I just keep losing with it to fast decks, libram paladin, no minion mage etc.
Only decks I really consistently beat are control warlock and priest. I don't know if it's much of a piloting issue, either. It's not that hard of a deck. Mulligan for ramp, ramp, use big spells to summon big things, win (or in most cases, lose).
That's how the deck is. It beats slow decks as they can't answer these high-roll turns of Guardian Animals, Primordial Protector, Carnival Clown and so on, but is weak to fast aggro/tempo decks as it effectively does nothing (apart from ramp or at least hoping to ramp) for the first 3-4 turns
I just keep losing with it to fast decks, libram paladin, no minion mage etc.
Only decks I really consistently beat are control warlock and priest. I don't know if it's much of a piloting issue, either. It's not that hard of a deck. Mulligan for ramp, ramp, use big spells to summon big things, win (or in most cases, lose).
That's how the deck is. It beats slow decks as they can't answer these high-roll turns of Guardian Animals, Primordial Protector, Carnival Clown and so on, but is weak to fast aggro/tempo decks as it effectively does nothing (apart from ramp or at least hoping to ramp) for the first 3-4 turns
I manage to reach legend with primodial druid in May. And in June now at D4 with decent win rate so I can say its viable.
The version I run is with cenarian ward. Does not guarantee 100% win but against agro and mage is not necessary unbeatable.
Can check out my decklist if interested. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1388066-primodial-druid-legend-barrens
The paper-rock-scissor factor is strong in this one and you can't do much about it.
It is a meta call deck, when you see a lot of warlocks and priests more than anything else is a good time to bring to the table.