I can't be the only one who thinks this deck is completely insane, an otk on turn 4-5 shouldn't be possible, doesn't matter if the deck has low winrate or isn't as good, Tickatus is not that good and people cry about it all the time because it's unfun and frustrating, im sure dying on turn 5 with your oponnent spamming infinite 0 mana spells is really fun isn't it? My last match i had 38 HP (hero + board) and the fucker killed me easily on turn 5, i faced this deck 6 times in total (i know it's not much) and in all of them the oponnent had the combo on turn 4-6, am i really unlocky or this shit is that consistent? This deck makes me auto concede against mage because this thing existing makes me really mad and angry with the world...
Pls don't come in the comments to say i'm crying (or do i don't care) because i know, i'm crying (not literally,but almost) and pissed as fuck because of this deck, who never got really mad because of a game don't judge me!
Flamewaker version is fun to play and actually kinda counterable despite being the stronger version (given that it depends on the player's ability). Mozaki, Master Duelist version is not only less fun to play but also less fun to face, especially if you include animations time, which often take up 10-20 seconds of my turn until they're finished.
Overall, if it wasn't for Ice Block most people playing this deck would've given up already.
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I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
It is pretty frustrating. It especially hurts because the counter tech is usually just "okay" against it, and "terrible" in any other matchup. Ice Block should be reworked completely in its functionality imo, but I suspect they'd never do it. Your opponent having 2 free turns essentially doesn't really seem like a good game mechanic, not really fair to any other class (who tend to die when they'd be reduced to 0 HP).
But again, a lot of people play Mage, and have been playing Mage since when Ice Block was in Standard. I'm sure it'd make plenty people angry. Understandable salt thread OP. You're at least very forthcoming - though wishing death on somebody for playing a card game a certain way is a bit silly.
I think the problem is Sorcerer's Apprentice. It makes the upper limit on possible damage dealt practically limitless. I would like to see it changed so that it reduces the cost of spells by (1) but not less than (1)
There is always a best deck in the format, and if the best deck has the highest skill cap, Im OK with it. When you play against it, you might not notice, but the piloting of the deck requires a lot of planning and quick decision making when you go for the OTK. The most popular version doesnt even play Ice Block.
Mage broke wild and needs a nerf in the next balance patch. I haven't played wild in the last few days and my friends are frustrated too, many switched to standard. Been hearing wild is over 50% mage now. Blizz nerfed tiller otk, they should do the same for otk mage.
It's not just this otk mage, but the class in general. From rank 5 to top legend is a nightmare of mages, both secret and otk. Yes, wild is meant to have extremely strong decks, yes there are counters and techs, but still wild isn't meant to be magestone. It's been two years since mage rose to dominate wild, i think it's another class turn now. Also it's warping the meta in a bad way, cause since the nerf to tax pala, the only reliable way to defeat secret and otk mage are hyper aggro decks, that now make the other 50% of the meta and i can't really blame people playing those decks. Again i get the power level of wild is meant to be high, but when a class makes half of the ladder and shapes it's game mode in a toxic way, it needs nerfs and rapidly.
I think this deck along with many others need to be changed so there are NO zero mana cards in HS. Its just not right. Mage can have an entire deck of them it seems. Then, Sorc Apprentice and Flameguy do their thing. Even if they dont OTK you then and there, the next turn you are dead and if they have secrets up chances are you cant use a spell or whatever.
HS needs to get rid of zero costs cards. Thats my story and Im sticking to it. Only Shadowatep, Coin and Backstab should be two mana. And I understand how even Shadowstep can be an issue.
My problem with things like Mozaki mage is that when I lose I feel like I learned nothing. When I lose against a class that plays a more board-based game, and they beat me with smarter use of resources, it's fine, and upon reviewing the game I may actually learn something and improve. But when it's literally just "ok did you draw your Ice Block and your minions? yes? cool you win", what did I learn? Nothing. It literally doesn't matter what I did during the game. And even when you play hyperaggo decks, you still may very well still lose because of Ice Block. Yes, you can tech in something against it but it's just gonna make your deck worse in every other matchup.
I agree with another poster above about Ice Block. It got HoF-d for a reason. It's such an enormous crutch for Mages in wild that just punishes players who by all means should have won. They are probably never gonna change it, and even if they do and don't know what they could do to not make it completely useless.
Make Ice Block a legendary so only 1 copy can be played will solve most of Wild Mage and nerf the 0 mana draw 2 Refreshing Spring Water
If they don't want Ice Block to disappear I think this is interesting nerf. Only one of in your deck, it suits legendary status because it is unique effect.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
Make Ice Block a legendary so only 1 copy can be played will solve most of Wild Mage and nerf the 0 mana draw 2 Refreshing Spring Water
If they don't want Ice Block to disappear I think this is interesting nerf. Only one of in your deck, it suits legendary status because it is unique effect.
I thought about that too, would that impact classic though?
Make Ice Block a legendary so only 1 copy can be played will solve most of Wild Mage and nerf the 0 mana draw 2 Refreshing Spring Water
If they don't want Ice Block to disappear I think this is interesting nerf. Only one of in your deck, it suits legendary status because it is unique effect.
I thought about that too, would that impact classic though?
There are already two sets for cards, their original in Classic and nerfed adjusted copies everywhere else, why not make it legendary only for the latter?
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
It is comparable to the Wretched Tiller combo, which pre-nerf gets an OTK going by turn 5-6 without any legendaries (meaning you have 2 copies of the cards you need).
Mozaki version is slightly slower, but can still get going by turn 6-7.
Sorcerer's Apprentice needs mutilating. In a game where mana is a concept, having 0 mana spells creates an environment where both players are playing different rules.
Mage broke wild and needs a nerf in the next balance patch. I haven't played wild in the last few days and my friends are frustrated too, many switched to standard. Been hearing wild is over 50% mage now. Blizz nerfed tiller otk, they should do the same for otk mage.
Wait, let me fetch my 100% anti mage counter deck and suddenly all mages are gone!
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
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I can't be the only one who thinks this deck is completely insane, an otk on turn 4-5 shouldn't be possible, doesn't matter if the deck has low winrate or isn't as good, Tickatus is not that good and people cry about it all the time because it's unfun and frustrating, im sure dying on turn 5 with your oponnent spamming infinite 0 mana spells is really fun isn't it? My last match i had 38 HP (hero + board) and the fucker killed me easily on turn 5, i faced this deck 6 times in total (i know it's not much) and in all of them the oponnent had the combo on turn 4-6, am i really unlocky or this shit is that consistent? This deck makes me auto concede against mage because this thing existing makes me really mad and angry with the world...
Pls don't come in the comments to say i'm crying (or do i don't care) because i know, i'm crying (not literally,but almost) and pissed as fuck because of this deck, who never got really mad because of a game don't judge me!
Flamewaker version is fun to play and actually kinda counterable despite being the stronger version (given that it depends on the player's ability). Mozaki, Master Duelist version is not only less fun to play but also less fun to face, especially if you include animations time, which often take up 10-20 seconds of my turn until they're finished.
Overall, if it wasn't for Ice Block most people playing this deck would've given up already.
I love you Dreadsteed, I will never disenchant you!
It is pretty frustrating. It especially hurts because the counter tech is usually just "okay" against it, and "terrible" in any other matchup. Ice Block should be reworked completely in its functionality imo, but I suspect they'd never do it. Your opponent having 2 free turns essentially doesn't really seem like a good game mechanic, not really fair to any other class (who tend to die when they'd be reduced to 0 HP).
But again, a lot of people play Mage, and have been playing Mage since when Ice Block was in Standard. I'm sure it'd make plenty people angry.
Understandable salt thread OP. You're at least very forthcoming - though wishing death on somebody for playing a card game a certain way is a bit silly.
please don't bully my son
I think the problem is Sorcerer's Apprentice. It makes the upper limit on possible damage dealt practically limitless. I would like to see it changed so that it reduces the cost of spells by (1) but not less than (1)
I love this type of decks, but in this case its a little bit to strong. Refreshing Spring Water makes it very strong.
There is always a best deck in the format, and if the best deck has the highest skill cap, Im OK with it. When you play against it, you might not notice, but the piloting of the deck requires a lot of planning and quick decision making when you go for the OTK. The most popular version doesnt even play Ice Block.
There are a lot of counters like Dirty Rat, Potion of Polymorph, Mindrender Illucia just to name a few, and these cards could be pretty good in other matchups. So I think the deck is fine and Im glad they didnt nerf Refreshing Spring Water.
Mage broke wild and needs a nerf in the next balance patch. I haven't played wild in the last few days and my friends are frustrated too, many switched to standard. Been hearing wild is over 50% mage now. Blizz nerfed tiller otk, they should do the same for otk mage.
The deck is hell of fun to play and definitely demands a certain skill.
It feel awful to lose against it but it can be countered with many tech cards as well as aggro decks.
The meta could turn against it very quickly.
To be sure, to be killed in wild by turn four or five is not uncommon in wild.
It's not just this otk mage, but the class in general. From rank 5 to top legend is a nightmare of mages, both secret and otk. Yes, wild is meant to have extremely strong decks, yes there are counters and techs, but still wild isn't meant to be magestone. It's been two years since mage rose to dominate wild, i think it's another class turn now. Also it's warping the meta in a bad way, cause since the nerf to tax pala, the only reliable way to defeat secret and otk mage are hyper aggro decks, that now make the other 50% of the meta and i can't really blame people playing those decks. Again i get the power level of wild is meant to be high, but when a class makes half of the ladder and shapes it's game mode in a toxic way, it needs nerfs and rapidly.
I think this deck along with many others need to be changed so there are NO zero mana cards in HS. Its just not right. Mage can have an entire deck of them it seems. Then, Sorc Apprentice and Flameguy do their thing. Even if they dont OTK you then and there, the next turn you are dead and if they have secrets up chances are you cant use a spell or whatever.
HS needs to get rid of zero costs cards. Thats my story and Im sticking to it. Only Shadowatep, Coin and Backstab should be two mana. And I understand how even Shadowstep can be an issue.
My problem with things like Mozaki mage is that when I lose I feel like I learned nothing. When I lose against a class that plays a more board-based game, and they beat me with smarter use of resources, it's fine, and upon reviewing the game I may actually learn something and improve. But when it's literally just "ok did you draw your Ice Block and your minions? yes? cool you win", what did I learn? Nothing. It literally doesn't matter what I did during the game. And even when you play hyperaggo decks, you still may very well still lose because of Ice Block. Yes, you can tech in something against it but it's just gonna make your deck worse in every other matchup.
I agree with another poster above about Ice Block. It got HoF-d for a reason. It's such an enormous crutch for Mages in wild that just punishes players who by all means should have won. They are probably never gonna change it, and even if they do and don't know what they could do to not make it completely useless.
Make Ice Block a legendary so only 1 copy can be played will solve most of Wild Mage and nerf the 0 mana draw 2 Refreshing Spring Water
If they don't want Ice Block to disappear I think this is interesting nerf. Only one of in your deck, it suits legendary status because it is unique effect.
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
I thought about that too, would that impact classic though?
There are already two sets for cards, their original in Classic and nerfed adjusted copies everywhere else, why not make it legendary only for the latter?
"Minion to minion the basic of all combats, only a fool trusts his win to an OTK"
Just hate Ice Block to be honest. I think we have enough aggro and control tech cards to fight this deck. Ice Block is hugely a problem.
Alex is wrong about nearly everything he speaks about.
"Get nae nae'd"
It is comparable to the Wretched Tiller combo, which pre-nerf gets an OTK going by turn 5-6 without any legendaries (meaning you have 2 copies of the cards you need).
Mozaki version is slightly slower, but can still get going by turn 6-7.
Sorcerer's Apprentice needs mutilating. In a game where mana is a concept, having 0 mana spells creates an environment where both players are playing different rules.
Should be nerfed to ground
change ice block
Wait, let me fetch my 100% anti mage counter deck and suddenly all mages are gone!