I've just seen the last two that were revealed and I'm baffled.... As of today Rogue's cards are just depressing.... What Deck are they trying to push? Based on the reveals the don't seem to know either.... They keep printing Thief Rogue support even though it's clear it won't get the class anywhere,especially if they print just one card each expansion.... They are afraid to print actually playable Miracle support cause they think it'd break the game and so we get stuff like WANTED! that would cost 3 in any other class or even 2 if it were for a class they were trying to push and if that wasn't enough now we're getting what Echo Rogue cards?
When I first started playing Rogue was supposed to be the best at playing the Tempo game but now Paladin has CTA,Warlock 9 drops on turn 5,Hunter has a 9/9 or 12/12 for 5 in the form of the spellstone and what does Rogue have Vilespine Slayer? (For the record,I have nothing against the card,that is like the only really good card we've got in ages).... I think it's fine that they want to make the class have multiple Decks not only Tempo based ones but it seems they don't even remotely know what they want the class to do, and as someone who is proud of having that golden portrait I find the situation overly frustrating....
All the classes have their "signature" playstyle/Deck/cards.... Druid has UI that makes up for the card advantage you lost while ramping,Mage has better spells than other classes,Paladin floods the board better than anyone else (CTA is an utterly busted card but at least it fits the theme of the class),Warlock exchanges HP for card advantage etc....
What does Rogue do better than anyone else? Probably nothing cause they seem to refuse to release actually good cards for the class and I don't get why.... All the classes at some point have been granted nearly game breaking cards why can't Rogue get one of those too? Cause it has never been really unplayable? Cause they have PTSD from the time when Miracle was broken? I'm not asking for something like Adrenaline Rush or Smoke Bomb or Prep 2.0 but getting cards that make at least sense or aren't overcosted for no apparent reason would be nice every once in a while....
I apologize for the rant in the last part but with only 3 cards left to reveal I feel pretty much hopeless and I wanted to get this off my chest for a while....
I feel like they're just trying to push too many different archetypes (deathrattle, tempo, burgle, miracle) rather than giving them any decent area to focus. Thankfully miracle rogue at least can hold on in any meta, as long as Preparation remains in the game.
I think they will be in a tough spot, but tricky rogue decks seem to always come out of nowhere (think tempo rogue with Prince Keleseth).
Another problem that I don't think you brought up with rogue... Every time they get a viable non-miracle deck, people complain and nerf them into the ground haha (oil rogue, quest rogue, tempo rogue - although the nerfs attached to this were arguably necessary). Hell even mill rogue is being removed from the game right away (just talking standard).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Twitch name: Anatak15 NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
And now look at Hunter / Druid / Warrior / Priest? You see? There are more broken classes, lol
#EDIT - I'm obviously talking about T1-T2 decks, so do not include Dead man's warrior or Spell hunter in. No, i don't care about Tempostorm, they are really, really inaccurate!
lol, this didn't take very long. Yes, Rogue has been getting the shaft for a while, but we who love the Rogue class will receive no pity. Regardless of cards that seem bad on the surface, Rogue has found ways to rise to the top of the meta time and time again. Then that deck gets nerfed, an expansion or two goes by, and Rogue resurfaces with a new, powerful archetype. The clock is ticking.
Rogue is my favorite class and it saddens me to see the burgle mechanic return. Some folks in the community believe that auctioneer and the core set are to blame for rogue never getting anything good. If that is the case Blizzard really needs to take a look at the core set now and work out the problems. Is auctioneer a problem? If the answer is yes then rotate him out of standard and print stronger cards for rogue to make up for his loss. If he isn't the problem then quit pussyfooting around and support the miracle archetype a bit more so it remains competitive.
Whatever the case is. It's a bit tiring that playing rogue involves running like 16+ evergreen cards at all times because Blizzard is creatively bankrupt and lacks any vision of what to do with the class.
Edit: Let's not ignore the fact that "rogue still sees play" isn't an excuse either. Rogue constantly getting lackluster cards while other classes with weaker core sets get new and more powerful ones is extremely unhealthy for wild. Eventually it will all add up.
I really don't even think it's the cheap utility spells that are keeping them from making more good cheap spells for Rogue. If it's anything it's the fear of a turn 2 or 3 VanCleef that is impossible to deal with. I really thought this would be the year they finally rotate that card to wild and open some design space.
Pls op, look at druid, and then be thankfull for what you have
Druid loses a lot from rotation but at least it still has an identity.... Druid is the Ramp class and has been getting cards that encourage that playstyle (be it either Ramp cards or big minions,not to mention Druid has multiple viable Decks in Wild while Rogue has like 1),also they got two insane cards in KTF (namely UI and SP) and a really good and splashable one (the DK) and don't even get me started on Jades... Its true that this expansion doesn't look good for Malfurion but it's the first time since GVG that the class got really horrible cards,Rogue since Classic got like 3 good cards (Oil,Vilespine and the Quest) and a crapton of useless cards no one ever even dared to experiment with....
The reason why i love rogue is less predictable,playing lots of cards in a turn,change strategy with you draw(burgle) in a second,complexity.But theese (change strat,rng,complexity) aren't good perks for constructed i understand and i found them fun and i play for fun.I wish for you hard-core rogue players the cards what you looking for would arrive.
The problem is Miracle rogue. If you give rogues any new spells that are good, you'll boost Miracle into the stratosphere and Blizzard doesn't want that because it's extremely good but extremely hard to play. That's not great for a casual game.
They are complacent and lazy. People buy their shit either way. The only way to try and force change is by not spending money on this game until they start fixing the problems. Not another cent.
The problem is Miracle rogue. If you give rogues any new spells that are good, you'll boost Miracle into the stratosphere and Blizzard doesn't want that because it's extremely good but extremely hard to play. That's not great for a casual game.
At first I was inclined to think the same but if they rotated Auctioneer and/or Prep the problem would be solved.... The thing is that it's been almost two years the cards are still in Standard so now I'm not that sure anymore that Miracle is the problem....
Rogue is my favorite class and it saddens me to see the burgle mechanic return. Some folks in the community believe that auctioneer and the core set are to blame for rogue never getting anything good. If that is the case Blizzard really needs to take a look at the core set now and work out the problems. Is auctioneer a problem? If the answer is yes then rotate him out of standard and print stronger cards for rogue to make up for his loss. If he isn't the problem then quit pussyfooting around and support the miracle archetype a bit more so it remains competitive.
Whatever the case is. It's a bit tiring that playing rogue involves running like 16+ evergreen cards at all times because Blizzard is creatively bankrupt and lacks any vision of what to do with the class.
Edit: Let's not ignore the fact that "rogue still sees play" isn't an excuse either. Rogue constantly getting lackluster cards while other classes with weaker core sets get new and more powerful ones is extremely unhealthy for wild. Eventually it will all add up.
Try to beat warlock in Wild with a no-mill deck and post the results...
If you get 10% winrate you are a rogue master-jedi-lord.
It's true that Blizzard can't/doesn't print strong rogue cards. They all but said it once. I can't remember the actual interview, but it was a few months ago (maybe even as far back as late summer), and they said they have to be careful with the rogue's cards because the rogue set can basically break the game lol. Maybe someone else can find the interview for me haha.
It was whenever they said they like to give rogue very random "creative" effects to see what the community comes up with. Which hasn't been a whole lot lol (except maybe some Sonya Shadowdancer shenanigans).
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Twitch name: Anatak15 NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
Rogue will be fine, they have a broken Basic/Classic set.
The OP is absolutely right, just because of this reason. Blizzard should fix some things in the classic set so it can get more cool stuff during expansions.
Fiddling around with only your classic set and only 1 card from each expansion isn’t fun, and the OP is also correct comparing this to other classes, who have a better class identity. I am definitely a Rogue fan. But the class cards have been strong ever since the beta. But lately we haven’t seen any Tier 1 decks for Rogue. The last one was before December, a tempo pirate Keleseth rogue, what was a lot of fun and fast.
Tempo was something that fit the Rogue archetype very well. So far from what we seen, It has just been sad to see that blizzard is to scared to give Rogue some decent tools to be competitive again.
I've just seen the last two that were revealed and I'm baffled.... As of today Rogue's cards are just depressing.... What Deck are they trying to push? Based on the reveals the don't seem to know either.... They keep printing Thief Rogue support even though it's clear it won't get the class anywhere,especially if they print just one card each expansion.... They are afraid to print actually playable Miracle support cause they think it'd break the game and so we get stuff like WANTED! that would cost 3 in any other class or even 2 if it were for a class they were trying to push and if that wasn't enough now we're getting what Echo Rogue cards?
When I first started playing Rogue was supposed to be the best at playing the Tempo game but now Paladin has CTA,Warlock 9 drops on turn 5,Hunter has a 9/9 or 12/12 for 5 in the form of the spellstone and what does Rogue have Vilespine Slayer? (For the record,I have nothing against the card,that is like the only really good card we've got in ages).... I think it's fine that they want to make the class have multiple Decks not only Tempo based ones but it seems they don't even remotely know what they want the class to do, and as someone who is proud of having that golden portrait I find the situation overly frustrating....
All the classes have their "signature" playstyle/Deck/cards.... Druid has UI that makes up for the card advantage you lost while ramping,Mage has better spells than other classes,Paladin floods the board better than anyone else (CTA is an utterly busted card but at least it fits the theme of the class),Warlock exchanges HP for card advantage etc....
What does Rogue do better than anyone else? Probably nothing cause they seem to refuse to release actually good cards for the class and I don't get why.... All the classes at some point have been granted nearly game breaking cards why can't Rogue get one of those too? Cause it has never been really unplayable? Cause they have PTSD from the time when Miracle was broken? I'm not asking for something like Adrenaline Rush or Smoke Bomb or Prep 2.0 but getting cards that make at least sense or aren't overcosted for no apparent reason would be nice every once in a while....
I apologize for the rant in the last part but with only 3 cards left to reveal I feel pretty much hopeless and I wanted to get this off my chest for a while....
"この 先は 暗い 夜道 だけが も 知らない それでも信じて 進むんだ 星が その道 を 少し でも 照らしてくをるのを"
I feel like they're just trying to push too many different archetypes (deathrattle, tempo, burgle, miracle) rather than giving them any decent area to focus. Thankfully miracle rogue at least can hold on in any meta, as long as Preparation remains in the game.
I think they will be in a tough spot, but tricky rogue decks seem to always come out of nowhere (think tempo rogue with Prince Keleseth).
Another problem that I don't think you brought up with rogue... Every time they get a viable non-miracle deck, people complain and nerf them into the ground haha (oil rogue, quest rogue, tempo rogue - although the nerfs attached to this were arguably necessary). Hell even mill rogue is being removed from the game right away (just talking standard).
Twitch name: Anatak15
NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
And now look at Hunter / Druid / Warrior / Priest?
You see?
There are more broken classes, lol
#EDIT - I'm obviously talking about T1-T2 decks, so do not include Dead man's warrior or Spell hunter in.
No, i don't care about Tempostorm, they are really, really inaccurate!
lol, this didn't take very long. Yes, Rogue has been getting the shaft for a while, but we who love the Rogue class will receive no pity. Regardless of cards that seem bad on the surface, Rogue has found ways to rise to the top of the meta time and time again. Then that deck gets nerfed, an expansion or two goes by, and Rogue resurfaces with a new, powerful archetype. The clock is ticking.
Rotation will make warlocks the supreme masters of broken cards, what team 5 is worry?
"Oh, no, warlocks are weak vs mill rogue, a semi-competitive rogue deck can emerge, we need to act fast, any sugestion?
We can HoF Oracle and kill the deck.
Rogue is my favorite class and it saddens me to see the burgle mechanic return. Some folks in the community believe that auctioneer and the core set are to blame for rogue never getting anything good. If that is the case Blizzard really needs to take a look at the core set now and work out the problems. Is auctioneer a problem? If the answer is yes then rotate him out of standard and print stronger cards for rogue to make up for his loss. If he isn't the problem then quit pussyfooting around and support the miracle archetype a bit more so it remains competitive.
Whatever the case is. It's a bit tiring that playing rogue involves running like 16+ evergreen cards at all times because Blizzard is creatively bankrupt and lacks any vision of what to do with the class.
Edit: Let's not ignore the fact that "rogue still sees play" isn't an excuse either. Rogue constantly getting lackluster cards while other classes with weaker core sets get new and more powerful ones is extremely unhealthy for wild. Eventually it will all add up.
Pls op, look at druid, and then be thankfull for what you have
I really don't even think it's the cheap utility spells that are keeping them from making more good cheap spells for Rogue. If it's anything it's the fear of a turn 2 or 3 VanCleef that is impossible to deal with. I really thought this would be the year they finally rotate that card to wild and open some design space.
"この 先は 暗い 夜道 だけが も 知らない それでも信じて 進むんだ 星が その道 を 少し でも 照らしてくをるのを"
The reason why i love rogue is less predictable,playing lots of cards in a turn,change strategy with you draw(burgle) in a second,complexity.But theese (change strat,rng,complexity) aren't good perks for constructed i understand and i found them fun and i play for fun.I wish for you hard-core rogue players the cards what you looking for would arrive.
Miracle miracle miracle...
The problem is Miracle rogue. If you give rogues any new spells that are good, you'll boost Miracle into the stratosphere and Blizzard doesn't want that because it's extremely good but extremely hard to play. That's not great for a casual game.
They are complacent and lazy. People buy their shit either way. The only way to try and force change is by not spending money on this game until they start fixing the problems. Not another cent.
"この 先は 暗い 夜道 だけが も 知らない それでも信じて 進むんだ 星が その道 を 少し でも 照らしてくをるのを"
Rogue will be fine, they have a broken Basic/Classic set.
Miracle is not a problem unless it gets cards that stop it from being free to aggro.
Twitch name: Anatak15
NA Legend Season 48, 49, 52, 53, 54, 74
I'm totally agree.
Rogue has no power cards to revert an adverse game.
This expansion we don't have a single tempo card, neither have control board so we are really f****D.
Why Blizzard! Why you don't print a single power card for Rogue.
I swear you, with this cards, I will not buy a single pack this expansion.
Fiddling around with only your classic set and only 1 card from each expansion isn’t fun, and the OP is also correct comparing this to other classes, who have a better class identity. I am definitely a Rogue fan. But the class cards have been strong ever since the beta. But lately we haven’t seen any Tier 1 decks for Rogue. The last one was before December, a tempo pirate Keleseth rogue, what was a lot of fun and fast.
" In the beginning, there was nothing, which exploded."