can someone give me some advice how to climb with Razakus Highlander? many say that this deck is totally broken and just OP but that´s not true because u can´t win against aggro if u draw bad or just doesn´t do the right plays ( other meta decks don´t need the right plays to win since tempo rogue for example just need keleseth and shadowstep on turn 1/2 to have a 70%+ winrate ) i went from 20 to 11 this season and lost 4 times on the last matches to rang 10, 3 times against rogue with turn 2 keleseth into shadowstep and later other top decks which won them the game. is there anything i can do with priest to get to rang 10? it´s really frustrating playing decks who get totally destroyed by brainless aggro
don´t u think keleseth rogue is brainless aggro? i mean how do u wanna have fun against this deck if turn 2 is keleseth with shadowstep and maybe a second shadowstep. Its like a little bit weaker version of quest rogue but with the difference that u can have it on turn 1/2
i´m sorry to everyone who got my comment wrong, i mean´t tempo rogue with keleseth as a brainless aggro deck since it has nothing to do with doing the right plays... u just need a great starting hand to win the game.. well acutally its a general highroll problem in hearthstone.
doesn´t sound like a bad idea but usally i never get a great hand to deal against anything rogue has and if i do he just topdecks bonemare or leeroy to get lethal with shadowstep or coldblood
I haven't experiment much with kazakus priest but it mainly just comes down to what cards you and the opponent has that determines who's the winner. It's like T4 Barnes into Ysaarj > Ysaarj rng too. I haven't had much luck with anything tbh. Just hope for good draws and rng. Pray your opponent draws bad lol
jeah i kinda agree that a pure control meta wouldn´t be that great but it´s not fun ( for me atleast ) to play 80% against aggro and having a bad matchup from the start because i don´t want to play aggro decks. sadly casual mode is also only meta decks so its currently really frustrating playing hearthstone.
@PinkiePieYay well i´am pretty salty about rogue since i was 4 times 1 game off rang 10 and got 3 times toasted by rogue which was a really one sided matchup. Other aggro decks are totally fine for me, i mean i don´t mind getting totally outplayed by mid range hunter, zoolock, token shaman or murloc paladin since these mostly require the right plays.
Actually, he's right - it's pretty uninteractive. Raza-Anduin-Machine Gun. GGWP. Aggro is not brainlessl.At least not more brainless than anything else in this game.
You haven't got any Deathrattle synergies so Tortolla doesn't particularly help, you can get one off Stonehill if need be or highroll a Lich King or Obsidian Statue.
Soulpriest has virtually no purpose outside Circle combos. If you're still losing to aggro then consider Holy Nova.
I also agree with these suggestions, and also - just get better with the deck. Because it can get you to rank 10 easily. Well, any reasonable deck could, to be fair. Anything from midrange Hunter and aggro Paladin to Jade Druid, Raza or Big Priest to Quest Mage.
Razakus is/was a very strong deck but it´s still way under the power level of other current meta decks so i don´t understand why so many call it OP. To get to the point where u can just spam ur hero power u NEED to draw 2 cards out of 30 which makes Razakus extremly weak against other control decks who can just spam high danger minions since u have only " shadow word: death", Kazakus ( u need little bit luck) and Shadowreaper if u don´t draw these or ran out of removal u can´t do anything against the board.
i also don´t think that keleseth rogue, token shaman, pirate warrior, exodia mage and murloc paladin are much more fun to play against.
i tried everything to deal with aggro and since i didn´t faced any pirate decks i tried this one. It works great against mid range hunter but doesn´t perform very well against faster aggro decks.
recently i faced quite often murloc paladin which made me concede on turn 4-5 because warleader and tidecaller were extremly powerful and i never got the hand to deal with them early. Token Shaman, mid range hunter, zoolock, tempo mage (which is mostly a pretty easy matchup) and often miracle rogue who didn´t used any pirates for whatever reason. But ur right Golakka Crawler should be still the best 2 drop to deal with aggro.
can someone give me some advice how to climb with Razakus Highlander? many say that this deck is totally broken and just OP but that´s not true because u can´t win against aggro if u draw bad or just doesn´t do the right plays ( other meta decks don´t need the right plays to win since tempo rogue for example just need keleseth and shadowstep on turn 1/2 to have a 70%+ winrate ) i went from 20 to 11 this season and lost 4 times on the last matches to rang 10, 3 times against rogue with turn 2 keleseth into shadowstep and later other top decks which won them the game. is there anything i can do with priest to get to rang 10? it´s really frustrating playing decks who get totally destroyed by brainless aggro
don´t u think keleseth rogue is brainless aggro? i mean how do u wanna have fun against this deck if turn 2 is keleseth with shadowstep and maybe a second shadowstep. Its like a little bit weaker version of quest rogue but with the difference that u can have it on turn 1/2
i´m sorry to everyone who got my comment wrong, i mean´t tempo rogue with keleseth as a brainless aggro deck since it has nothing to do with doing the right plays... u just need a great starting hand to win the game.. well acutally its a general highroll problem in hearthstone.
doesn´t sound like a bad idea but usally i never get a great hand to deal against anything rogue has and if i do he just topdecks bonemare or leeroy to get lethal with shadowstep or coldblood
I haven't experiment much with kazakus priest but it mainly just comes down to what cards you and the opponent has that determines who's the winner. It's like T4 Barnes into Ysaarj > Ysaarj rng too. I haven't had much luck with anything tbh. Just hope for good draws and rng. Pray your opponent draws bad lol
"One who knows nothing, Understands nothing.."
Why can´t we just get a control meta ... well i guess ur right thanks
As soon as I saw "brainless aggro" I wanted to redirect you to the salt thread. Then I rode the rest of this thread and it looks like salt thread is not needed here. Well, since I've already copied it might as well post it, right? Maybe someone out there will be looking for it and stumbles upon this thread (don't judge blind people!).
thanks for all the posts.
jeah i kinda agree that a pure control meta wouldn´t be that great but it´s not fun ( for me atleast ) to play 80% against aggro and having a bad matchup from the start because i don´t want to play aggro decks. sadly casual mode is also only meta decks so its currently really frustrating playing hearthstone.
@PinkiePieYay well i´am pretty salty about rogue since i was 4 times 1 game off rang 10 and got 3 times toasted by rogue which was a really one sided matchup. Other aggro decks are totally fine for me, i mean i don´t mind getting totally outplayed by mid range hunter, zoolock, token shaman or murloc paladin since these mostly require the right plays.
You're playing an uninteractive, broken deck and even so you can't win many games. Maybe it's you that's brainless not the aggro decks.
Actually, he's right - it's pretty uninteractive. Raza-Anduin-Machine Gun. GGWP. Aggro is not brainlessl.At least not more brainless than anything else in this game.
- Tortolla
- Soulpriest
+ Stonehill Defender
+ Acolyte of Pain
You haven't got any Deathrattle synergies so Tortolla doesn't particularly help, you can get one off Stonehill if need be or highroll a Lich King or Obsidian Statue.
Soulpriest has virtually no purpose outside Circle combos. If you're still losing to aggro then consider Holy Nova.
I also agree with these suggestions, and also - just get better with the deck. Because it can get you to rank 10 easily. Well, any reasonable deck could, to be fair. Anything from midrange Hunter and aggro Paladin to Jade Druid, Raza or Big Priest to Quest Mage.
first off thanks for the actual helpful comments!
Razakus is/was a very strong deck but it´s still way under the power level of other current meta decks so i don´t understand why so many call it OP. To get to the point where u can just spam ur hero power u NEED to draw 2 cards out of 30 which makes Razakus extremly weak against other control decks who can just spam high danger minions since u have only " shadow word: death", Kazakus ( u need little bit luck) and Shadowreaper if u don´t draw these or ran out of removal u can´t do anything against the board.
i also don´t think that keleseth rogue, token shaman, pirate warrior, exodia mage and murloc paladin are much more fun to play against.
Fun is a matter of personal preference. They are faster to win or lose against, that's for sure.
i tried everything to deal with aggro and since i didn´t faced any pirate decks i tried this one. It works great against mid range hunter but doesn´t perform very well against faster aggro decks.
recently i faced quite often murloc paladin which made me concede on turn 4-5 because warleader and tidecaller were extremly powerful and i never got the hand to deal with them early. Token Shaman, mid range hunter, zoolock, tempo mage (which is mostly a pretty easy matchup) and often miracle rogue who didn´t used any pirates for whatever reason. But ur right Golakka Crawler should be still the best 2 drop to deal with aggro.
I think you should start with taking out Shellraiser and adding in Pyromancer.
Lyra is debatable.
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Clear the board religiously. Tempo rogue doesn't use cycle, so eventually they'll run on fumes.
You have to be ready for bonemare turns, waiting with DK untill after that if you have limited clears is obviously advisable.