
Hey, where is everyone? Oh, right – this is the Rogue forum. Discussions on stealth and poisons are held quietly within.
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
[Deck Building] My Tempo? Keleseth + Vanish + Arcane Tyrant deck >>
by Highvoltagez
4 1,036
[Deck Building] Is Cheat Death auto-include in Quest Rogue? >>
by DomonKassui
2 780
[Deck Building] Card replacements >>
by ElectroniQ
1 852
[Deck Building] Spider Hive - what can i do better? >>
by Inwinpush
13 1,599
[Deck Building] Just Pulled Keleseth from my 3 free packs... Need a Really good deck idea for him now!! >>
by TheLoneAngel
1 677
[Deck Building] Building Value Rogue, a new type of tempo >>
by YourPrivateNightmare
2 784
[Deck Building] How to create a consistent Kingsbane Archetype. >>
by DRIZZT1982
0 477
[Deck Building] 67% Winrate to Legendary Barnes Keleseth Rogue >>
by hindered
15 2,434
[Deck Building] Need help getting back to hearthstone >>
by jirooo
15 1,044
[Deck Building] Would love some feedback on my Jade Rogue that i just finished :) Any constructive feedback is greatly appretiated :) >>
by EchoNor
17 1,106
[Deck Building] I would love some feedback on this new techy Elemental Rogue i'm working on. >>
by EchoNor
7 659
[Deck Building] Mech N'Zoth Rogue with Lilian >>
by linkblade91
4 694
[Deck Building] I want to do something weird: Dragon Rogue >>
by linkblade91
13 1,262
[Deck Building] is mill rogue viable in standard,and whats the main goal to win using mill rogue..SUGGESTION AND ADVICE NEEDED >>
by wthhihi12
12 2,297
[Deck Building] Mill rogue standart 2K17 >>
by Alkoviak
8 2,206
[Deck Building] Duplicate Sherazin Mill Rogue >>
by aqword
7 1,131
[Deck Building] Why is shaku played in tempo rogue? >>
by pepej_hs
14 2,208
[Deck Building] Why don't Miracle Rogues ever include Yogg? >>
by AxletheBeast
13 1,283
[Deck Building] Wich Should I carft first, Sherazim or Valeera DK? >>
by Demon_Diablos
5 805
[Deck Building] C'thun Rogue >>
by SetStndbySmn
1 556
[Deck Building] Tips on rogue decks >>
by Pro_Hitman47
6 683
[Deck Building] Valeera the Hollow or Sherazin, Corpse Florer? >>
by ZBWilliams
9 1,174
[Deck Building] Deathrattle/Burgle Rogue w/ Voss & Gallywix >>
by teachu2die
2 808
[Deck Building] [Jade] Death Knight Rogue deck >>
by Haardsteen
5 1,430
[Deck Building] miracle rogue theory craft would love some feedback >>
by themightydmt
2 601