else two 1-drops. Turn three, try to drop something in, ai kills it, expands board, T5 you start seeing free 4/5 taunts. I'd end up stabilizing on T7 on low health and die to sap. I tried without dropping the chaff first three turns; ai had an extra mana and the board on T4 becomes truly ridiculous.
Or are you talking about Arthas? He wasn't a problem for me. Blademaster was just after the portal, HP of deal three to highest attack and 1 to all other enemy minions. That just walled me for so many attempts. The deck just feels designed to die to the HP.
Well It seems like you made it through anyway so I guess all is good. But year just give your stuff DS with the weapon and the 3/3 worked just fine for me in first try. He doesn't play a lot of stuff and you can just gain DS every turn. But whatever! You won in the end ;)
Agreed, blademaster is more frustrating, took me a few tries to get a hand where I could keep something alive long enough to build a board
Did it on the first try, didn’t even realize people were having difficulty lol. Found the whole thing to be pretty elementary tbh.