People are underestimating Jade Rogue. Shadowstep and Unearthed Raptor shenanigans will make Jade Rogue pretty scary!
Nah it won't. People have been saying that literally every expansion. "Raptor will make Rattlerogue viable, C'Thun is going to be so broken in Rogue, N'Zoth is finally gonna make Rattlerogue T1." None of that happened and this expansion won't be any different.
With all the Jade support Rogue got? Hell nah it's straight-up worse than Druid.
I do not believe this is true. Rogue imo has the better Jade deck. I feel people's perceptions are skewered towards Druid's performance on the stream because of Brann Bronzebeard and Kun the Forgotten King. This alone requires a lot of setup, unlike Rogue, where combos are much easier.
With all the Jade support Rogue got? Hell nah it's straight-up worse than Druid.
I do not believe this is true. Rogue imo has the better Jade deck. I feel people's perceptions are skewered towards Druid's performance on the stream because of Brann Bronzebeard and Kun the Forgotten King. This alone requires a lot of setup, unlike Rogue, where combos are much easier.
Well you would be wrong on the perception portion of things. It stems from Jade Idol pure and simple. And for good reason. It has little to do with the stream.
Now, all Mother******s will pay for what they have done to me - also you, Valeera.
I've played many priest for the last 3 months too. It was Randuin, the only somewhat interesting priest deck in my opinion. The rest are as boring as His Majesty himself.
I don't think you all realize how busted Jade Rogue is going to be...
We'll see. I have my doubts. I still think any deck that can apply enough pressure can simply kill Jade Rogue before they can really get stuff going. I think Druid will be more consistent. Less need for multiple cards to create and sustain Jade Golems and Ramp which will allow them to get to the point of starting production faster. Also, druid has some AoE effects, Healing and good class based taunt minions.
I don't think you all realize how busted Jade Rogue is going to be...
Do tell us.
T2, you're playing stealthed 1/1 or dagger
T3 Raptor if lucky, Backstab Si if lucky and running them (I don't run Si's in my Burgle deck), Backstab Shuriken
T4 2/3 Jade spirit over Pillager? At this point if lucky to get both 2 drops you have a 2/3 and 3/3
T5? Lotus agents? Assassin is better and this would be the first time you have a sturdy minion
This board has been rekt by tempo mage and midrange shaman, eaten by zoo and Hunter has you on like 14hp and you have to trade in your stuff. Druid is probably on 7+ mana right now with his Jade Golems contesting yours. You still have no healing, AoE or taunts in the deck.
I don't think you all realize how busted Jade Rogue is going to be...
Do tell us.
T2, you're playing stealthed 1/1 or dagger
T3 Raptor if lucky, Backstab Si if lucky and running them (I don't run Si's in my Burgle deck), Backstab Shuriken
T4 2/3 Jade spirit over Pillager? At this point if lucky to get both 2 drops you have a 2/3 and 3/3
T5? Lotus agents? Assassin is better and this would be the first time you have a sturdy minion
This board has been rekt by tempo mage and midrange shaman, eaten by zoo and Hunter has you on like 14hp and you have to trade in your stuff. Druid is probably on 7+ mana right now with his Jade Golems contesting yours. You still have no healing, AoE or taunts in the deck.
I agree that Jade Druid will be better, but it seems that you've forgotten the other 20 cards that need to fill Rogue the deck. I honestly think that aggro decks will not be that prevalent in the next expansion, and it'll probably get replaced by midrange. Believe it or not, Rogue has the tools to deal with a midrange deck, but just like any other deck, you need to manage your resources (unless you're playing shaman and barf your hand every turn). Add these tools to some big Jade golems, and you got yourself a nice deck. Jade Rogue is going to be good, especially if you're playing midrange or a slower control deck.
With all the Jade support Rogue got? Hell nah it's straight-up worse than Druid.
I do not believe this is true. Rogue imo has the better Jade deck. I feel people's perceptions are skewered towards Druid's performance on the stream because of Brann Bronzebeard and Kun the Forgotten King. This alone requires a lot of setup, unlike Rogue, where combos are much easier.
Well you would be wrong on the perception portion of things. It stems from Jade Idol pure and simple. And for good reason. It has little to do with the stream.
Very much the stream. Jade Idol is only good if you get the Fandral Staghelm combo, and it still bloats your deck with "useless" cards. It has the same issue as Gang Up. The only difference is, you can potentially infinitely delay fatigue.
With all the Jade support Rogue got? Hell nah it's straight-up worse than Druid.
I do not believe this is true. Rogue imo has the better Jade deck. I feel people's perceptions are skewered towards Druid's performance on the stream because of Brann Bronzebeard and Kun the Forgotten King. This alone requires a lot of setup, unlike Rogue, where combos are much easier.
Well you would be wrong on the perception portion of things. It stems from Jade Idol pure and simple. And for good reason. It has little to do with the stream.
Very much the stream. Jade Idol is only good if you get the Fandral Staghelm combo, and it still bloats your deck with "useless" cards. It has the same issue as Gang Up. The only difference is, you can potentially infinitely delay fatigue.
nah, stream deck wasn't running auctioneer (or at least it didn't draw into it)
kun is also irrelevant in such a deck.
fandral, while nice, is not necesarry for the cycle+play, i would much rather fandral+nourish, than fandral+icon
basically, the stream deck was weird and kinda inefficient, but it got god draws.
a "1 mana spell" doesn't "bloat your deck", like gang up, when you are running auctioneer, it just makes your auctioneer turns awesome. "play 4 medium sized dudes, cycle 4 cards, put 3 bigger 1 cost dudes in your deck" is no where near "bloating"
"... but not less than (1)" is needed now more than ever!
Anduin, Born Dec. 1st, 2016.
If they had made red mana wyrm a rogue card people would be a lot less salty
I only played priest whole 2015/16.
I got rap*ed by Everyone.
Now, all Mother******s will pay for what they have done to me - also you, Valeera.
People are underestimating Jade Rogue. Shadowstep and Unearthed Raptor shenanigans will make Jade Rogue pretty scary!
A glorious bundle of salt.
I will continue to play Rogue. Can't wait to play Beneath the Ground feat Malygos vs Kabal meta.
Well, aren't we getting ahead of ourselves?
Jade Serpent guides you.
Jade Serpent guides you.
it wont be that bad. dont give up on her.
Where shall I start...
We need a savior!
The 1st step towards a better game is firing Mike Donais! We had enough of his "skillful" balances!
I don't think you all realize how busted Jade Rogue is going to be...
"I wield the power of Blackwing."
This this this.
"I wield the power of Blackwing."
Jade Serpent guides you.