i beat the lich king with every 8 classes but i cant beat him with paladin it is impossible for me i tryied murlock paladin otk paladin nothing works please help me
thank you all for your suggestions , i beat the lich king in 1 try using the playing trion on the second phase strategie . here is how i did it , i keep clearing the board with doomsayer explosive sheep and other 1 damage to all minions , minions until phase 2 , at turn 6 i played a minion with more than 5 health to withstand the frostmourne attack , after he attacked and past the turn in phase 2 ,i played trion and pass the turn , if you dont play any taunt minions or equip a weapon lich king will not kill the trion. from that point i played shade of naxxramas and waited until i can one shot him with blessed champion , when shade reached one shot level i equality consecrated his board and one shotted him. it was pretty easy to do and requires no effort to beat him this way ( also it is really free to play friendly just need tirion) . play the 3 mana 2 2 paladin card that draws a divine shield minion from your deck to always draw tirion on time
If you really. REALLY want to win with paladin. Then play Tirion. As the Lich King mentions, he will let Tirion stay alive till the end. If you play him you basically denies your opponent to attack with any minions.
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I want a new title, but Flux won't let me have one,
With Murloc Paladin you can win if you basically just take full murlocs (with maybe some crabs) and beat him before turn 7 with gentle megasaur adaptations.
Use my list if you wish, but there are plenty of others who used the same strat. 1 drop Murloc and hit the perfect curve, trade well, protect your war leader, get a good adapt and kill him before Phase 2.
i beat the lich king with every 8 classes but i cant beat him with paladin it is impossible for me i tryied murlock paladin otk paladin nothing works please help me
Use Doomsayer before the turn 7 to survive, he kill your Doomsayer and remove the board in next turn, play Emperor in turn 6 for reduce the costs and when the turn 7 comes use Enter the Coliseum to reduce the enemys to 1. then play Kel'Thuzad and the 0/4 taunt minion, in this point the Lich King stop attacking, just play the DK and 4 minions from hero power.
For me the paladin give me much more trouble than the others 8 combined...
If you really. REALLY want to win with paladin. Then play Tirion. As the Lich King mentions, he will let Tirion stay alive till the end. If you play him you basically denies your opponent to attack with any minions.
cheap murlocs paladin is doable (even without murk-eye)
but it required the most restarts for me of any class, was quite frustrating to hit the perfect curve murloc snowball and not get warleader obliterated
i havent tried with KT because I dusted KT when he rotated
I tried several strategies.. even went so far as to try a deck full of 'can't attack' minions (which got foiled by Bonemare) and a deck with Majordomo Executus, which almost succeeded one time but then he used Obliterate on it and hero powered for immediate lethal.
In the end I had to resort to playing an anyfin can happen deck and try over and over again until I lucked out. I shouldn't even have won that time but the AI used 2 obliterates on my warleaders after the first Anyfin and left my Murkeye alive on a board full of murlocs even though he had lethal if he killed that..
All in all this was a pretty disappointing boss fight to me. I like the ones where you can win by doing some clever deck building, using unusual tech cards and strategies. The paladin one especially was just a matter of brute forcing the RNG for several hours.
I did him with an Anyfin deck, too. Took me like 2 hours, almost got him one time (if only I had 1 hp more I would have won), the time I actually managed to win was an exact lethal.
I lacked beardo for otks, had a really bad time but I used a pretty much free deck which consists in young dragonhawks and buffs, too bad u got to restart each time you don't have it in the mulligan, and you will have to do many tries. Worked for me anyways
thank you all for your suggestions , i beat the lich king in 1 try using the playing trion on the second phase strategie . here is how i did it , i keep clearing the board with doomsayer explosive sheep and other 1 damage to all minions , minions until phase 2 , at turn 6 i played a minion with more than 5 health to withstand the frostmourne attack , after he attacked and past the turn in phase 2 ,i played trion and pass the turn , if you dont play any taunt minions or equip a weapon lich king will not kill the trion. from that point i played shade of naxxramas and waited until i can one shot him with blessed champion , when shade reached one shot level i equality consecrated his board and one shotted him. it was pretty easy to do and requires no effort to beat him this way ( also it is really free to play friendly just need tirion) . play the 3 mana 2 2 paladin card that draws a divine shield minion from your deck to always draw tirion on time
Use enter the coliseum to get rid of 5 out of 6 of the 2/6's, then Cheese the hell out of him with kel'thuzad and shieldbearer. Finish him off with a scaled nightmare.
If you really. REALLY want to win with paladin. Then play Tirion. As the Lich King mentions, he will let Tirion stay alive till the end. If you play him you basically denies your opponent to attack with any minions.
Really? Why no one say this before?
Some people did.
But you need to know that it has some requirements.
You can't have LESS than 20 health
You can't Attack with tirion.
You have to play tirion on turn 8
You Most be in the spirit frostmourne phase.
And you can't have a taunt minion at turn 7.
But it is still way easier.
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I want a new title, but Flux won't let me have one,
You can just pack a deck full of Vanilla murlocs. With warleader you can kill him pre turn 7. i did this with Mage/Paladin/Warlock all with the same deck. Its verry easy
i beat the lich king with every 8 classes but i cant beat him with paladin it is impossible for me i tryied murlock paladin otk paladin nothing works please help me
thank you all for your suggestions , i beat the lich king in 1 try using the playing trion on the second phase strategie . here is how i did it , i keep clearing the board with doomsayer explosive sheep and other 1 damage to all minions , minions until phase 2 , at turn 6 i played a minion with more than 5 health to withstand the frostmourne attack , after he attacked and past the turn in phase 2 ,i played trion and pass the turn , if you dont play any taunt minions or equip a weapon lich king will not kill the trion. from that point i played shade of naxxramas and waited until i can one shot him with blessed champion , when shade reached one shot level i equality consecrated his board and one shotted him. it was pretty easy to do and requires no effort to beat him this way ( also it is really free to play friendly just need tirion) . play the 3 mana 2 2 paladin card that draws a divine shield minion from your deck to always draw tirion on time
If you really. REALLY want to win with paladin. Then play Tirion. As the Lich King mentions, he will let Tirion stay alive till the end. If you play him you basically denies your opponent to attack with any minions.
I want a new title, but Flux won't let me have one,
With Murloc Paladin you can win if you basically just take full murlocs (with maybe some crabs) and beat him before turn 7 with gentle megasaur adaptations.
murloc paladin is the easiest way to do it. just retry a couple of times and you will get it. try to kill him by turn 6-8. its absolutely doable.
Use my list if you wish, but there are plenty of others who used the same strat. 1 drop Murloc and hit the perfect curve, trade well, protect your war leader, get a good adapt and kill him before Phase 2.
Its doable with murlocs, just a matter of rng and smart trading. If you havent killed him by turn 7, reset rinse and repeat. Good luck :)
cheap murlocs paladin is doable (even without murk-eye)
but it required the most restarts for me of any class, was quite frustrating to hit the perfect curve murloc snowball and not get warleader obliterated
i havent tried with KT because I dusted KT when he rotated
try Kiblers decklist
Moving into https://outof.cards/members/firepaladinhs/decks
I lacked beardo for otks, had a really bad time but I used a pretty much free deck which consists in young dragonhawks and buffs, too bad u got to restart each time you don't have it in the mulligan, and you will have to do many tries. Worked for me anyways
The viable lich king decklist.These are all the decks i used to get Arthas. Paladin and shaman were the "please rng god help me" fights.
Best quotes:
"Casual is perfectly fine"
"warlock is not overpowered"
"Playing odd paladin just to test it"
It Took me 40 Try's (Auto Concedes included) FailFish , but i won with this deck.
thank you all for your suggestions , i beat the lich king in 1 try using the playing trion on the second phase strategie . here is how i did it , i keep clearing the board with doomsayer explosive sheep and other 1 damage to all minions , minions until phase 2 , at turn 6 i played a minion with more than 5 health to withstand the frostmourne attack , after he attacked and past the turn in phase 2 ,i played trion and pass the turn , if you dont play any taunt minions or equip a weapon lich king will not kill the trion. from that point i played shade of naxxramas and waited until i can one shot him with blessed champion , when shade reached one shot level i equality consecrated his board and one shotted him. it was pretty easy to do and requires no effort to beat him this way ( also it is really free to play friendly just need tirion) . play the 3 mana 2 2 paladin card that draws a divine shield minion from your deck to always draw tirion on time
Use enter the coliseum to get rid of 5 out of 6 of the 2/6's, then Cheese the hell out of him with kel'thuzad and shieldbearer. Finish him off with a scaled nightmare.
I want a new title, but Flux won't let me have one,
I just beat him this morning with this list. Guide is in the description.
Check out my Hearthstone expansion: The Shifting Sands
You can just pack a deck full of Vanilla murlocs. With warleader you can kill him pre turn 7. i did this with Mage/Paladin/Warlock all with the same deck. Its verry easy