I have 1-14 with this deck, started today. I am a multiple legend player, playing for 6 y now, several 12 win arena runs, 11x multiplier etc blabla it doesnt really matter tbh, right?
This deck is not consistent at all and I'm facing counter decks with nut draws non stop.
Even when I managed to get a swingy KT Turn, they just remove it or freeze it (Mage is so much fun to playagainst /sigh).
I feel like I'm getting reeeeaaaally unlucky, every 6th game or so I'm seeing KT or Ysera and I rarely see my ramp, but honestly you have to get so damn lucky consistently to be ranking up fast with deck.
Anyone got similar experiences?
PS: I've never had such a bad loss streak, not even with meme decks.
Is not op, is just disgusting the highroll potential. It feels like doesn't matter any skill, if they highroll you can lose on turn 3 no matter what just because they draw what they need, not funny to play against.
PS: yes, the only worse deck to play against is mage as you said.
I haven't played it because I don't have the right cards. But, I do believe the reasoning for it is the high-roll aspect of it. When your cards line up just right, you're pretty much at an unstoppable advantage. Their ramp potential has never quite this good from what I've seen!
i guess is not the part of being op, is just turn 1guardian animals in your face, or turn 3 kaelthas into SoF is just a bit of a despair situation, yeah, not all druid players have it consistently, but you dont need to be facing the same person 2 or 3 times but face 3 diferent ones whuch happen to have that opener to feel you are playing as a boss from the easy stages of an adventure
Because Kael'Thas is the most broken neutral legendary in HS history, not being capped at once per turn basically means he can cheat 30+ mana easily, its simply not possible to beat a nutty Kael turn, ever.
Cause ppl are dumb and really bad at this simple game
i already said that druid is not op, but, in those cases i mentioned, yeah man, im so bad because i dont have a 2-4 mana answer for an early guardian animals and kaelthas SoF
The deck is overtuned in the sense it's the deck warping the whole meta.
You said you went 1-14. Because everyone has to play something that is able to deal with something as Guardian Animals or Kael as early as turn 4. Everything else gets shafted so extremely hard it's not even funny.
And even then, the highroll is so high that even with the meta hate the deck can win by doing really stupid stuff.
Because Kael'Thas is the most broken neutral legendary in HS history, not being capped at once per turn basically means he can cheat 30+ mana easily, its simply not possible to beat a nutty Kael turn, ever.
This card 100%. Should be capped at once per turn. It still would see play.
Stop playing combo guardian druid relying on nuts draw and play the tempo version that was seen in the first day of the expansion, it's less swingy but way more consistent and who needs swing turns when you have overgrowth/lightning bloom into guardians and mountseller refills.
Also, the fact that you face so much counter decks is literal proof that this deck is meta defining, polarizing and very strong.
Some people have touched on it, but I'd like to reiterate the most important point to be made: although Guardian Animals druid is not OP by conventional standards (it has a mediocre win rate), it is the most meta warping deck. Right now decks live and die by their ability to withstand druid.
Some people have touched on it, but I'd like to reiterate the most important point to be made: although Guardian Animals druid is not OP by conventional standards (it has a mediocre win rate), it is the most meta warping deck. Right now decks live and die by their ability to withstand druid.
Perhaps, but what comes after? It seems to me after every expansion, there's one deck that "sets the pace." If you get rid of Kael Druid (of whatever type: several different versions exist), what takes its place? And who's to say that makes things any better? The fact that no one is asking that question around here is part of my problem: people are demanding a nerf without a) identifying the likely problem (probably Kael); and b) thinking about how the meta will shake out after the nerf. It seems to me that's what Blizzard needs to figure out: get their playtesters to nerf Druid and see what deck becomes dominant. Because sure as $%#@, something will.
Some people have touched on it, but I'd like to reiterate the most important point to be made: although Guardian Animals druid is not OP by conventional standards (it has a mediocre win rate), it is the most meta warping deck. Right now decks live and die by their ability to withstand druid.
Yes and no, because pure pally is also meta defining. They both get countered by the same things though, silence and removal. Druid is much more swingy but inconsistent while pally is consistently strong, just not play 10 cost cards for free and then draw five cards strong. However, a deck will die if it can’t deal with guardian animals or buffed pally minions.
I have 1-14 with this deck, started today. I am a multiple legend player, playing for 6 y now, several 12 win arena runs, 11x multiplier etc blabla it doesnt really matter tbh, right?
This deck is not consistent at all and I'm facing counter decks with nut draws non stop.
Even when I managed to get a swingy KT Turn, they just remove it or freeze it (Mage is so much fun to playagainst /sigh).
I feel like I'm getting reeeeaaaally unlucky, every 6th game or so I'm seeing KT or Ysera and I rarely see my ramp, but honestly you have to get so damn lucky consistently to be ranking up fast with deck.
Anyone got similar experiences?
PS: I've never had such a bad loss streak, not even with meme decks.
Hey. =)
Is not op, is just disgusting the highroll potential. It feels like doesn't matter any skill, if they highroll you can lose on turn 3 no matter what just because they draw what they need, not funny to play against.
PS: yes, the only worse deck to play against is mage as you said.
I haven't played it because I don't have the right cards. But, I do believe the reasoning for it is the high-roll aspect of it. When your cards line up just right, you're pretty much at an unstoppable advantage. Their ramp potential has never quite this good from what I've seen!
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i guess is not the part of being op, is just turn 1guardian animals in your face, or turn 3 kaelthas into SoF is just a bit of a despair situation, yeah, not all druid players have it consistently, but you dont need to be facing the same person 2 or 3 times but face 3 diferent ones whuch happen to have that opener to feel you are playing as a boss from the easy stages of an adventure
It's not OP at all, it's very inconsistent. Most decent control decks counter it.
You're facing counter decks non stop b/c Animals Druid is too good.
It's certainly not an un-counterable deck, but it has forced the metagame into an incredibly fast place in order to beat it.
Also fast aggro decks, except when you draw the nuts ofc.
Priest also counters it easily.
Hey. =)
Use a card that cost 7 with high impact in turn 3 is not fun
Because Kael'Thas is the most broken neutral legendary in HS history, not being capped at once per turn basically means he can cheat 30+ mana easily, its simply not possible to beat a nutty Kael turn, ever.
Cause ppl are dumb and really bad at this simple game
i already said that druid is not op, but, in those cases i mentioned, yeah man, im so bad because i dont have a 2-4 mana answer for an early guardian animals and kaelthas SoF
The deck is overtuned in the sense it's the deck warping the whole meta.
You said you went 1-14. Because everyone has to play something that is able to deal with something as Guardian Animals or Kael as early as turn 4. Everything else gets shafted so extremely hard it's not even funny.
And even then, the highroll is so high that even with the meta hate the deck can win by doing really stupid stuff.
the win rate is fine but when you know your lost on turn 3 50% of the time becouse of insane drew means its should not be ingame
This card 100%. Should be capped at once per turn. It still would see play.
It’s fun when DH uses this and increases their weapon to 30 attack...
Stop playing combo guardian druid relying on nuts draw and play the tempo version that was seen in the first day of the expansion, it's less swingy but way more consistent and who needs swing turns when you have overgrowth/lightning bloom into guardians and mountseller refills.
Also, the fact that you face so much counter decks is literal proof that this deck is meta defining, polarizing and very strong.
Some people have touched on it, but I'd like to reiterate the most important point to be made: although Guardian Animals druid is not OP by conventional standards (it has a mediocre win rate), it is the most meta warping deck. Right now decks live and die by their ability to withstand druid.
Perhaps, but what comes after? It seems to me after every expansion, there's one deck that "sets the pace." If you get rid of Kael Druid (of whatever type: several different versions exist), what takes its place? And who's to say that makes things any better? The fact that no one is asking that question around here is part of my problem: people are demanding a nerf without a) identifying the likely problem (probably Kael); and b) thinking about how the meta will shake out after the nerf. It seems to me that's what Blizzard needs to figure out: get their playtesters to nerf Druid and see what deck becomes dominant. Because sure as $%#@, something will.
Yes and no, because pure pally is also meta defining. They both get countered by the same things though, silence and removal. Druid is much more swingy but inconsistent while pally is consistently strong, just not play 10 cost cards for free and then draw five cards strong. However, a deck will die if it can’t deal with guardian animals or buffed pally minions.
Turn 3 40 manas spells, if this BS is not broken nothing in this game history ever was.
Broken is turn 5 kill with pirate warrior.
Broken is 35 damage from hand when you play vs Raza Priest.
Broken is 5 secrets draw and played with a 6 manas 6/6.
This druid deck is beyond broken, it is disgunting OP, out of the charts insane and need to be massively overnerfed until nothing else remains.