I finally started playing hearthstone now that I can play on my iPhone on the go, so I am a beginner to the game and have only played one game against a real opponent (Lost) :p. I decided to roll with Druid because I like the +8 heal. Any tips for me for playing the game in general, playing as a Druid, cards that are good, cards that are not good? Thank you.
If you're looking to be competitive, right now the leading druid deck is token, which basically runs all of the spells that create minions. It's a very spell heavy deck and can snowball fast.
Just off the front page, you could use this deck as a reference.
Guff is not required, but most of the other cards are good. Plus they are mostly cheap, so being a new player, you won't have to spend a lot of dust to create this.
Welcome to the game! Druid has been my favorite class since beta. Their most common archetypes tend to be either token druid or big druid, with a smattering of OTKs (combo druid) here and there. Token druid archetypes tend to be the most accessible to new players, both in terms of learning curve and crafting cost.
I know you said you play on the go, so this might be tough, but I'd really recommend friending a longtime player who is willing to show you the ropes. They recently introduced deck sharing, which is a great way to try out cards and classes without having to first commit to buying packs or spending dust.
Druid as a class is sorta designed to be flexible, so it has a lot of variety as to what it is you CAN do with it. You could go low to the ground, with a strategy that uses a lot of spells and minions that generate yet MORE minions and play really aggressively. Alternatively you could go way higher, playing a slower and more control based strategy where you grind out your opponent with value and swamping them with board after board of humongous minions until they can't deal anymore.
If you wanted to go really crazy you could find one of many OTK decks that exist, where you summon minions that make your cheap spells more damaging and throw them all at your opponent's face.
I've been playing for years but I also recently got into Druid, and it's tons of fun! It has great themes and beautiful artwork. Have fun!
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I finally started playing hearthstone now that I can play on my iPhone on the go, so I am a beginner to the game and have only played one game against a real opponent (Lost) :p. I decided to roll with Druid because I like the +8 heal. Any tips for me for playing the game in general, playing as a Druid, cards that are good, cards that are not good? Thank you.
Druid is not in a good spot right now and the best decks are not very cheap, try using the token version.
Is not a good class for a beginner, I will look in hunter class first.
If you're looking to be competitive, right now the leading druid deck is token, which basically runs all of the spells that create minions. It's a very spell heavy deck and can snowball fast.
Just off the front page, you could use this deck as a reference.
Guff is not required, but most of the other cards are good. Plus they are mostly cheap, so being a new player, you won't have to spend a lot of dust to create this.
Good luck!
Welcome to the game! Druid has been my favorite class since beta. Their most common archetypes tend to be either token druid or big druid, with a smattering of OTKs (combo druid) here and there. Token druid archetypes tend to be the most accessible to new players, both in terms of learning curve and crafting cost.
I know you said you play on the go, so this might be tough, but I'd really recommend friending a longtime player who is willing to show you the ropes. They recently introduced deck sharing, which is a great way to try out cards and classes without having to first commit to buying packs or spending dust.
Here is a link to a forum thread for finding HS friends:
Druid as a class is sorta designed to be flexible, so it has a lot of variety as to what it is you CAN do with it. You could go low to the ground, with a strategy that uses a lot of spells and minions that generate yet MORE minions and play really aggressively. Alternatively you could go way higher, playing a slower and more control based strategy where you grind out your opponent with value and swamping them with board after board of humongous minions until they can't deal anymore.
If you wanted to go really crazy you could find one of many OTK decks that exist, where you summon minions that make your cheap spells more damaging and throw them all at your opponent's face.
I've been playing for years but I also recently got into Druid, and it's tons of fun! It has great themes and beautiful artwork. Have fun!
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