I have most of the cards for the typical mage decks that are floating around the meta at the moment (in Standard and Wild) and was wondering if any decks have been able to make Anomalus viable? I know getting a deathrattle to trigger can be tricky but with 8 atk and the elemental tribe I thought I'd see if anybody had found a spot for him. I opened him from my free WotOG packs earlier and disenchanted him last time I opened him so wanted to make sure it wouldn't be a mistake to do that again.
I used him with some degree of success. The biggest problem is the 8 mana cost. Too often I was in a situation where I had DK up, and was in lethal range, with Ice block in hand. It would be wonderful it was only 7 mana, so you could setup Ice block and the full heal next turn.
That being said, when you get Ice block from primordial glyph on a previous turn, it's a great comeback card!
Or rather it works well when used, but it's just not something that comes up alot... and since it's situational, you often won't have it when you need it.
Anomalus is a very Niche card for Mage. He had zero use before frost lich jaina, but now he can serve as kind of a Reno effect as long as you have ice block up and you can kill him in some way. That said, you're better off with barron Geddon for consistency.
Dealing 8 damages to all minions on the board is very unnecessary IMO. For 90% of all the games you play (regardless Jade Druid or not), you will never need to deal that much AoE at that stage (8th-9th turn) of the game. If you do, most likely you already lose.
In Wild, I run DK Reno N'Zoth Mage. As much as I'd love to add a Deathrattle Mage legendary to the deck, N'Zoth summoning Anomalus is a huge drawback. Sindragosa is such a much better card.
Baron Geddon is a better card to add to DK mage than Anomalus. Can bring you straight back to 30 health if you're near lethal and is still a reasonable board clear without completely removing your lifesteal elementals.
I have most of the cards for the typical mage decks that are floating around the meta at the moment (in Standard and Wild) and was wondering if any decks have been able to make Anomalus viable? I know getting a deathrattle to trigger can be tricky but with 8 atk and the elemental tribe I thought I'd see if anybody had found a spot for him. I opened him from my free WotOG packs earlier and disenchanted him last time I opened him so wanted to make sure it wouldn't be a mistake to do that again.
Thanks all for any help!
I used him with some degree of success. The biggest problem is the 8 mana cost. Too often I was in a situation where I had DK up, and was in lethal range, with Ice block in hand. It would be wonderful it was only 7 mana, so you could setup Ice block and the full heal next turn.
That being said, when you get Ice block from primordial glyph on a previous turn, it's a great comeback card!
Overall, too inconsistent.
Anomalus is great because you can dust for Primordial Glyph.
I hadn't even thought of the mana cost aspect, that makes perfect sense. I had a feeling he was probably too inconsistent, thanks for the response!
My pleasure! I wouldn't be afraid to try out the deck if it doesn't cost any dust. The DK + Anomalus interaction is really fun!
No, doesn't work well at all.
Or rather it works well when used, but it's just not something that comes up alot... and since it's situational, you often won't have it when you need it.
Use it for fun, but it's not competitive.
Anomalus is a very Niche card for Mage. He had zero use before frost lich jaina, but now he can serve as kind of a Reno effect as long as you have ice block up and you can kill him in some way. That said, you're better off with barron Geddon for consistency.
Dealing 8 damages to all minions on the board is very unnecessary IMO. For 90% of all the games you play (regardless Jade Druid or not), you will never need to deal that much AoE at that stage (8th-9th turn) of the game. If you do, most likely you already lose.
In Wild, I run DK Reno N'Zoth Mage. As much as I'd love to add a Deathrattle Mage legendary to the deck, N'Zoth summoning Anomalus is a huge drawback. Sindragosa is such a much better card.
Baron Geddon is a better card to add to DK mage than Anomalus. Can bring you straight back to 30 health if you're near lethal and is still a reasonable board clear without completely removing your lifesteal elementals.
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