Play Uther of the Ebon Blade and Auctionmaster Beardo the following turn and summon the Four Horsemen to victory with your new Hero Power using your 0 cost Bananas to refresh your Hero Power.
I haven't played wild recently, but I watch some videos every now and then. I think the deck is too slow now to compete in the meta.
One thing I would change for sure is including librams, so that you can have always cheap spells and the 1 mana drops that make your next hero power cost 0. That way you can even do the combo without Thaurissan
Yeah I thought of that also, but it would totally change the deck to try and hit the Aldor cards even then Libram of Wisdom without any reduction is a 2 mana card.
Play Uther of the Ebon Blade and Auctionmaster Beardo the following turn and summon the Four Horsemen to victory with your new Hero Power using your 0 cost Bananas to refresh your Hero Power.
My favorite Control Deck to play in the game.
That seems a lot more consistent than the deck I had been using.
The problem that I'm seeing lately is that the consistency with thinning out the deck using Call to Arms isn't there, cause if you don't see Call to Arms, you have to draw through all the cannon fodder minions.
One thing I would change for sure is including librams, so that you can have always cheap spells and the 1 mana drops that make your next hero power cost 0. That way you can even do the combo without Thaurissan
So about four years ago I made this deck, and after taking a rather long break from Hearthstone, been poking around with it lately.
General idea is to start the early game with the cheap minions, find Auctionmaster Beardo and like three 0 or 1 cost spells (from Blessing of Wisdom, Clockwork Gnome, Burgly Bully, or Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale) to get a pulse from Emperor Thaurissan so you can do a turn 10 play of Auctionmaster Beardo => (Hero Power => Spell) x3 => Hero Power after upgrading your hero power with Uther of the Ebon Blade which will outright kills the opponent (like completely bypassing Ice Block and immunity to damage) once the fourth horseman hits the table.
So... anything in the last four years I should look at as a way to start modernizing the deck?
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The goal of this deck is to build up 3 Bananas in your hand with Banana Buffoons and Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale then once you have 3 Bananas and Auctionmaster Beardo in your hand drop Emperor Thaurissan on board to reduce their cost by (1) mana.
Play Uther of the Ebon Blade and Auctionmaster Beardo the following turn and summon the Four Horsemen to victory with your new Hero Power using your 0 cost Bananas to refresh your Hero Power.
My favorite Control Deck to play in the game.
I haven't played wild recently, but I watch some videos every now and then. I think the deck is too slow now to compete in the meta.
One thing I would change for sure is including librams, so that you can have always cheap spells and the 1 mana drops that make your next hero power cost 0. That way you can even do the combo without Thaurissan
Yeah I thought of that also, but it would totally change the deck to try and hit the Aldor cards even then Libram of Wisdom without any reduction is a 2 mana card.
That seems a lot more consistent than the deck I had been using.
Eh, it's got a descent amount of ways to slow down the opponent. I mean, all the 1-2 mana taunts are Dirty Ratx1, Annoy-o-Tronx2, Righteous Protectorx2, so those can be pulled to the board with Call to Arms along with Doomsayerx2, Clockwork Gnomex2, Loot Hoarderx2, and Bloodmage Thalnos. While less good, you can also pull a Wild Pyromancer so there's enough of the early game that it's kinda a bit of an aggro deck with a combo finisher in a sense.
The problem that I'm seeing lately is that the consistency with thinning out the deck using Call to Arms isn't there, cause if you don't see Call to Arms, you have to draw through all the cannon fodder minions.
I'll have to take a look into those.
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Haven't tried it yet this expansion, but I was seeing some decent success with this decklist last year: