If you really. REALLY want to win with paladin. Then play Tirion. As the Lich King mentions, he will let Tirion stay alive till the end. If you play him you basically denies your opponent to attack with any minions.
Really? Why no one say this before?
Some people did.
But you need to know that it has some requirements.
You can't have LESS than 20 health
You can't Attack with tirion.
You have to play tirion on turn 8
You Most be in the spirit frostmourne phase.
And you can't have a taunt minion at turn 7.
But it is still way easier.
And here I thought Death Knighting him with the four horsemen was cheap, this is next level.
It does work, maybe there are more requirements than that, but I didn't trip into any of them. Lich King only attacked Tirion once to remove the divine shield, then just sat there.
Okay, for me, it was a matter of patience. I went with a full murloc deck (run of the mill murlocs like war leader, tidecaller, grimscale, rockfin...no murkeye or any of the older ones).
Had to keep restarting until I got a decent curve AND LK did not play any turn one minions AND played the 0/5 on turn 2.
So, my game went like this;
Me- Grimscale oracle
LK-nothing (his turn one spell)
Me- Rockpool on the Grim. Oracle
LK-the 0/5 that blows up at the start of his turn
Me- Warleader, trade the RH into the 0/5
From this point on it was me snowballing more murlocs onto the field (also getting the +1/+1 stat buff from Megasaur) and trading while not losing my minions. LK was playing few minions and ultimately played two of the 0/5s, thus not putting a lot of damage out. Killed him on turn 5 or 6. And, I think the strategy was restart till I got lucky and he got unlucky. This was not enjoyable, in any way.
Since the twist here is "he gets all your minions whenever they die", they should have put his card play on rails, thus making this encounter more of a puzzle (which is fun) than the luckfest (which was just frustrating).
It seems kind of weird, at least for me, that people used murlocs to beat the lich King while I had like at least 30 tries and didn't succeed. And then finally with the buff deck I did it the 2nd try
It's called cincidence. Like I cheesed the lich king on my f2p in US with Stubborn Gastropod + Alarm-o-Bot and got them regularly in my starting hand, but when I tried it with mage and Kabal Lackey and Counterspell , I needed kind of 20 restarts until I got both the first time in my starting hand.
i beat the lich king with every 8 classes but i cant beat him with paladin it is impossible for me i tryied murlock paladin otk paladin nothing works please help me
Use Doomsayer before the turn 7 to survive, he kill your Doomsayer and remove the board in next turn, play Emperor in turn 6 for reduce the costs and when the turn 7 comes use Enter the Coliseum to reduce the enemys to 1. then play Kel'Thuzad and the 0/4 taunt minion, in this point the Lich King stop attacking, just play the DK and 4 minions from hero power.
For me the paladin give me much more trouble than the others 8 combined...
paladin was tough. i eventually did it with dk, but i didnt use KT bug (does it work with paladin? he can kill 0/4 with weapon then run the 2/6 into KT to reset) and no garrison commander so i had to struggle to keep my tokens alive to insta kill him.
I beat it first try with a lot of board clear, heals, buffs and Ravenholdt Assassin. Just stay alive and keep the board clear until he gets to phase 2. Clear the phase 2 minions. Then drop Ravenholdt and buff. Should only take a turn or 2 to get him high enough for an OTK.
i beat the lich king with every 8 classes but i cant beat him with paladin it is impossible for me i tryied murlock paladin otk paladin nothing works please help me
thank you all for your suggestions , i beat the lich king in 1 try using the playing trion on the second phase strategie . here is how i did it , i keep clearing the board with doomsayer explosive sheep and other 1 damage to all minions , minions until phase 2 , at turn 6 i played a minion with more than 5 health to withstand the frostmourne attack , after he attacked and past the turn in phase 2 ,i played trion and pass the turn , if you dont play any taunt minions or equip a weapon lich king will not kill the trion. from that point i played shade of naxxramas and waited until i can one shot him with blessed champion , when shade reached one shot level i equality consecrated his board and one shotted him. it was pretty easy to do and requires no effort to beat him this way ( also it is really free to play friendly just need tirion) . play the 3 mana 2 2 paladin card that draws a divine shield minion from your deck to always draw tirion on time
I just beat him with this deck I made. I made specific instructions for it as well. Go ahead and give it a try!
Okay, for me, it was a matter of patience. I went with a full murloc deck (run of the mill murlocs like war leader, tidecaller, grimscale, rockfin...no murkeye or any of the older ones).
Had to keep restarting until I got a decent curve AND LK did not play any turn one minions AND played the 0/5 on turn 2.
So, my game went like this;
Me- Grimscale oracle
LK-nothing (his turn one spell)
Me- Rockpool on the Grim. Oracle
LK-the 0/5 that blows up at the start of his turn
Me- Warleader, trade the RH into the 0/5
From this point on it was me snowballing more murlocs onto the field (also getting the +1/+1 stat buff from Megasaur) and trading while not losing my minions. LK was playing few minions and ultimately played two of the 0/5s, thus not putting a lot of damage out. Killed him on turn 5 or 6. And, I think the strategy was restart till I got lucky and he got unlucky. This was not enjoyable, in any way.
Since the twist here is "he gets all your minions whenever they die", they should have put his card play on rails, thus making this encounter more of a puzzle (which is fun) than the luckfest (which was just frustrating).
Just did it with a basic aggro murloc, took a few tries, killed him on turn 6.
### heal
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Wild
# 2x (0) Forbidden Healing
# 2x (0) Target Dummy
# 1x (1) Divine Strength
# 2x (1) Hand of Protection
# 2x (1) Shieldbearer
# 2x (2) Desperate Stand
# 2x (2) Doomsayer
# 2x (2) Equality
# 2x (2) Holy Light
# 2x (2) Sunfury Protector
# 1x (3) Street Trickster
# 1x (4) Blessing of Kings
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 1x (4) Truesilver Champion
# 2x (5) Blessed Champion
# 2x (6) Enter the Coliseum
# 1x (6) Scaled Nightmare
# 1x (8) Kel'Thuzad
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstoneuse the 0 taunt trick
screen shot showing 49,000 dmg
I just used the standard murloc deck and mulligan'd super super hard. 1. Murloc Tidecaller, 2. Rockpool. 3. warleader 4. oracle/gentle megasaur.
if i did't get murloc tidecaller + rockpool/warleader in my starting hand I restarted.
Equality + Cons is good during frostmourne phase.
Its all about RNG and how lucky you are with your draws and also your patience.
Not sure if you were trolling or if Blizzard fixed this. But I met all the criteria and the Lich King continued to pound on me.
The glitch seems to have been fixed during the night to Tuesday (EU).
I hate frost mourn how the hell so you counter that thing something gives him immunity that i cant kill him
I beat it first try with a lot of board clear, heals, buffs and Ravenholdt Assassin. Just stay alive and keep the board clear until he gets to phase 2. Clear the phase 2 minions. Then drop Ravenholdt and buff. Should only take a turn or 2 to get him high enough for an OTK.
Beat it with Sir Finley, battlecry minions, buff, healing, Doomsayer, etc.
Take a look at my deck and video if you need detailed tips:
Murloc heavy list. Mulligan for Tidecaller into Rockpool hunter, and with a good hand you win before turn 7, without losing a creature.
My Wild Cutlass Thief, a rogue deck focused on Spectral Cutlass. Just reached #176 Legend with a 62% win rate from rank 5.
Just go with Murlock package, unless you're a masochist like me and want to Exodia him.
I gave him a Fel Reaver then used Aldor, emptied his deck with 0 and 1 mana cards, then used coldlights to accelerate fatigue
Bryan Blaze

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