Is there any way to do this without having to download hearthstone via nox? I'm on a data cap and having to download the game again won't be possible :(
In some bizarre glitch, I am somehow in the tavern on my Mac after spoofing the phone. I was on a different acct on the mac, then logged in as main and I'm at the Fireside
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Free to try and find a game, dealing cards for sorrow, cards for pain.
this works for me: disable your wifi and skip search for wifi.
for me it works without friendlist.
Anyone else at 51.61769049999999,-2.9740647 ?
Waiting for a opponent for the skin.
Itapema Santa Catarina right?
Hopefully it's working lol
For people having trouble, the Discord chat is full of great people who can help.
I have been helping people there as well.
fast 49.586999, 34.535711
did you get nemsey?
Is there any way to do this without having to download hearthstone via nox? I'm on a data cap and having to download the game again won't be possible :(
I'm also on EU at 55.689591,13.2377862 in WebsterT tavern (was at the bottom of my list).
Challenge Lyrok for the skin in 3v3.
Free to try and find a game, dealing cards for sorrow, cards for pain.
Free to try and find a game, dealing cards for sorrow, cards for pain.
also on EU at 55.689591,13.2377862 in WebsterT tavern
Challenge "gamepadik" for the skin in 3v3.
I found 'WebsterT' but when i join, there is 0 players there... is anyone encountered same issue?
Anyone know the location of the downloaded hearthstone files on my pc (via nox).
Just did it and got Nemsy, thanks for the tip guys.
I'm at Owley#11766 tavern at this point 49.586999, 34.535711.
Is anyone there to brawl? Martyrer#2543
Used this ip on eu: 49.586999, 34.535711
Worked like a charm! Finaly i got it after trying for some hours some days ago :)
can some one please help me here 55.689591,13.2377862 "play until dawn" i just want to get that portrait