Well I would that he is definitely not a win more. He saved my ass so many times in Handlock against Hunter and Mage because they could kill me through my taunts but had nothing to deal with Mal'Ganis (already used their removals on giants).
I would say he's more a "lose less". Never lost a game where Mal'Ganis was out. On the other hand I find him useless if you're ahead.
He just seems to be a win more card for me... and if you put him out as a solo he is purely a stall as he is 9 mana and you will probably lose anyway.
Playing him "purely as a stall for 9 mana" is a game-winning move against Control Warrior and Druid. They won't have the mana, and likely won't have the silence/removal required to burst through you. Sure, it's only good against one archetype (combo), but it's such a critical matchup, and it's one of the Handlock's only real weaknesses, so these facts alone can justify its inclusion. You can think of it as a second Loatheb, but situationally better.
As someone who loves Control Warrior, if I was playing against a Warlock who played Mal Ganis as a stall I'd be laughing all the way to the GG, he would get removed almost instantly by a shield slam, execute, crush or any of the board that a CW likely has if he is stalling because the CW is dominating.
There is no doubt Mal Ganis is a good card but lets face, to get the most out of him you need to have board presence already and if youre playing any control deck that has allowed that you to have a board, you have already won the match, hence the win more
Also, Priest, would just Mind control him, Paladin would equality, removal on Mal Ganis is easy for most/all control decks.
By that time, the warrior has already used a lot of removal on giants and drakes, so he may not have much left at that point. .
Removal I run in CW: Execute x2. Shield Slam x2 (2x armour up, 2x shieldmaiden), Crush x1, BGH, Black Knight. Thats added to the fact you would likely have a belcher out (at least) against a giant or drake which will damage it enough to let you weapon the rest of it. If you are playing CW correctly, you would still have enough removal for MalGanis.
edit: the only time i lose to a handlock is through poor draws or I make a horrific misplay, I have found (against the average player) I will win if I put some thought into the game.
Exactly. because the warrior has so much hard removal, having one more big threat would be helpful for the handlock, and it synergies well with Jarraxxus.
As someone who loves Control Warrior, if I was playing against a Warlock who played Mal Ganis as a stall I'd be laughing all the way to the GG, he would get removed almost instantly by a shield slam, execute, crush or any of the board that a CW likely has if he is stalling because the CW is dominating.
Really?? I play in high legend and I'm pretty sure I almost run out of removal by the time it's turn 16.
Then again, I don't run Crush, because it hurts the Aggro matchups so severely, so your build's probably just really well teched against Handlock.
Invincible Jaraxxus (and unstoppable board, muhaha!)
what's your list :)?
Well I would that he is definitely not a win more. He saved my ass so many times in Handlock against Hunter and Mage because they could kill me through my taunts but had nothing to deal with Mal'Ganis (already used their removals on giants).
I would say he's more a "lose less". Never lost a game where Mal'Ganis was out. On the other hand I find him useless if you're ahead.
Playing him "purely as a stall for 9 mana" is a game-winning move against Control Warrior and Druid. They won't have the mana, and likely won't have the silence/removal required to burst through you. Sure, it's only good against one archetype (combo), but it's such a critical matchup, and it's one of the Handlock's only real weaknesses, so these facts alone can justify its inclusion. You can think of it as a second Loatheb, but situationally better.
By that time, the warrior has already used a lot of removal on giants and drakes, so he may not have much left at that point. .
Exactly. because the warrior has so much hard removal, having one more big threat would be helpful for the handlock, and it synergies well with Jarraxxus.
Really?? I play in high legend and I'm pretty sure I almost run out of removal by the time it's turn 16.
Then again, I don't run Crush, because it hurts the Aggro matchups so severely, so your build's probably just really well teched against Handlock.
You're rank 12. Your opinion is invalid. Anything can work in rank 12 lel